Sunday, October 12, 2008

An Alternate View of Ordinal and Exalted Roles

I've had an interesting opportunity for an extended period of time to experience being all of the different Michael Roles. This has taught me several things, including giving me an alternative perspective on which Roles become which Roles when going from Ordinal to Exalted.

Currently, the Michael books I have read show the Servers and Priests as the Ordinal and Exalted roles, respectively, on the Inspiration axis; the Artisans and Sages as the Ordinal and Exalted Expression roles; the Warriors and Kings as the Ordinal and Exalted Action roles; and, of course, the lowly and Neutral Scholars all by themselves on the Assimilation axis.

My alternative view comes from my ongoing experience of "being" all of the roles, especially by how each roles feel in my Chacras. To help me understand the relationship to my Chacras, I go to the document, "Michael's DNA Structure", copyright 1997 and 1998 by JP Van Hulle and Michael Berkley.

As I went through the King Mastery Block from 8/19/2007 to 10/6/2007 (see my other handout, "Michael Transits for more details of this journey), I started feeling each role in my Chacras, often in two of these Chacras. So I could feel being a Server in both my 1st and 7th Chacras, Artisan in both my 2nd and 6th Chacras, Warrior in both my 3rd and 5th Chacras, and, finally, Scholar solely in my 4th Chacras. Continuing, I then feel being a Sage in my 5th and 3rd Chacras, Priest in both my 6th and 2nd Chacras and finally, King in both my 7th and 1st Chacras.

I found this extremely fascinating! So I feel the same Chacras as a Server and King? Likewise, Artisan and Priest? Warrior and Sage? Wow!

Then I started correlating what I know about each of these Roles. Server and King are both involved in Service in some sort or other. Also, both Servers and Kings tend to act a lot. So does that mean that Server is the Ordinal role on the Action axis, related to the King? I also found that Server FEELS a lot like a King, with both of them having rather solid bodies.

Continuing my correlation, I find that Artisans and Priests both appear to be the least solid Roles, even with comments about how challenging it can sometimes be to have "In Body Experiences"! Also, don't Artisans often inspire others with their creations, especially if what they've created is a mood in a room?

Finally, both Warriors and Sages appear to be highly involved with the art of Conversation. (The description of Warrior shows Persuasion as its Positive Pole and Coercion as its Negative Pole. Both of these can easily be conducted via Conversation). So that makes it appear that Warrior fits into the Expression Axis.

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