Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Word for the Day: Tuesday, 6/30/2009

The Word for Today is Consequence.

What is the Consequence of the action you are either taking, or not taking right now? (If nothing, congratulations! There is a lot to be said for a neutral stance).

Monday, June 29, 2009

Word for the Day: Monday, 6/29/2009

The Word for Today is Elimination.

What could be easier? "Eliminate what does not work in your life"? Why does this look easier than it actually is? Perhaps because we invest in certain aspects of our lives, even when they do not appear to work. And people, in general, do not want their investments to fail.

Word for the Day: Sunday, 6/28/2009

The Word for Sunday was Self-Reliance.

According to recent information from the Michael Teachings, Self-Reliance may be going out of style, as people are going more in the direction of working together. I find this interesting, as I certainly have had a lot of trouble asking for help in this lifetime.

Instead of independence, ponder the word, Interdependence.

Weekly Theme: Week of 6/28 to 7/04/2009

The Themes for this week are Principles and Ethics.

What does it mean to be a Principled person? Perhaps not as much as you might think, as that phrase doesn't say anything about what those Principles are.

I find Ethics an easier word to ponder, as I see Law Abiding in Ethics.

How about Ethical Principles?

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Word for the Day: Saturday, 6/27/2009

The Word for Today is Expansion.

There are multiple ways to expand, not all of which may be considered desirable!

I suspect that the one the Michael Teachings mean is Spiritual Expansion.

Friday, June 26, 2009

Words for the Day: Friday, 6/26/2009

The Words for Today are Trust and Faith.

Trust comes up a lot in the news, including Iran demanding that the population trust the results of a recent election. But this brings up a good point: Trust must be earned, not demanded.

I may have stated this before, but a Human Potential class I took in the 1970's treated Faith as an Acronym: Father And I Together Here. But remember that faith needs eyes to see, as opposed to being blind.

Special note: Today includes an aspect of triple-Priest (Priest Month, Priest Week and Priest Day, which always occurs on Friday).

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Word for the Day: Thursday, 6/25/2009

The Word for Today is Gratitude.

It is interesting that this word always comes on a Thursday, as that is also the day that the US holiday, Thanksgiving comes on.

So today is a good day to look closely at who to show Gratitude to.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Word for the Day: Wednesday, 6/24/2009

The Word for Today is Equality.

What does it mean to be equal? Equality is a word that does not appear to work without comparison.

Who do you wish to be Equal to?

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Word for the Day: Tuesday, 6/23/2009

The Word for Today is Prudence.

There are obvious places where the word, Prudent is used, such as how important is is to approach the use of dangerous machinery (including automobiles) prudently. This is a down-to-Earth, practical word in my opinion.

Word for the Day: Monday, 6/22/2009

The Word for yesterday was Innocence.

Are you innocent? Innocent of what? However, I believe that the meaning desired is the one that might show up in the sentence, "... innocent like a child".

Word for the Day: Sunday, June 21, 2009

The Word for last Sunday was Forgiveness.

Obviously, I've asked myself for forgiveness for neglecting this BLOG. And, in general, self-forgiveness is quite important, and often overlooked.

Weekly Theme: Week of 6/21 to 6/27/2009.

The Themes for this week are Salvage and Salvation.

So what can we salvage from our lives? Hopefully, your life is not in a position where you might be asking that question. I've had some "dark nights of the Soul" that fit the question, however.

The word Salvation is often used in a religious context, as a synonym for "being Saved" (with a capital S). I believe the Michael teachings have something different in mind.

Catching up: Week of 6/14 to 6/20/2009

The Theme for this just prior week was Addiction.

The words are as follows: Sunday = Sharing. Monday = Generosity. Tuesday = Acceptability. Wednesday = Concentration. Thursday = Socialization. Friday = Interpretation. And Saturday = Authenticity.

Catching up: Week of 6/07 to 6/13/2009

The theme for this prior week was Simplification.

The words: Sunday = Recognition. Monday = Experimentation. Tuesday = Review. Wednesday = Absorption. Thursday = Study. Friday = Reflection. And Saturday = Overview and Perspective.

One more of this and then I'll see if I can get back into real time mode.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Catching up: Week of 5/31-6/06/2009

Let's catch up here. The Theme for the week that just past was Sacrifice.

The words for last week were as follow:

Sunday was Stability. Monday was Fertility. Tuesday, Endurance. Wednesday Competence. Thursday had two words: Strength and Empowerment. Friday was Courage and Saturday was Resolve.

And then, let's look forward to the new energies coming onto this Planet. Believe it or not, things are looking up.