Monday, November 10, 2008

Weekly Theme for the week of November 9-13, 2008

The Weekly theme is both Composition and Imagination.

It is important that we nurture these traits, especially in children.

When people think of Composition, they often think of the hard parts, such as a "composer" creating a Symphony or an Opera. However, we are always composing the details of what we wish to accomplish in the day ahead in our life, as well as composing our side of a conversation with a fellow human being. One way to make this form of composition more real is to keep a Journal or a Diary. This has fed the biggest breakthroughs in my life.

Imagination is even more fun, as we use it all the time. Unfortunately, it is sometimes used in a way that is less than useful, such as imagining the worst things that could go wrong in our lives. Now I have learned, quite the hard way, that that does not work well! One easy way to tie into Imagination is to follow your Intuition when it shows up. I've learned the hard way what happens when I ignore my intuition: My life stops working! Simple as that! And then it starts back in when I reconnect to my Intuition!

Have a great week!

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