Monday, December 8, 2008

Word for the Day for Monday, December 8, 2008

The Word for Today is Innocence.

First time through, I caught on something I've been discussing with some close friends, "Instinctive Center" [or Subconscious] cleanup. When taking an action like this, things often come up that require self-forgiveness (see yesterday). However, when I can simply relax and, simply "be myself", that leads to a child-like feeling of innocence.

I knew this would come up, but the second time through, I did my current task of "taking the word apart", coming up with less complimentary definitions.

So what am I to do third time around except to look elsewhere on the web? The word is actually used in many different contexts, such as movie and music titles. But I'm partial to a surprising "definition" in, what turns out to be a 7th grade quiz. Find the right one! :-)

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