Monday, December 31, 2018

Word for the Day: Monday, December 31, 2018

The Word for Today (Monday) is Innocence.  Innocence of little kids?  (Awesome Vision!)  Be Innocent to yourself, and have a Happy New Year!

Sunday, December 30, 2018

Weekly Theme: Week of December 30, 2018 to January 05, 2019

The Theme for this Week is Vision.  How good is your Vision?  Near-Sighted?  Far-Sighted?  Astigmatism?  Or do you have 20-20 Vision?  (Or, at least, 20-20 Hindsight?)   Anyway, all of this should show that Vision is not, quite as simple of a Theme as I thought it would be!

Saturday, December 29, 2018

Word for the Day: Saturday, December 29, 2018

The Word for Today (Saturday) is Authenticity.  A Union with a Certificate of Authenticity?  (Like a Lincoln Plate?)  Oh well.  If a Marriage, the Marriage Certificate has to do.  If a Country, the Constitution is the closest thing.  But how about you?  Do Human Beings get Certificates of Authenticity?  (Birth Certificate?)  But something is even more important:  For  *you*  to be Authentic to Yourself!

Friday, December 28, 2018

Word for the Day: Friday, December 28, 2018

The Word for Today (Friday) is Interpretation.  So how do you Interpret a Union?  (It depends, of course!)  But, regardless, Interpretation can make a great Career Choice, because of how important people can be, when they are fluent in more than one Language.  And then, you can know how to say  "Union"  in other languages.

Thursday, December 27, 2018

Word for the Day: Thursday, December 27, 2018

The Word for Today (Thursday) is Socialization.  Do people in Unions Socialize with each other?  (Of Course!)  How about with other Unions?  (Also sounds true).  What are the proper forms of Socialization?  For example, how about "Electronic Socialization"?  (For example, Twitter and Facebook?)  In my opinion, these are valid, especially with younger people.  But, also in my opinion, meeting "in person" is  *much*  better!

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Word for the Day: Wednesday, December 26, 2018

The Word for Today (Wednesday) is Concentration.  Concentrated Union?  (Just add water!)  Seriously, you  *do*  get what you Concentrate on, so be selective.  And, finally, Concentration works by itself, as a form of Meditation.  (For example, I have had good results, Concentrating on my Breath).

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Word for the Day: Tuesday, December 25, 2018

The Word for Today (Tuesday) is Acceptability.  Acceptable Union?  (Hopefully!)  Of course, different people have different "definitions" of Acceptability.  For example, some didn't think "Mixed Marriages" were acceptable.  (And note:  "Mixed" depends, with some objecting to mixed race, some objecting to different religions and, of course, some objecting to same gender.  And this is only three examples).  Finally, let me wish all of you an Acceptable set of Holidays!

Monday, December 24, 2018

Word for the Day: Monday, December 24, 2018

The Word for Today (Monday) is Generosity.  A Generous Union?  (Probably the best kind!)  This Word comes, during a good time:  These Holidays are a great reminder to be Generous.  But don't stop there:  Generosity is great, year around.  And, whatever Holidays you celebrate, I wish you well!

Sunday, December 23, 2018

Word for the Day: Sunday, December 23, 2018

The Word for Today (Sunday) is Sharing.  Do you "Share your Union"?  If you are Married, you are likely to show up, together in public:  That is an example of "Sharing your Union".  And have fun, doing it!

Weekly Theme: Week of December 23-29, 2018

The Theme for this Week is Union.  Unions can be small (two people, united in Marriage) or larger (50 States, united into a Country), but it's the same idea:  Many smaller objects making a single, larger object.  So how United are you? 

Saturday, December 22, 2018

Word for the Day: Saturday, December 22, 2018

The Words for Today (Saturday) are Overview and Perspective.  Integrated Overview?  Perspective about Integration?  (Sure, for both!)  Now, if you put Overview and Perspective together, that gives you the "Big Picture View", which can definitely help an Integrated, or Balanced life.  Live Balanced!

Friday, December 21, 2018

Word for the Day: Friday, December 21, 2018

The Word for Today (Friday) is Reflection.  An Integrated Reflection?  (Sounds good, but does it make sense?  Oh my:  It does in the Sciences!  Google it:  I actually spent some Time on this!)  But also spend time, reflecting on how your Life can be more Balanced.  This seems important right now.

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Word for the Day: Thursday, December 20, 2018

The Word for Today (Thursday) is Study.  And there are many Aspects of Integration that can be studied.  Also, there are disagreements, as to what it means.  (For example, I thought, earlier in my life, that we, as a Society, were past questions, about if we should Integrate, by Race, Gender, Religion, Political Beliefs, or even by what Football Teams we follow. Seems that there are still issues!)  In other words, lots to study.

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Word for the Day: Wednesday, December 19, 2018

The Word for Today (Wednesday) is Absorption.  (Integrated Absorption?  (Say what?)  [or]  Absorbing Integration?  (Not all of these, directly go together well).  How about "Integrating Sponges"?  (Live ones, or artificial, commercialized ones?)  Oh well.  Absorption is best used, in my opinion, as a learning tool like, for example, when learning a Language.  (Look up "Immersion training").

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Word for the Day: Tuesday, December 18, 2018

The Word for Today (Tuesday) is Review.  Review of Integration?  [or]  Integrated Review?  (Both sound impressive).  But, in general, note that Review can occur on multiple levels, all the way from Reviewing if a Shopping Trip went well, to the ultimate Review of your Lifetime, after you die!  Review well.

Monday, December 17, 2018

Word for the Day: Monday, December 17, 2018

The Word for Today (Monday) is Experimentation.  Experimenting with Integration?  (When Schools were first Integrated, it seemed like an Experiment!)  Integrated Experimenting?  (Good).  And yes, putting Experimentation into your Daily life (say, by frequently trying new things) sounds like a good plan, as long as you Research what occurs, before doing anything that might turn dangerous.

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Word for the Day: Sunday, December 16, 2018

The Word for Today (Sunday) is Recognition.  Recognizing the importance of Integration?  (Yes!)  Well, I Recognize those who help me, in my Life, including some who have helped me Integrate different parts of myself.  For example, you  *can*  Integrate the Left and Right Sides of your Brain.  Balance!

Weekly Theme: Week of December 16-22, 2018

The Theme for this Week is Integration.  Hmmm...  Opposite of Segregation?  Well, Segregation is about Separation, and Integration is about Combination.  But note that some things, perhaps should be kept apart:  Vinegar and Baking Soda?  Mentos and Diet Coke?  But, of most use to us, is Integrating parts of our own Psyche.  One example, that helped me, decades ago, is Integrating the Left and Right sides of my Brain.  The process, to do this, is called Educational Kinesiology.  Enjoy!

Saturday, December 15, 2018

Word for the Day: Saturday, December 15, 2018

The Word for Today (Saturday) is Resolve.  "I Resolve to Survive".  (Yup! These go together).  Note that we're approaching New Years, where people make (and often, later break) Resolutions.  (Here's an easy one:  "I Resolve to Keep my Resolve".  And another:  "I Resolve to have fun").  But also note that Resolutions can be made, any time during the Year.

Friday, December 14, 2018

Word for the Day: Friday, December 14, 2018

The Word for Today (Friday) is Courage.  Does it take Courage to Survive?  (If it's Painful, it could!)  Courage and Survival go together in many ways, including the Courage to GIVE UP your Life, saving somebody else (say, in a Fire).  Live Courageously.

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Words for the Day: Thursday, December 13, 2018

The Words for Today (Thursday) are Strength and Empowerment.  Do you Know your own Strength?  Do you Feel Empowered?  Do these Traits help you Survive?  Do I Ask too many Questions?  Whatever you do, find time for More Fun in your Life!

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Word for the Day: Wednesday, December 12, 2018

The Word for Today (Wednesday) is Competence.  Are you Competent to Survive?  (I Hope So!)  But let's go beyond that to, not only surviving, but to living a Fulfilling Life.  And (as I know from personal experience), your Competence will be tested, more than once, throughout your Lifetime . So be Competent.

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Word for the Day: Tuesday, December 11, 2018

The Word for Today (Tuesday) is Endurance.  Is this important for Survival?  (In other words,  "If I Endure enough, will I survive?")  Look at it the other way:  If you  *don't*  Endure, things may occur which get in the way of Survival.  Endurance Training?  Of course Health Clubs come to mind, but don't forget Yoga.

Monday, December 10, 2018

Word for the Day: Monday, December 10, 2018

The Word for Today (Monday) is Fertility.  And yes, Fertility is important for long-term, Species Survival.  I've said this before, but please note that there are more than one kinds of Fertility.  Besides what people think of the most, you can also have a Fertile Imagination.  And, in my opinion, it is beneficial to develop and maintain that kind of Fertility.  Have fun!

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Word for the Day: Sunday, December 9, 2018

The Word for Today (Sunday) is Stability.  And yes, Survival is easier, in a Stable Environment.  But is life more fun?  Don't we Thrive on Challenges?  Think about it:  What are you more likely to Remember?  Long periods of Stability?  Or Life Challenges that you have overcome?

Weekly Theme: Week of December 9-15, 2018

The Theme for this Week is Survival.  What does Google say?  Among other things, "the state or fact of continuing to live or exist".  But is that actually enough?  How about Thriving?  How about making your Life mean something?  What do you think? 

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Word for the Day: Saturday, December 8, 2018

The Word for Today (Saturday) is Release.  Release from Manifestation?  (No!)  [or]  Manifesting Release?  (Better).  One way this can work, is when you feel "stuck" (or "trapped in a box"):  This is, where you Manifest a "Release Lever" to free yourself from this Situation.  In fact, look around:  These "Release Levers" can be hidden, in the very Situations you are seeking freedom from  Often in Plain Sight!

Friday, December 7, 2018

Word for the Day: Friday, December 7, 2018

The Word for Today (Friday) is Aspiration.  And yes, I recognize that, both yesterday's and today's Words have Medical meanings.  ("Let us Aspirate the Contrast Solution").  But that's not what I am after, when I encounter the Word, Aspiration.  More like  (a personal example),  "I Aspire to Manifest what I need, in my life, to be the best Troubleshooter I can be".  And can we Manifest Fun in our Lives?

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Word for the Day: Thursday, December 6, 2018

The Word for Today (Thursday) is Contrast.  Contrast in Manifestation?  [or]  Manifesting Contrast?  (Second makes more sense).  My take is, that Balance is important, because too little Contrast can seem Boring, yet too much Contrast can get, downright Scary!

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Word for the Day: Wednesday, December 5, 2018

The Word for Today (Wednesday) is Adaptability.  Adaptable Manifestation?  [or]  Manifesting Adaptability?  (Both have meaning, but they're not the same).  I've said this before, but I consider Adaptability and Flexibility to be highly related, if not Synonyms.  (And Rigidity would be, at least close to an Antonym).  So be Flexible, and have fun doing it.

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Words for the Day: Tuesday, December 4, 2018

The Words for Today (Tuesday) are Agility and Grace.  Gracefully Manifesting Agility?  (Why not?)  Note that Today's Words can even Contradict Yesterday's, because these Word don't directly imply "being fast".  For example,  "Walking the Labyrinth"  [Google it!]  tends to be done  *quite*  slowly.  But oh, what Grace!  And have fun.

Monday, December 3, 2018

Word for the Day: Monday, December 3, 2018

The Word for Today (Monday) is Acceleration.  Accelerated Manifestation?  Well, that's what you get when you are completely Focused on what is "supposed to" come through.  What often stands in the way are Conflicting Beliefs.  One example:  A Person wants to Manifest more Money in their life, yet also has a Belief that he/she is not worthy of that Money.  Resolve that, and things get better.

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Words for the Day: Sunday, December 2, 2018

The Words for Today (Sunday) are Patience and Tolerance.  When Manifesting, you need Patience, because the process can take longer than expected, and Tolerance because the "Results" might not be what you "thought" they would.  See, we all Manifest:  It's part of being Human.  Just be Conscious of it.

Weekly Theme: Week of December 2-8, 2018

The Theme for this Week is Manifestation.  So what does this mean?  Google says (among other things), that it means "an event, action, or object that clearly shows or embodies something".  In "Higher Consciousness Circles", it can mean (or imply), "Creating something, perhaps from thin air".  I actually like this better than what Google gave me.  So Happy Manifesting!

Saturday, December 1, 2018

Word for the Day: Saturday, December 1, 2018

The Word for Today (Saturday) is Acknowledgement.  And yes, this works in both directions, as it is equally good for Patrons to Acknowledge the Businesses and Organizations they Patronize, as it is for Organizations and Businesses to Acknowledge their Patrons.  One note:  It takes Knowledge to Acknowledge!