Wednesday, December 31, 2008

Word for the Day for Wednesday, December 31, 2008

The Word for Today is Adaptability.

First, I discussed flexibility (where the inflexible want you to adapt to them). Then, seven weeks later,I went into Chameleons and Ninjas.

What now? I'll give you one guess! Yup, the web. Hmmm... "the ability to change (or be changed) to fit changed circumstances". That sounds good to me.

Be flexible and have a great New Year!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Words for the Day for Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The two Words for Today are Agility and Grace.

We actually put out some effort the first time through, even relating the two word to each other. Second time through was interesting, from the point of view that we were so absorbed with Grace that we completely ignored Agility!

We can't do that. Really. So let's see what the web says about Agility. I especially like how Wikipedia defines it: "Agility is the ability to change the body's position, and requires a combination of balance, coordination, speed, reflexes, strength, endurance and stamina".

Be agile and graceful.

Monday, December 29, 2008

Word for the Day for Monday, December 29, 2008

The Word for Today is Acceleration.

First, it was "speed up and slow down". Next, we went deeper with a Triple Artisan transit. (Today is Warrior block, Artisan row and Artisan day or casting).

Today, I see what the web thinks. One surprised me a bit: "an increase in rate of change". Change? Not speed, such as acceleration of a car? Wow! Or, how about, "Academic acceleration is the advancement of students in subjects at a rate that places them ahead of where they would be in normal school curriculum"?

That same web link even points out to me that there's a Norwegian metal band called, "Acceleration".

Happy Acceleration, folks!

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Words for the Day for Sunday, December 28, 2008

The Two Words for Today are Patience and Tolerance.

Once again, this is the third time. First time, I began the definitions, and second time, continued them, though both times, these were my own definitions.

This time, let's get some help, first for Patience, and then Tolerance.

Patience? "good-natured tolerance of delay or incompetence". I like how the first word leads to the second one!

Tolerance? "permissiveness: a disposition to allow freedom of choice and behavior". I like this definition because it distinguishes Tolerance from Acceptance.

Once more, what do you think?

Weekly Theme for the Week of December 28, 2008 to January 3, 2009

The Theme for this Week is Husbandry.

This word is usually thought of, in regards to farming. In fact, it has a lot in common with last week's theme of cultivation. The web gives us some examples, such as Animal husbandry, "breeding and raising livestock".

So what does this mean in our lives? What indeed?

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Word for the Day for Saturday, December 27, 2008

The Word for Today is Acknowledgment.

Fourteen weeks ago, I shared a dream. Then, seven weeks later, I left it at acknowledging everything around me.

Let's actually take a look at the word today. Recognition, of course. "Formal Declaration" (before a Notary Republic), to establish authenticity, is another definition.

Once again, let's acknowledge those who assist us in our accomplishments.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Word for the Day for Friday, December 26, 2008

The Word for Today is Kindness.

The first time through simply had Kindness "speaking for itself". Second time, I went into more detail, such as how active Kindness can be.

The web helps by adding more definitions, such as Warmhearted, Considerate, Humane, and Sympathetic. Forgiveness is also suggested as a type of Kindness.

However Kindness is defined, the world needs a lot of it right now.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Word for the Day for Thursday, December 25, 2008

The Word for Today is Encouragement.

First off, Merry Christmas! Fourteen weeks ago, I did nothing but offer encouragement. Seven weeks later, I found some web definitions, including approval/support and hope/support.

Continuing in this vein, I'll go for the more bizarre definitions, such as "incitement to action or to practice" and "appropriate curriculum modifications, changes, and innovations in programs". Say, what?

I'll close like I did 14 weeks ago: I encourage you!

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Word for the Day for Wednesday, December 24, 2008

The Word for Today is Thoughtfulness.

First off, it would probably be more thoughtful for me to submit these daily words earlier in the day.

Fourteen weeks ago, I discussed how much better a world we could live in if more people were thoughtful. Then, seven weeks later was the day after our Presidential election.

The Web gives us some good definitions, such as Contemplation, Consideration, and "the trait of thinking carefully before acting". Good enough for me!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Word for the Day for Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The Word for Today is Support.

First, I ask a question. Then come answers, such as support groups and foundations.

The web also has foundations and groups in its definitions.

Do you feel support?

Monday, December 22, 2008

Word for the Day for Monday, December 22, 2008

The Word for Today is Comfort.

First time through, I discussed my own views on the word, including the importance to me of having a "base of operations". Then, seven weeks later, I discuss my own lack of a "base of operations"!

This time, let's look at the web: "a state of being relaxed and feeling no pain". Hmmm... I've been relaxed, had pain, yet, because I was not paying attention to the pain, considered myself to be in comfort. "a feeling of freedom from worry or disappointment". My take on this one is that, since worry doesn't help me at all, and since I avoid disappointment by being calm, relaxed and neutral, then this version of Comfort is achievable at all times.

What's your take on comfort?

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Word for the Day for Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Word for Today is Nourishment.

We began this word, first time around, with a bang, Transactional Analysis style. (Yes, conversational Nourishment). On my second try, I suggested Intellectual Nourishment.

What next? Just a reminder that we all need our food, whether physical, emotional, mental or spiritual.

Weekly Theme for Week of December 21-27, 2008

The Theme for this Week is Cultivation.

The web has quite a bit to say about this, for instance, "socialization through training and education to develop one's mind or manners".

You can also plant seeds in your garden, to make pretty flowers.

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Word for the Day for Saturday, December 20, 2008

The Word for Today is Prosperity.

Fourteen weeks ago, I discussed type of prosperity, and seven weeks ago, went to the web, noting, among other things, a Scientology-run magazine called "Prosperity".

Today, I want to go back to the concept of Spiritual Prosperity. What does that mean to you?

Friday, December 19, 2008

Word for the Day for Friday, December 19, 2008

The Word for Today is Liberation.

First was the lack, thereof. Then, I complained about web definitions without bothering to give a link!

Well, here are those web definitions that I can now more intelligently complain about, the main complaint being circular definitions (using the word Liberate in the definition).

However, they aren't all bad: "the attempt to achieve equal rights or status", or a less favorable (but, unfortunately, popular with today's corporations), "dismissal: the termination of someone's employment (leaving them free to depart)".

How do I interpret this word? How about Spiritual liberation?

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Word for the Day for Thursday, December 18, 2008

The Word for Today is Wisdom.

First, I discussed life experience. Then, I went over what can happen due to lack of Wisdom.

The web has a few suggestions, including accumulated knowledge or erudition or enlightenment.

As I suggested last time, learn new things! Simple as that.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Word for the Day for Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The Word for Today is Impartiality.

When we first encountered this word, I described how difficult it is to be impartial. Second time through was more about judgment and filters.

Now the web has a lot to say about this word, for example, "an inclination to weigh both views or opinions equally".

As always, I welcome comments.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Word for the Day for Tuesday, December 16, 2008

The Word for Today is Consequence.

First time through, it was about the game show, "Truth or Consequences". Second time, I threw my hands up in the air and asked for help.

I'll try to do better this time, beginning with the web. This idea, of course, is that Consequence is the "effect" part of "Cause and Effect". Karma comes to mind, since people often think of Consequence(s) as a "negative" occurrence. Another insight from the "web link" is, "the Outcome of an Event, especially as it pertains to an individual".

Monday, December 15, 2008

Word for the Day for Monday, December 15, 2008

The Word for Today is Elimination.

First was the human body, then, a process (of elimination).

Perhaps now, I can look closer at the web definitions, seeing phrases like "expelling or throwing off", or words like "extinguishment" and "withdrawal".

Once again, "Goal of Discrimination" comes to mind, but more for things already in our lives.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Word for the Day for Sunday, December 14, 2008

The Word for today is Self-Reliance.

First come the bootstraps, then some, brass tacks to chew on.

Can the web help me to define this?

Let's see -- Yes!!!

Today's word is even an essay, written by Ralph Waldo Emerson.

Weekly Theme for the Week of December 14-20, 2008

The Theme for This Week is Choice.

How choosy are you? Do you take what comes first? Finally accept what is left over after everybody else has taken all but? Somewhere in between?

One of the Michael Goals is Discrimination. Ponder that.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Word for the Day for Saturday, December 13, 2008

The Word for Today is Expansion.

First time, I compared "expansion around the middle" to Spiritual expansion. (Which would you prefer?)

Second time, I discussed breathing: Expand, contract, expand, contract, repeat.

Where do I go today, the web? Lots of choices there, the main ones using "increasing" with lots of possibilities as to what to increase.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Words for the Day for Friday, December 12, 2008

The Words for Today are Trust and Faith.

My best definition came 14 weeks ago. I especially wish to stress that Trust must be earned.

Then, 7 weeks ago, I went to the web, getting a good definition for Faith, "Complete confidence in a person or plan". (The web definition for Trust included the word, Faith).

Today, I throw it out to the public: Who do you trust? Who trusts you? Who do you have faith in? Do you have faith in yourself?

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Word for the Day for Thursday, December 11, 2008

The Word for Today is Gratitude.

This is almost an easy one for me, because I have gratitude to pretty much everything and everybody, who allows me to continue to exist, live, and ask these questions that I so often do.

So be it. Thank you all.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Word for the Day for Wednesday, December 10, 2008

The Word for Today is Equality.

Again, this makes three times. First, I came up with "Equal Diversity". Next up, I beat around the bush, discussing anything but Equality.

Let's look at the web definitions. After eliminating the circular ones (ones with "Equal" in them), we get things like, "same in quantity or measure or value or status", or "measure of how similar people are to one another". I'll leave it to that, suggesting that, if we are mostly similar, why do we need to treat each other so badly?

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Word for the Day for Tuesday, December 9, 2008

The Word for Today is Prudence.

Fourteen weeks ago, I honestly took on this word, suggesting thinking about it before speaking (as well as suggesting that it "isn't for wimps"). However, seven weeks ago, I literally threw my hands up in the air, after looking at the Google definitions.

Let's take another look at those Google definitions. (Hmmm... Why did I throw my hands up last time. This isn't so bad). The main words I see in these definitions (besides the circular use of "Prudent") are Discretion and Wisdom.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Word for the Day for Monday, December 8, 2008

The Word for Today is Innocence.

First time through, I caught on something I've been discussing with some close friends, "Instinctive Center" [or Subconscious] cleanup. When taking an action like this, things often come up that require self-forgiveness (see yesterday). However, when I can simply relax and, simply "be myself", that leads to a child-like feeling of innocence.

I knew this would come up, but the second time through, I did my current task of "taking the word apart", coming up with less complimentary definitions.

So what am I to do third time around except to look elsewhere on the web? The word is actually used in many different contexts, such as movie and music titles. But I'm partial to a surprising "definition" in, what turns out to be a 7th grade quiz. Find the right one! :-)

Word for the Day for Sunday, December 7, 2008

The (belated) Word for (the day before) Today is (was) Forgiveness.

Like, for example, will I forgive myself for being behind a day in these words? :-)

First time through, I "went Biblical", and second time, I stressed how easy it is for us to make mistakes.

When I went to the web, I was a bit discouraged to find a lot of circular definitions (i.e. "...willingness to forgive"). However, Wikipedia has some good, in-depth things to say.

Weekly Themes for Week of December 7-13, 2008

The Themes for this Week are Transition and Transformation.

For two weeks in a row, we have two words, one that appears to be Ordinal and the other that appears to be Cardinal. Also, both weeks, it has to do with change.

Last week, it was about change "dropping down from above" (Precipitation), or occurring via direct action (Initiation). This week, the same idea. Transitions occur all the time, whether anybody likes them or not. However, Transformation, in my opinion, generally requires some action on the part of the one who is transformed (quite frequently spiritual growth).

As always, I welcome comments and questions.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Word for the Day for Saturday, December 6, 2008

The Word for Today is Authenticity.

We took this word on a couple of times before. First, how well my life has been since I've been able to relax and just be myself. I went all out the second time, including discussing other ways that I express myself on the Internet.

This time, I ask the web for help, getting lots of it, it seems. Take your pick!

Friday, December 5, 2008

Word for the Day for Friday, December 5, 2008

The Word for Today is Interpretation.

This makes three times: First, then Second, and then what do I say today?

The last two times, I missed one, obvious meaning: The job of being a language interpreter, one that seems to be quite important these days.

What do you think of?

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Word for the Day for Thursday, December 4, 2008

The Word for Today is Socialization.

Unlike yesterday's word, I did a bit more work on this one, however, more seven weeks ago than fourteen. (I like the August 28th one better, however, because we are social animals, and I most certainly find the Michael community friendly).

Rest on my Laurals? Never! (Well, hardly ever, tee hee!) What I found, however, is that, last October, I might have made this Google Search on Socialization (but not provided the link -- how rude of me...) Because a number of those definitions are not complimentary. Others are, however, such as "...learn to behave willingly..." and "learning to interact well with others".

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Word for the Day for Wednesday, December 3, 2008

The Word for Today is Concentration.

Fourteen weeks ago, I discussed my favorite game show as a kid, which combined concentration with memory. (Then, seven weeks ago, I had very little to add).

Anybody seeing a pattern here? This time, Google had a lot of good things to say about Concentration; even some less flattering phrases that included our word (like let's keep away from those Camps, folks!)

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Word for the Day for Tuesday, December 2, 2008

The Word for Today is Acceptability.

First, it was about self-acceptance (quite important, by the way). The second time through was a comment on the Bush misuse of the word.

The online dictionaries equate it with approval.

Do you consider yourself acceptable?

Monday, December 1, 2008

Word for the Day for Monday, December 1, 2008

The Word for Today is Generosity.

First, the links for seven weeks and fourteen weeks ago.

What in the world can I add to this, except to say that Wikipedia describes it as a habit (of giving without coercion). This is quite a comprehensive article, by the way.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Word for the Day for Sunday, November 30, 2008

The word for today is sharing.

The first time around was short and sweet. (Share your gifts).

The second time around, I felt a need to explain the cyclical nature of time.

But why explain? Just go out and share!

Weekly Themes for week of November 30 to December 6, 2008

The themes for this week are both Precipitation and Initiation.

Precipitation is that "trickle down" that the Republicans love so much. Salt the top and some of that salt just might make it down to the bottom. I think I've heard it also as, "Let's set the wheels in motion".

Initiation, on the other hand, can occur easily with a single person. You initiate yourselves out of bed each day, and initiate all of the tasks that will get you through the day, such as eating breakfast, catching the bus, and getting to work at the office.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Words for the Day for Saturday, November 29, 2008

The Words for today are Overview and Perspective.

Once again, I have two prior occurrences for these words: First, 98 days ago and, second, 49 days ago.

Let's see what I can say different. Google doesn't like defining Overview. I had to trick it a bit, but found another site for definitions. Besides what I'd come up with myself (Executive Summary), we see an obsolete definition used by Shakespeare, "an Inspection or Overlooking".

Now Perspective is a bit easier, since Google doesn't mind defining it. Actually, Wikipedia did a pretty good job, regarding visual perspective. They call "Optical Illusions" "Forced Perspective", for example. Let's see what they say about M.C. Escher? Talk about unusual perspectives! (By the way, (see prior paragraph) did a pretty good job with Perspective also).

Friday, November 28, 2008

Word for the Day for Friday, November 28, 2008

The Word for Today is Reflection.

Goodness gracious me, but I'm now going to have to work even harder on these words. Because "the last time around", seven weeks ago, also has its own "prior version of this word", which occurred even seven weeks before that.

But am I going to let myself rest on these "double-laurels"? Absolutely not!

At the very least, I'm going to check out some of the web definitions for Reflection. Two I like are Contemplation and Observation. (So the Neutral Michael Mode can now be called "Reflection Mode"?)

Finally, another distinct meaning for Reflection is the obvious one that occurs with a mirror.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Word for the Day for Thursday, November 27, 2008

The Word for Today is Study.

Last time, I suggested discrimination in what you study.

This time, I note that Wordnet has lots to say on this subject, including pointing out that it is valid as both a noun (i.e. field of Study, or a room for Study) and a verb (i.e. to Study).

Once again, what do you think?

Word for the Day for Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The Word for Yesterday was Absorption.

This fits the Michael neutral spot, Assimilation, as Wordnet points out multiple times.

I still haven't figured this one out, one reason I procrastinated it to death.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Word for the day for Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Word for Today is Review.

I think I did well last time. But always onward.

On the web, Wordnet has some ideas on this word, including (as a verb), critique or reexamine, or (as a noun), inspection or followup.

It is always important to review.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Word for the Day for Monday, November 24, 2008

The Word for Today is Experimentation.

The simplest phrase I can think of for this word is, "to try it out", where "it" is what you are attempting to figure out. Now last time I encountered this word, I got personal. This time, I take a look at what Wikipedia says about this. In particular, they have a variation of what I put above, "to try out", leaving the word, "it," out of the picture.

Where I take issue with this article is where they attempt to define a valid verses invalid experiment. (See how they belittle "field experiments", for example). The issue appears to be whether an experiment produces "concrete results". (What is a concrete result?) When experimenting with your own consciousness (which I do all the time, as I describe elsewhere), it is hard to come up with a result that another person would be able to perceive, let alone accept.

This should not stop your consciousness experiments (for example, dream recall with a Journal).

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Word for the Day for Sunday, November 23, 2008

The Word for Today is Recognition.

I actually went somewhere with this word last time through.

What I'd like to bring up today is a special type of recognition called Deja Vu, where you recognize something you might not expect to recognize. For me, it was Seattle, back in 1983. This recognition then told me that, in a prominent Parallel reality, I'd visited as a child during the 1962 Seattle Worlds Fair.

What kinds of unusual recognitions do you have?

Weekly Theme for week of November 23-29, 2008

The Theme for this Week is Discovery.

The web doesn't help much with this word, as many of the definitions include the word itself (i.e. "the art of discovering something").

The problem these days is that people often lead lives regimented by the television, which shows "same old, same old".

One place for new discoveries is consciousness itself. For example, learn to recall your dreams (suggestion: journal right by your bed) and see what they can teach you.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Word for the Day for Saturday, November 22, 2008

The Word for Today is Resolve.

Last time, I went for positive and negative uses of this word.

This time, I resolve to honor WordNet for how useful they have been with so many of my recent words.

Like, for instance, my ability to reach a conclusion in this post.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Word for the Day for Friday, November 21, 2008

The Word for Today is Courage.

Actually, I think I did a pretty good job last time, hitting the movies. But I always strive to improve.

I like what Yahoo Answers said, regarding standing up for yourself. When you do, you will even find, sometimes, that the "boogyman adversary" had nothing more than smoke and bluster and wouldn't have been able to hurt you anyway. For instance, a person who I believe wanted to mug me socked me hard in my right upper arm. I stood there calmly, telling him that his behavior is unacceptable. It turned out that one of the witnesses was an undercover cop, which made the experience "delicious". The cop asked me if I wanted to press charges. I declined, but asked if the police officer could help prevent the person from repeating his behavior. He said, "My pleasure. Come this way, please [to the perp]". I found out, later, that he was on drugs and had warrants out for his arrest. But my calm demeaner kept the incident from escalating.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Words for the Day for Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Words for today are Strength and Empowerment.

I just scratched the surface last time through. Let's go deeper tonight.

So how do you define Strength without using the word "strong"? Durability? Resolve? Mind over matter? Now let's take on "Empowerment". Assertion of personal power. (Yes, Power is in Empowerment). This time, I'm using Google language links, but not providing them to you, because I want you to come out and say what these words mean to you.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Word for the Day for Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Word for Today is Competence.

Who is competent these days? As before, perhaps not me, at least in submitting these "words" on time. Oh well. I have another chance coming on Wednesday, January 7, 2009. (Figure it out...)

Anybody remember a 1968 book titled, "The Peter Principal"? That the reason our corporations are run so badly is that nobody in their core group is in a position of competence? (There may be some exceptions -- where people demanded a demotion back to competence, and made it stick. These were covered in the book, if I remember correctly, along with how much pressure was against them doing so).

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Word for the Day for Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Word for Today is Endurance.

Last time around, we were in the midst of a "complete financial meltdown". I guess you could say we were enduring it!

The funny thing: We gave them $700 Billion to buy up "toxic home loans", but it seems that our Treasury Secretary, Henry Paulson diverted this to direct stock purchases of certain banks, who then turned around and gave Stock dividends, gave bonuses to top executives and started in to purchase other banks. Oh well -- easy come, easy go??? (And, it seems, about time for another post in my political BLOG).

Back to endurance, WordNet throws survival in with it.

Word for the Day for Monday, November 17, 2008

A "little birdy" told me that I missed a day. How careless of me!

The word for "today" [really yesterday] is [was] Fertility.

A "while ago", we also encountered this word, where I took into account the literal and the virtual (fertility of ideas).

When I go to the web for help, I get more about physical fertility (fecundity, anyone?), or how the soil can be fertile for seeds (which even includes a "negative pole" word, rankness).

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Word for the Day for Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Word for Today is Stability.

The last time around, I defined this purely by its absence in our country.

What does it mean to be stable? Good job, owning a home and a good marriage? (Well, one out of three [job] is not bad, I guess).

One of the Michael attributes is "the Nine Needs". One of those needs is Security. I guess somebody with that need might be looking for Stability. (However, my biggest need is Adventure, which doesn't care about it quite so much).

Weekly Theme for November 16-22, 2008

The Theme for this Week is Location.

Be honest: Do you really know where you are? Emotionally? Intellectually? Spiritually?

Location is quite important. Even physical location!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Word for the Day for Saturday, November 15, 2008

The Word for Today is Release.

Seven weeks ago, I equated Release with letting go. There are, of course, many definitions, including releasing a latch, releasing a prisoner, and even releasing a stream of profanities! :-)

I'll leave it to you which definition you prefer.

Word for the Day for Friday, November 14, 2008

The Word for Today is Aspiration.

I almost didn't even deal with this word last time. Let's see: Ambition. A dream to follow. And then, there are the medical definitions! :-)

I aspire to get these words for the day out on time!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Word for the Day for Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Word for Today is Contrast.

I used Politics to make my point last time around. But that is not the only place where you see contrasts in the world, of course.

Look for your own contrasts today.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Word for the Day for Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Word for Today is Adaptability.

Last time, I took in the basics of this word. Let's delve a bit deeper this time.

The ultimate in adapting is a lizard called the Chameleon, who can even look like his/her surroundings. From the linked story, that is only the beginning of their adaptability.

I've been reading and hearing about a human form of Chameleon called the Ninja. (Note: The linked article may not be the best, but it was one of the funnier ones). I've met a few of these people. Even sat down and talked for a while. Really quite gentle people who will do everything in their power to avoid harming a bystander, even if it requires them getting hurt themselves.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Word for the Day for Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Once again, there are two Words today, Agility and Grace.

49 days ago, I put the two words together (seeing Agility defined with Graceful).

There are, at least, other meanings for Grace, including some that some religious sects argue about: "Grace or Works? Works or Grace? Both?" (Note about this link: I haven't read all the way through, so my regrets if it gets too weird!)

Once again, I welcome your comments.

Word for the Day for Monday, November 10, 2008

The Word for Today is Acceleration.

Last time, I took a surface look at the word. This time, it got quite profound, as I contended with a Triple Artisan transit.

In fact, it has a bit to do with the fact that the weekly theme, Sunday and Monday (this one) are behind. However, I do not excuse myself in the slightest!

So my "life acceleration" yesterday? Zero to 1000 MPH in about a minute or so? Like they say in the car commercials: "Closed track and professional drivers. Do not attempt".

Word for the Day for Sunday, November 9, 2008

The Word for Today is actually two of them: Patience and Tolerance.

Once again, this is not my first time down this path. Last time, I began the definitions. Let's continue this time.

I began with Patience, based on its absence. Today, I wish to state how fantastic my life has been, due to the fact that I developed Patience early in my life and kept it. Since I can be "naturally speedy", patience is a great way to compensate, deliberately slowing down for the other person I am with.

Last time, I mentioned how Tolerance is often mistaken for Acceptance. But it is a step in the direction of Acceptance. If you can honestly tolerate people who are completely different than you are, that lowers the friction that otherwise occurs.

To be continued in seven weeks.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Weekly Theme for the week of November 9-13, 2008

The Weekly theme is both Composition and Imagination.

It is important that we nurture these traits, especially in children.

When people think of Composition, they often think of the hard parts, such as a "composer" creating a Symphony or an Opera. However, we are always composing the details of what we wish to accomplish in the day ahead in our life, as well as composing our side of a conversation with a fellow human being. One way to make this form of composition more real is to keep a Journal or a Diary. This has fed the biggest breakthroughs in my life.

Imagination is even more fun, as we use it all the time. Unfortunately, it is sometimes used in a way that is less than useful, such as imagining the worst things that could go wrong in our lives. Now I have learned, quite the hard way, that that does not work well! One easy way to tie into Imagination is to follow your Intuition when it shows up. I've learned the hard way what happens when I ignore my intuition: My life stops working! Simple as that! And then it starts back in when I reconnect to my Intuition!

Have a great week!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Word for the Day for Saturday, November 8, 2008

The Word for Today is Acknowledgment.

Last time around, I shared a dream. It is apropos because it includes a link to another, political BLOG of mine that just got an update.

Right now, I wish to acknowledge everything the world has given me so far this life. Thank you.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Word for the Day for Friday, November 7, 2008

The Word for Today is Kindness.

This word is often treated as an abstract concept, but I beg to differ, as it can be quite active, as in a kind act.

For example, how much of yourself are you willing to put forth, in an act of kindness? I can obviously not answer for anybody else, but, in the Michael tradition, I spent a significant portion of my earlier life struggling with an Obstacle [also called Chief Feature] called "Self Destruction". (Yes, it is a very good one to overcome). But, overcoming an Obstacle still leaves the Positive Pole of it, which, in the case of Self Destruction is Sacrifice, in my case, being willing and able to sacrifice a body to save another person. (Fortunately, people are rarely asked to go this far. But how about sacrificing some of your sleep if you hear a car accident right outside your house?)

Once again, I invite discussion.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Word for the Day for Thursday, November 6, 2008

The Word for Today is Encouragement.

I must have been in a hurry last time, for this is actually an important concept.

I asked for some help with this, getting three definitions for Encouragement, one of them circular ("The feeling of being encouraged"). However, I firmly believe that we can all not only use approval and support at times, but also hope and support.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Word for the Day for Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Word for Today is Thoughtfulness.

Seven weeks ago, we discussed how thoughtfulness could enable people to get along with each other better. Last night, the United States elected a good example of this: Barack Obama has demonstrated this throughout his presidential campaign, as well as for years before.

Be thoughtful today!

Word for the Day for Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Word for Today is Support.

The Michael teachings discuss "Support Groups", where we find (sometimes out of the woodwork) people unexpectedly offering their support, as well as (also sometimes unexpectedly) find opportunities to support other people, perhaps ones we did not know previously.

Think foundation: You need a good foundation to support anything, for example, a house. Are you building good foundations in your life?

Anyway, I am almost caught up!

Word for the Day for Monday, November 3, 2008

The Word for Today is Comfort.

Last time around, we were pretty comprehensive with how I usually think of this word.

My issue today (yes, Wednesday, November 5th, two days late) is that I am lacking a comfortable "base of operations", using coffee houses with "WiFi" to do my Internet, and going an entire day (yesterday) without it. Sorry, did not feel comfortable to me. :-)

Friday, October 31, 2008

Word for the Day for Sunday, November 2, 2008

The Word for Today is Nourishment.

As you probably have guessed, we did this before, and discussed Transactional Analysis. (I still recommend those books).

Back to the web for help. Hmmm... Intellectual Nourishment? I'm for that. Keep your mind active and it will serve you well.

Once again, I welcome comments.

Weekly Theme for week of November 2-8, 2008

The Theme for this Week is Balance.

We always need balance in our lives. I've had to work overtime to balance daily life with my dream state. (I'm sure I'm not the only one with this problem).

There are lots of balancing acts, such as family and career, television and reading, Internet and practically anything else. :-)

One special note: This is the first week of a new block of 7 weeks, with the theme of Artisan. (In the Michael tradition, this is known as the Artisan block. The first week is the Server week).

Note: I'm in a strange place, in more ways than one. It may take me a while to catch up with clock time.

Word for the Day for Saturday, November 1, 2008

The Word for Today is Prosperity.

Forty nine days ago, we discussed spiritual verses financial prosperity. Where in the world can we go from there?

All right. I went to the web to see what's there. Wealth connected with Welfare? We better not tell the Republicans about that!

Wow! It says there is a Prosperity Magazine that is run by the Scientologists. Now why am I disturbed by that? How rude of me.

What do you think of when you think of Prosperity?

Word for the Day for Friday, October 31, 2008

The Word for Today is Liberation.

Seven weeks ago, we discussed prisons, both physical and virtual.

Let's not put ourself into boxes! We have too many of those anyway! But web definitions aren't much better than my past one.

What does Liberation meen to you? I feel freedom all over me!

Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Word for the Day for Thursday, October 30, 2008

The Word for Today is Wisdom.

Last time through, we discussed Life Experience.

Wisdom is often seen in its absense, including situations in which mistakes caused problems. World leaders have had their share of the problems.

To become wise, learn new things. Sounds over simple, but we often miss opportunities.

I say, go for it.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Word for the day for Wednesday, October 29, 2008

The Word for Today is Impartiality.

Last time through, we talked about opinions. This time, I'd like to take on Judgement.

We all have filters. Our Instinctive Center makes sure of this. The problem is when one person is compared to another. Different life stories. Apples to oranges.

Calm, relaxed and neutral has taken me to wonderful places.

Have fun. And silly of me to not get it in before midnight.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Word for the Day for Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Word for Today is Consequence.

Last time around, we used a Game Show for our definition.

But now, I'm dithering between logical consequence and Consequentialism.

Can anybody help me here?

Thank you very much!

Monday, October 27, 2008

The Word for the Day for Monday, October 27, 2008

The Word for Today is Elimination.

Seven weeks ago, we even dealt with bodily functions!

Besides this rather obvious example, as well as removal of waste in general, it's hard to improve on my prior example. It's interesting that the web definitions often are presented in medical terms. (Hmmm... "Process of elimination"...)

Remember, folks. You can speak also, whether through BLOG comments, or on the Google list.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Word for the Day for Sunday, October 26, 2008

The Word for Today is a hyphenated one, Self-Reliance.

Last time around, I brought out the Bootstraps.

This time, I'll just mention that I travel light. I like to be as "self contained" as possible when traveling, using, for example, only carry-on baggage.

Remember, when it gets down to brass tacks, the only person with you might just be you. So what can you do by yourself?

(I'm used to this. Some family members are not).

Weekly Theme for the week of Sunday, October 26 to Saturday, November 1, 2008

The Theme for this week is Conservation.

This one comes across to me almost like a "no-brainer". But, since we do have brains, let's continue. :-)

What does it mean to conserve? Come on, folks? Is it really that hard?

Lots of things that we routinely throw away could be used more than once. You should see my apartment! I've got stacks of to-go cups from Espresso joints here in Seattle. I use them over and over, throwing them away only when they start getting raunchy.

It's possible to go overboard, but every little bit helps.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

The Word for the Day for Saturday, October 25, 2008

The Word for Today is Expansion.

Last time, we even dealt with non-complimentary meanings of Expansion, such as around the middle. (But, of course, going back to spiritual expansion).

One caveat I'll mention here is the issue of too much expansion. I look at it like breathing. You breathe in air and then let it out. Feels good, right? Expand, contract. Expand, contract. The problem is the analogy of the balloon. Expand it too much and? ... and? ... and?

Comments and discussion always welcome.

Ken Parker in Seattle, Washington.

Friday, October 24, 2008

The Word for the Day for Friday, October 24, 2008

The Word for today is ... [drum roll] ... Two of them! Trust and Faith.

The funny thing about this one is that, 49 days ago, I did a fairly thorough job of defining these words. How in the world am I going to follow that act?

The first web definition for Trust was, "have confidence or faith in", which ties our second word in. Another definition I like of trust is, "allow without fear".

There is also a web definition for Faith: "complete confidence in a person or plan". Confidence seems to be part of both of these words.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Word for the Day for Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Word for Today is Gratitude.

Seven weeks ago, I thought of the United States day of Thanksgiving.

You don't need a national holiday to thank somebody. Even a little thank you for something that helped you, even if it was a "little thing". If it weren't for these little things, the world would likely stop.

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The Word for the Day for Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The Word for Today is Equality.

Last time around, we went all over the place to find some common ground on this word.

One change I've made from the link above is that Comments will appear immediately, but, of course, can be hidden or removed by me if they are abusive, grossly off topic, or SPAM.

So there is more equality on this BLOG.

And did you know that there is also an email list associated with this BLOG? Anyone can become a member if they join Google [for free]. And I've just decreed that this list can be a discussion list as well. More equality than I can handle? I guess I'll find out!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Word for the Day for Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The Word for Today is Prudence.

Seven weeks ago today, I took on this word. Then, I stressed the variation about "Think before you speak/type".

Today, I'm going so deep into this word, that I'm getting lost!

I'm so lost, in fact, that I'm throwing my hands up into the air and asking you, the readers, for help! What do you think of when you think of the word, "Prudence"?

Thank you and best regards,

Ken Parker in Seattle, Washington

Monday, October 20, 2008

The Word for the Day for Monday, October 20, 2008

The Word for Today is Innocence.

We earlier took the word apart pretty thoroughly. It's hard to build on that, but I'll try anyway.

Unfortunately, when I look at the web, the multiple definitions start to look less complimentary. (Like, in Wikipedia, those "...who lack the mental capacity to understand the nature of their acts"). Also, in general, innocent has been used to mean one who has not been "subverted" by others, often being used by the religious as an excuse for suppressing those who might subvert, even if they are not violating civil crimes.

What do you think of, when you think of the word "Innocence"?

Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Word for the Day for Sunday, October 19, 2008

The Word for Today is Forgiveness.

The last time around, I went biblical. This time, I'd like to point out a quote that I think is by J. P. Van Hulle, "A Human Being is a Mistake Making Machine. Get Used to it and do your Best".

The other way to look at this is how many times we have had to ask for forgiveness.

Let's build on these words, folks. They come back around every 7 weeks.

Weekly Theme for the week of October 19-25, 2008

The Theme for this Week is Welcome.

Might as well do it now. Welcome to this BLOG!

That done, it's always good to make lists of items or events that are welcome in your upcoming week/month/year.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

The Word for the Day for Saturday, October 18, 2008

The Word for Today is Authenticity.

Earlier, we dealt with personal authenticity. Today, I'd like to point out to you ways to tell if another person is coming across as authentic.

Because of the different ways this BLOG is being "marketed", not everybody who reads it has any knowledge, or perhaps even any interest in the Michael Teachings. I'm actually putting this out to the world as a way we can move with the forces that be, rather than, say, trying to "go upstream".

Speaking of authenticity, I wish to invite people who are following my "Word for the Day" BLOG to also follow my Political BLOG, which is, at this very moment in time, investigating exactly how authentic my local news in Seattle is.

More later (meaning this post will be edited later and re-sent, both to the BLOG and to the Google Email List).

Friday, October 17, 2008

The Word for the Day for Friday, October 17, 2008

The Word for Today is Interpretation.

On our last pass, we discussed how the wrong interpretation of an event could cause fights. This time through, I'd like to introduce you to how we all are interpreters, as everything filters through our overleaves before it makes it to us.

Learn to become clear, and people can understand you.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Word for the Day for Thursday, October 16, 2008

The Word for Today is Socialization.

Last time around, it was about us as social animals.

This time, looking a bit closer, I see not all definitions are complimentary, for example, the one that relates to a Socialistic government. But even there, the idea, by itself isn't bad, it's just how poorly it's been practiced, which gives the word "Socialism" a bad name. (By the way, Socialism comes across as a Mature Soul method of government. Too bad "enterprising Young Souls" had to ruin it for the "rest of us").

As for where Socialization begins in a culture, it is in the Baby Soul stage, after basic survival lessons are learned.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Word for the Day for Wednesday, October 15, 2008

The word for Today is Concentration.

Seven weeks ago, I took this on via a game show analogy. That makes it look a bit like Focus.

What I'd like to suggest today is for you to concentrate on your own best outcome.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Word for the Day for Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The Word for Today is Acceptability.

Last time through, I talked about self-acceptance. This time, let's look a bit closer at the word itself.

There are even questionable uses for this word, such as our government trying to get us to "accept" giving billions to military action in Iraq, while leaving millions of our children without healthcare (by Bush vetoing the SCHIP bill on the same day he DEMANDED billions for Iraq without strings).

As always, I welcome discussion.

Monday, October 13, 2008

Word for the Day for Monday, October 13, 2008

The Word for Today is Generosity.

Yes, this is not the first time for this word. It's too good of a word to not pay attention to.

The key to this word is the "willingness" part. Making yourself freely available to others. It actually builds on yesterday's word, Sharing, as in "Generosity is the willingness to share".

Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Word for the Day for Sunday, October 12, 2008

The Word for Today is Sharing.

Once again, this is not the first time for this word. What I would add, this time around, is "having in common", where we all share, for example, our humanity. Another definition I like is "communion", where we can share thoughts and feelings with other.

(Note on how the "words for the day" seem to repeat, these days: These words DO repeat every 7 weeks or 49 days. So, to allow for the easy and convenient viewing of how my expression evolves, I plan, from now on, to link to the prior version of the word).

Weekly Theme for week of October 12-18, 2008

The theme for this week is Partnership.

If we take this word apart, we get, "a Ship of Partners". I think this fits very well.

An Alternate View of Ordinal and Exalted Roles

I've had an interesting opportunity for an extended period of time to experience being all of the different Michael Roles. This has taught me several things, including giving me an alternative perspective on which Roles become which Roles when going from Ordinal to Exalted.

Currently, the Michael books I have read show the Servers and Priests as the Ordinal and Exalted roles, respectively, on the Inspiration axis; the Artisans and Sages as the Ordinal and Exalted Expression roles; the Warriors and Kings as the Ordinal and Exalted Action roles; and, of course, the lowly and Neutral Scholars all by themselves on the Assimilation axis.

My alternative view comes from my ongoing experience of "being" all of the roles, especially by how each roles feel in my Chacras. To help me understand the relationship to my Chacras, I go to the document, "Michael's DNA Structure", copyright 1997 and 1998 by JP Van Hulle and Michael Berkley.

As I went through the King Mastery Block from 8/19/2007 to 10/6/2007 (see my other handout, "Michael Transits for more details of this journey), I started feeling each role in my Chacras, often in two of these Chacras. So I could feel being a Server in both my 1st and 7th Chacras, Artisan in both my 2nd and 6th Chacras, Warrior in both my 3rd and 5th Chacras, and, finally, Scholar solely in my 4th Chacras. Continuing, I then feel being a Sage in my 5th and 3rd Chacras, Priest in both my 6th and 2nd Chacras and finally, King in both my 7th and 1st Chacras.

I found this extremely fascinating! So I feel the same Chacras as a Server and King? Likewise, Artisan and Priest? Warrior and Sage? Wow!

Then I started correlating what I know about each of these Roles. Server and King are both involved in Service in some sort or other. Also, both Servers and Kings tend to act a lot. So does that mean that Server is the Ordinal role on the Action axis, related to the King? I also found that Server FEELS a lot like a King, with both of them having rather solid bodies.

Continuing my correlation, I find that Artisans and Priests both appear to be the least solid Roles, even with comments about how challenging it can sometimes be to have "In Body Experiences"! Also, don't Artisans often inspire others with their creations, especially if what they've created is a mood in a room?

Finally, both Warriors and Sages appear to be highly involved with the art of Conversation. (The description of Warrior shows Persuasion as its Positive Pole and Coercion as its Negative Pole. Both of these can easily be conducted via Conversation). So that makes it appear that Warrior fits into the Expression Axis.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Word for the Day for Saturday, October 11, 2008

The Word for Today is -- two of them: Overview and Perspective.

We've been down this road before -- the big picture view.

Overview is like reading the "Executive Summary" of an essay or paper. You hope that the person writing this paper will, at least, put the main points in for you to see. In other words, you "glom onto" something, putting yourself around it, hoping you can gain some understanding on the way.

Perspective is a bit different. Like reading a book: Is it written in a 1st Person perspective or a 3rd Person perspective? (2nd Person perspective would be a bit tricky).

Friday, October 10, 2008

Word for the Day for Friday, October 10, 2008

The Word for Today is Reflection.

Once again, this sounds a bit like "Review". However, review is an active process (often by students who wish to do well in a test). However, reflection, as a "calm, lengthy, intent consideration" is a much less active activity that often fits into either meditation or that "twilight zone" before falling asleep at night.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Word for the Day for Thursday, October 9, 2008

The Word for Today is Study.

If you are in a school, study is expected. But what are you studying? Something that will facilitate your life going forward? Something that gives you tools for surviving relationship issues?


Following a complete mental and emotional collapse at age twenty four, Warren G. Harding received treatment at the sanitarium of what noted physician in Battle Creek, Michigan?

Obviously, it's good to pick and choose what you study.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Word for the day for Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The Word for Today is Absorption.

We absorb all the time. We breathe in the air, absorbing healing oxygen. We drink water, absorbing the minerals that are in it, good or bad (depending on where the water came from of course).

The meaning I like is that we take in what we need to live our lives.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Word for the Day for Tuesday, October 7, 2008

The Word for Today is Review.

It's always a good idea to take a moment, every so often, to review what has occurred so far today. That way, you are less likely to get surprised by something you didn't take into account.

This is one of those words that are, to use a computer term, "scalable". In other words, review can be reviewing what happened in the last hour, or it can be a formal "Life Review" that is a likely occurrence when you die. And, of course, anything inbetween.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Word for the Day for Monday, October 6, 2008

The Word for Today is Experimentation.

I am a scientist at heart. I experiment regularly. Unfortunately, this was not always a good thing.

For example, taking apart an expensive watch that my Father owned when I was a child. What went wrong was that it came apart easily enough, but I JUST COULDN'T figure out how to put it back together again! Failed experiment! And my parents were NOT amused!

So my suggestion is to go ahead and experiment. This means to take risks. However, I will suggest that you don't take unnecessary risks.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

The Word for Sunday, October 5, 2008

The Word for Today is Recognition.

This word actually is a lot like September 20th's word, Acknowledgment. There is a difference, however, as Recognition assumes something that you've seen (heard, experienced) before, whereas we can acknowledge something brand new.

There are other meanings, of course, like Recognizing a foreign country that others might not. But I like the correspondence between Recognition and Acknowledgment, as it ties today to 9/20/2008.

Weekly Theme for week of October 5-11, 2008

The theme for this word consists of two words, Guidance and Mentor.

These two words are pretty close to each other, as Mentoring a person is a form of Guiding.

It does not necessarily work in the other direction, however, as Guiding a person may be as simple as showing them the correct street to get to their destination. Mentoring, however, has more of a teaching feel to it.

Guidance may be long term, however. Have you found your Guides yet? Ask your Essence if not.

Best regards,

Ken Parker in Seattle, Washington

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Word for the Day for Saturday, October 4, 2008

The Word for Today is Resolve.

The first thing that comes to mind is "I Resolve to xxx" (such as "lose weight", "stop smoking", "exercise more", etc).

The second thing that comes to mind comes from our current administration: "We must not lose our Resolve, in this xxx", where xxx = the War de Jour.

What do you think?

Friday, October 3, 2008

Word for the Day for Friday, October 3, 2008

The Word for Today is Courage.

The first thing that comes up for me is the "Cowardly Lion", in "Wizard of Oz". In that movie, the lion thought he was the most cowardly being in the world. However, by the end of the movie, he came out as more courageous than most of the rest of them!

Note that Courage does NOT mean you don't feel fear at times. It means that you act on the fear in a constructive manner, rather than letting the fear damage or destroy you.

Thursday, October 2, 2008

The Word for the Day for Thursday, October 2, 2008

There are actually two words for today: Strength and Empowerment.

Do you know your own strength? It might be a good idea to find out.

How about being in your power? That is what I think of as Empowerment.

Oops! I missed a day. My bad. Anyway, Wednesday's word was...

The Word for Wednesday, October 1, 2008, is Competence.

There are many jokes that come up, such as how competent am I to do this "Word for the Day"?

I will not excuse myself, but I will state that there are many things on peoples' minds.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Word for the day for Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Word for Today is Endurance.

This is an interesting word! After yesterday, how much is this country expected to Endure, having to do with our financial meltdown?

Personally, I've had to endure all sorts of things. Flexibility and a sense of humor obviously help.

This day has a Warrior influence, by the way.

Monday, September 29, 2008

Word for the Day for Monday, September 29, 2008

The Word for Today is Fertility.

There is an obvious meaning, having to do with whether sex organs are in good, working order.

However, there can be a fertility of ideas also. In other words, creativity.

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Word for the Day for Sunday, September 28, 2008

The Word for Today is Stability.

Hey folks, guess what we do NOT have right now? (At least, having to do with the financial condition of our country).

Weekly Theme for week of September 27 - October 4, 2008

The Theme for this Week is Domestication.

My take on this word is being connected to home and family. (I am single, and so have missed parts of this).

An alternative definition has to do with Domestic animals, as opposed to Wild animals. I guess there could be wild people, too.

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Word for the Day for Saturday, September 27, 2008

The Word for Today is Release.

After a week of hard work (see my Political BLOG for details), I have to take time to release and let go of my agitation. Relax, in other words. (I'm sure there are other meanings of Release, but I like that one best, at least at this time).

Friday, September 26, 2008

Lesson in Soul Age: Obama hit the Debate out of the Ballpark...

Hello folks,

I believe we have a functional definition of the difference between
Young Soul [McCain] and Mature Soul [Obama].

McCain harped on Republican talking points, and how we have to cut
taxes for corporations. Obama stressed the need to help the Middle
Class; the poor soul on Main Street that is struggling to make ends

McCain harps on how Obama will not admit that the Surge in Iraq worked.
Obama stressed that we need to deploy our military intelligently, and
take good care of our soldiers.

Obama stresses the need for us to cooperate, as he lays the olive
branch out for McCain to embrace. McCain flails out, repeatedly
attacking Obama in every which way he can.


Need I go on? Is there any question about the contrast between these
two candidates for President?

Best regards,

Ken Parker

Word for the day for Friday, September 26, 2008

The Word for today is Aspiration.

We aspire to be the best that we can.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Word for the Day for Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Word for Today is Contrast.

There is a lot of contrast in the world these days. Take our Election. Please! :-)

As I point out on my Political BLOG, you can easily tell the difference between the two Presidential candidates at this time. There is a lot of contrast between them.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Word for the day for Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Word for Today is Adaptability.

The ability to change is good, adapting to your surroundings being a sign of a flexible person.

Watch out! Other people might want you to adapt to them.

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Word for the Day for Tuesday, September 23, 2008

The Word for Today is -- actually two of them: Agility and Grace.

The funny thing is that these two words relate to each other. According to, agility means, "The Gracefulness of a person or animal that is quick and nimble".

Of course, when I put Grace into the same web site, I got nine different definitions! I like the one that goes with "Graceful", which I learned to develop by learning how to walk very slowly, without falling down. (It can be harder than you think!)

Monday, September 22, 2008

Word for the Day for Monday, September 22, 2008

The Word for Today is Acceleration.

Accelerate? Yes, there are times when we need to speed up, and times when we need to slow down. The trick is to figure out which is appropriate in each situation.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Word for the Day for Sunday, September 21, 2008

There are Two Words for Today: Patience and Tolerance.

Patience is pretty self-explanatory, usually noticed mainly by its absence, mainly when you are having trouble moving your car at a green light.

Tolerance is interesting, because people often mistaken it for Acceptance. However, explore both words separately and you can see the contrasts.

Weekly Theme for week of September 21-27, 2008

The theme for this week is Health.

This term seems pretty much self-explanatory, but remember that there is more to health than our body. For example, we can be emotionally healthy also.

Please note that, beginning with this post, announcements like this will be both on this BLOG, as well as my new Michael Transits Email List. (However, discussion will vary between this BLOG and the list. The BLOG has its comments, and the email list has its discussion threads. If there is something earth-shattering in one, I'll post it to the other.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Word for the Day for Saturday, September 20, 2008

The Word for Today is Acknowledgment.

Let's acknowledge what works, and replace what doesn't.

By the way, I can tell you that everything's going to be all right. I had a dream last night where I was deposited into Iraq. Not what the media tells you, but the real Iraq. What did I find? Opposing armies that look at each other and say, "You're just another human being. I can't fight you!"

You don't have to believe a word I tell you, but I suggest you watch the media: It will slowly start to figure this out.

We already saw this yesterday with the collapse of the US Financial markets. The Democrats and Republicans are being forced to cooperate with each other and to fix some basic problems. Why is "Short selling" a company illegal now? I'm a computer troubleshooter. Somebody crashed the Wall Street computers, by shorting a profitable company and becoming infinitely wealthy. Divide 1 by 0 and you get infinity! If they paid this one person, they would have had to pay him more than than our 9 trillion national debt!

By the way, for more on our political situation, please check out my new Green Libertarian Party BLOG.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Word for the Day for Friday, September 19

The word for today is Kindness.

This one speaks for itself. We need lots of kindness in this world.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Word for the Day for Thursday, September 18, 2008

The word for today is Encouragement.

Yes, go out and do something you want to do. I fully encourage you to do it.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Word for the Day for Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Word for Today is Thoughtfulness.

I believe that this is an important word. If more people were thoughtful, I believe we would have fewer wars, and people would get along better.

Thoughtful? Full of thought? One use of this is to think before you speak. Another is to look carefully at any situation you are in and see where you can improve it.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Word for the Day for Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Word for Today is Support.

Who supports you? Who do you support? (I hope you included yourself).

Monday, September 15, 2008

Word for the Day for Monday, September 15, 2008

The Word for Today is Comfort.

Do you feel comfortable? What does that mean? Temperature? Humidity? But then, what does it mean to say, "I'm comfortable around this person on the right, but that one over there gives me the jitters"? So comfort exists on many different levels. In fact, one weekend seminar I went to (forgot who put it on) was primarily about our "comfort zone", how we define it, and how beneficial it often is to venture outside of it.

Bringing this back to the Michael teachings, I wonder how comfort and growth correlate with each other? Do you have to leave comfort to grow? Sometimes? Often?

Personally, I like to keep a comfortable "base of operations", which is my Apartment at this moment. And then use that as a basis to branch out to less comfortable adventures.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Word for the Day for Sunday, September 14, 2008

The word for today is Nourishment.

We all need to be nourished. We'd die if we didn't eat. But this isn't only about food. How about the smiles you get when you are cheerful in your conversations?

I recommend people take another look at "Transactional Analysis". This is because of the frustration I see, at least in the news, regarding how hard it is to carry on a civil conversation.

I've read the books (I recommend Eric Berne's original ones). I also like the Wikipedia perspective.

Weekly Theme for week of September 14 - 20, 2008

The Theme for this week is Service.

Yes, it's good to serve your neighbor. It is also good to allow yourself to be served.

This one is pretty intuitive.

By the way, it's also the beginning of a Michael Month, but I have not yet come up with good names for them yet. There will be seven months of seven weeks to a year. 343 days. (Yup, does not correspond with our current calendar of 365 or 366 days. But there is a reality out there that I am tuning into and I mean to get more insight as I go on).

This is the start of a new Michael Year: Beauty.

My calendar has just shifted to the beginning of a new, "lesser" year, this time devoted to beauty.

The prior Michael year was devoted to love, which we've shown, sort of, in the news. Some heroism, some booboos, lots inbetween.

There are actually two words to describe this year: The other one is Energy. We all need energy to exist. I'm told these come together somehow, but I have not completely figured it out yet.

Can you help? What correspondences do you see between energy and beauty? And how do you think this will work out in everyday life?

I encourage comments.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

Word for the Day for Saturday, September 13, 2008

The Word for Today is Prosperity.

So what does it mean to be prosperous? Lots of money? Then why do so many who have lots of money feel empty inside?

I feel that there is more to the subject of Prosperity than just lots of money. How about "Spiritual Prosperity"?

The answer, I believe, is "all of the above", or a balanced life.

Friday, September 12, 2008

The Word for the Day for Friday, September 12, 2008

The word for today is liberation.

Liberation is usually thought of in terms such as prisons or a totalitarian government. But there are other things that also imprison us, such as our beliefs. How do we limit ourselves? Yes, several ways. But we can liberate ourselves from our limitations.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Word for the Day for Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Word for Today is Wisdom.

My take on this is that true wisdom requires lots of experience. Not necessarily the kind of experience that the Republicans are talking about when they claim Obama is not ready to be President. (I remember how hard it was to get a job, because they wanted someone with "experience", but how would you get experience without the job?) What I'm talking about is general "life experience".

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Word for the Day for Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Word for Today is Impartiality.

This is a difficult one, as it is often not easy to be impartial, as we all have opinions. However, news networks and newspapers often claim impartiality. Judges are "supposed" to be impartial, but that can also be difficult.

As I look closer at the definition for Impartiality, it appears that all that is required is the ability to seriously consider all sides of the issue at hand.

What do you think? Are there times when you get tripped up this?

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Word for the Day for Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The Word for Today is Consequence.

I remember a game show many years ago called "Truth or Consequences". There was quite a bit of "truth" in that game show, as there are quite a few consequences that occur when somebody tries to put themselves out as other than they are. The biggest one is how they have to remember "the story" that they were telling to each person so that they don't stumble. You see it in the news, where people try to create a new life after committing a crime. They often slip up, and, thus, "pay the Consequences" for their poor choices.

Monday, September 8, 2008

The Word for the Day for Monday, September 8, 2008

The Word for Today is Elimination.

Once again, this word can be interpreted in many ways, even to the functioning of the Human Digestive Tract!

However, I look for anything in my life that is wasteful and unproductive. When I eliminate those aspects of my life, there is room to add new and possibly exciting projects.

Word for the Day for Sunday, September 7, 2008

(I regret any inconvenience, for my submitting this a day late).

The word for "today" is Self-Reliance.

It is interesting, as this has been the main message from the Republican Party, "Bootstraps" and all.

It is a good trait to develop, as there will always be times when others are not around to help.

(I've followed this trait much of my life, even being afraid to ask for help. There is a balance that I've needed to find).

Weekly Theme for week of September 7 - 13, 2008

The theme for this week is Completion.

Be honest: How many projects have you started, but not completed? (My own answer: I've lost count!)

I will say this, however: I feel extremely good, when I do finish a project.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Word for the Day for Saturday, September 6, 2008

The Word for Today is Expansion.

Now this is quite an interesting word! For it can go both ways. For example, if you eat excessively, while not exercising, you might expand, but in a way you might not like!

The context of Expansion I prefer, however, is Spiritual Expansion. Or, more generally, "Expanding my horizons", where I'm paying attention to more of the world I live in.

Once again, try this on and let me know what your insights are.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Word for the Day for Friday, September 5, 2008

Today, there are Two Words: Trust and Faith.

The main message I wish to convey about Trust is that it must be earned! People in positions of authority have been known to "demand" trust. This frequently happens with authoritarian governments. What they frequently get is definitely not true trust! (Instead, it is often a wary and careful obedience, coupled with an often healthy paranoia).

Earning trust is often a slow and tedious process, especially if you had a history in the past of violating trust. (And, when a certain level of trust had been earned, even a single episode of violating it will throw it right back out the window.

Now to Faith. In a personal growth group, it was put out as an Acronym: "Father And I Together Here". Try it on for size. (Though it hasn't completely fit for me, I haven't thrown it out yet either).

The one thing to be careful of is blind faith, which is often quite naive. I believe that true faith is answered by communication.

(Yes, in this one, I'm not even trying to give a "final" answer, but opening it up for discussion).

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Word for the Day for Thursday, September 4, 2008

The Word for Today is Gratitude.

It is very interesting that this word comes on a Thursday, as that is also the day of the week that Thanksgiving comes on.

Gratitude is a very strong force -- to Give Thanks. Who are you thankful for?

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Word for the Day for Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The Word for Today is Equality.

The definitions for Equality are themselves "not created equally"!

I am convinced that it does not mean "homogeneous". Instead, I believe it means "equal opportunity". What we do with our opportunity is, of course, completely up to us. And then, the real diversity can be seen.

So what am I talking about here? "Equal diversity"? Think about it and we can discuss.

(And that brings up a reminder: Comments are encouraged. They are moderated, mainly due to the huge SPLOG [Spam BLOG] problem). Anything that is respectful and on-topic will be allowed through, even if it completely disagrees with me. (I learn a lot from discussions like that).

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Word for the Day for Tuesday, September 2, 2008

The Word for Today is Prudence.

It is, of course, always good to keep Prudence in mind, especially right before speaking.

I actually found a most wonderful discussion of Prudence via a Google search. The part I liked best is that "Prudence isn't for wimps". In other words, the "easy way out", such as not even getting up in the morning, is often not prudent at all!

Monday, September 1, 2008

Word for the Day for Monday, September 1, 2008

The word for today is Innocence.

The obvious meaning for most might be "opposite of Guilty". But I would like to stress more the context, "The Innocence of Children". Somebody who has not been "subverted", for instance.

The exciting thing is that, when a person cleans up after their past, they can reclaim some of this feeling of innocence.

I believe that I stopped Hurricane Gustav

It was quite simple, actually, once I figured out my connection to the weather system on Planet Earth.

I believe that our collective emotions have a strong effect on the weather. Look it up.

Gustav Mahler was one of my past lives. He decided to be one of my aspects, allowing me to explore Classical Music. He is my Energy or Beauty aspect. But Gustav Mahler lives on of course. It seems that he was irked about something, causing him to start spinning around in one way or another, becoming non-physical, as an energy being. When you see a Tornado, you might wonder if somebody got so much in a tizzy with emotions such as anger or hatred, that they escalated to a life form that isn't even physical.

Anyway, when I figured out my connection with this hurricane, I promptly got into an altered state where I was shouting out to the storm itself, "Gustav, Calm Down!", repeatedly.

Eventually, things calmed down in my body (which had a digestive churning going on), and I felt a special calm feeling.

Let's look at the news and see if Gustav starts winding down.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

Word for the Day for Sunday, August 31, 2008

The Word for Today is Forgiveness.

People often think that to forgive means to forget. The problem is that the harder a person tries to forget, the harder it is.

An alternative definition of Forgive is to Give Forth, as in to Give Forth Love. It was Jesus that suggested that we Love our Enemies. [Luke 6:27] Think of how fast our wars could end if even a percentage of people (including those in Government) started doing that?

Weekly Theme for week of August 31 to September 6, 2008

The theme for the week of 8/31 through 9/06/2008 is Vision.

Every so often, it is a good idea to step back and take a big-picture view of your life. With this vision, you can better plan for the future.

People talk about 20/20 hindsight. How about developing 20/20 foresight?

Friday, August 29, 2008

Word for the Day for Friday, August 29, 2008 -- Correction

The word for today is Interpretation.

(Sorry for sending tomorrow's word out as today's! I guess that isn't very "Authentic" of me!)

So how do we interpret what goes on around us? That is actually quite important, as misinterpretation often causes problems, even arguments or even fights.

(Yes, I relate misinterpretation with misunderstanding, as to interpret something wrong absolutely means to not understand it!)

Word for the Day for Saturday, August 30, 2008

The Word for Today is Authenticity.

To me, this means to relax and simply be myself! If you put yourself out as something you are not, then you have to work to maintain that illusion. Why not simply be who you actually are?

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Word for the Day for Thursday, August 28, 2008

The Word for Today is Socialization.

Yes, folks, human beings are Social animals. That is one lesson I am most certainly learning myself, as I tend to stick to myself. But it feels good to be part of a friendly group of people.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Word for the Day for Wednesday, August 27, 2008

The Word for Today is Concentration.

When I was a child, I remember a game show called Concentration. In it, you were shown clues on a multi-square game board. When you would see the same clue later on, you were supposed to remember the original square with the same clue. Not only a test of concentration, but of memory.

The idea is that when you concentrate on a task, it is easier to complete it. Not only that, but you can often do it quicker.

Monday, August 25, 2008

The Word for the Day for Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Word for Today is Acceptability.

Do you accept yourself? Can you stand in front of a mirror and accept yourself as you are?

That can be one of the toughest questions in a person's life. But it can also be a healing one.

The Word for the Day for Monday, August 25, 2008

The Word for Today is Generosity.

This is, of course a wonderful trait to develop.

There is a paradox associated with this one: The more generous a person is, the more that person tends to have to be generous with.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Word for the Day for Sunday, August 24, 2008

The Word for Today is Sharing.

When we share our gifts, the entire world is enriched.

Weekly Theme for August 24-30, 2008

The Theme for this week (Sunday - Saturday) is Union.

The idea here is that nobody is an Island to themselves -- we all are united. Find the connections between us, rather than concentrating on what divides us, and there will be no reason for any more wars in this world.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Word for the Day for Saturday, 8/23/2008

Actually, there are two words for today: Overview and Perspective

This is about not getting stuck in the details. Make sure you always have the overview, or big picture view of what you wish to accomplish. But also keep your perspective, how you relate to what is outside of you.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Word for the Day for Friday, August 22, 2008

The Word for Today is Reflection.

At first glance, this would appear to match last Tuesday's word, Review. However, I now understand (at least partway) the difference. Whereas Review comes across as a fairly active evaluation of "what was", Reflection is defined as "A calm, lenthy, intent consideration", which would better match Friday's "Priestly" influence.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Word for the Day for Thursday, August 21, 2008

The Word for today is Study.

I know this is a bad word for some people, including myself as a child. (What they wanted to teach me in school didn't often match what I wanted to learn).

But you know what they say, "A little Study goes a long ways".

Hope your day goes well!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Word for the Day for Wednesday, August 20, 2008

The word for today is Absorption, the ability to assimilate what occurs in your day.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

A Partial Explanation of this BLOG

My sincerest apologies if this entry confuses you more than it enlightens you. Part of this may be the fact that I'm not experienced in expressing to a large audience, but part of this is the fact that I am being very careful (maybe more than is necessary) to avoid any copyright entanglements.

In the Michael Teachings, there is a basic concept of a Role in Essence, of which there are seven.

Likewise, in the Michael Teachings, there is a concept of an Individual (called a "fragment" in some of the books), but then, moving "up a ladder", or, perhaps more accurately, "up an octave", there is a concept of an Entity, which contains a varying number of individuals, but, if all "spaces" are filled without any wild cards, it will contain 1029 individuals. If you divide this by three (to account for the real meaning of the Holy Trinity, which is Truth, Love and Beauty), then you come up with 343.

There is a document that I would like to share with you in some form. However, I am holding back at this moment, due to a wish to avoid copyright entanglements, which could add Karmic Threads to this physical life, an added complexity I would prefer to avoid. So I will describe it in a "vague", big picture view: Imagine a three-dimensional array, seven by seven by seven. I'll describe them my way, and then let people come forth from the other facets of the Michael Teachings to provide me with good links, or "bridge pages", where my BLOG could possibly go seamlessly to, say, a page on the Michael Educational Foundation site, if it is appropriate to do so. But, getting back to my array, I'll now ask you if you know the concept of "role in essence" and, if not, if you followed the link a couple of paragraphs above and read up on this concept? Good. This three-dimensional array (and days of the week), uses these roles, but in a possibly different order than you may be used to: To save time, I'll put days of the week with the corresponding role now, but, obviously, when talking about "Michael Month" or "Michael Year" (whether lesser or greater), days of the week would not fit quite as well.

So here goes: Sunday corresponds with Server, Monday with Artisan, Tuesday with Warrior, Wednesday with Server, Thursday with Sage, Friday with Priest and, finally, Saturday with King.

My discovery of this correspondence with my life occurred gradually in 2007, finally culminating in August 18, 2007, when I figured out, beyond a shadow of a doubt (meaning in my own, primary experience), where I fit in this chart. All of the help that I needed from "above" was to "know" one day, because then, I can calculate anything else. (Advise to Michael students: Don't ask the same questions over and over again! You will only invite confusion. In other words, be as clear as you can be with your question and ask it once. If you need further clarification, bring Michael up to date on what they were talking to you before, because they deal in multiple versions of you! If you try to "trip up a Channel", you'll only be tripping up yourself. Consider this a word for the wise for both Skeptic attitude and, to a lesser degree, goal of discrimination).

So what did I find on August 18th, 2007? That I was, on that day (a Saturday or King day), moving from one Michael block, the Priest block (which I had just started getting used to), to the King block, where I would really need to know what I was doing. Because this was a process, which I will describe in further detail in another essay somewhere, which finally needed all of Ken Parker on board, even the Personality. So, on Sunday, August 19, 2007, a big shift occurred in my consciousness, corresponding to the movement to a new block. The old one is, of course, still experiencing, but I'm now home.

The very recent dream discovery was that a universe I created uses this as its actual calendar. Now this is something I really need to develop, and probably will be discussing on the other site more than this one. But anything is possible.

One more point I will make for those who know their "address" in the Michael system, we are currently in the Love side of the Entity. So today, Tuesday, August 19, 2008 (at least in the Pacific Time Zone), the "magic number" is 661.

So, to sum this up, today, Tuesday, August 19, 2008, corresponds to the King Mastery Block, the Scholar Integration Row, and the Warrior Casting Column, with the number 661, making this "Lesser Year" the Love portion of the "Greater Year".

Now, coming up, we have three more "weeks" in this "Michael King Month" (corresponding to Sage, Priest and King). But on Sunday, September 14, it all changes, as we shift to the New Lesser Year, corresponding to Beauty or Energy.

Try this on for size. See if it fits. It sure seems to fit what I see in the news, as well as what I personally experience here in Seattle. Finally, have fun and keep your sense of humor.

Word for the Day, Tuesday, August 19, 2008

The word for today is Review.

To me, this means what it says. For example, when I go to bed at night, I review the day so far, even as I am planning tomorrow. In addition, one of my regular Sunday activities is reviewing the prior week, even as I consider what I wish to do in the week to come.

Monday, August 18, 2008

The Word for the Day, Monday, August 18, 2008

The word for today is Experimentation.

Yes, try something new, that you haven't done before. Go ahead. What's the worst that can happen? :-)

The Weekly Theme for August 17-23, 2008

Hello everyone. Sunday begins a new week. This post is on Monday. So I guess I'll say a few words about Sunday after presenting the theme.

This week is about Integration. That is a loaded word for sure! My take on it is that we take in all the possibilities, even those we didn't think we needed.

Sunday came and went. The word for the day was Recognition. Like who do you recognize that has provided you with what you needed to live your life up to now?