Sunday, November 30, 2008

Word for the Day for Sunday, November 30, 2008

The word for today is sharing.

The first time around was short and sweet. (Share your gifts).

The second time around, I felt a need to explain the cyclical nature of time.

But why explain? Just go out and share!

Weekly Themes for week of November 30 to December 6, 2008

The themes for this week are both Precipitation and Initiation.

Precipitation is that "trickle down" that the Republicans love so much. Salt the top and some of that salt just might make it down to the bottom. I think I've heard it also as, "Let's set the wheels in motion".

Initiation, on the other hand, can occur easily with a single person. You initiate yourselves out of bed each day, and initiate all of the tasks that will get you through the day, such as eating breakfast, catching the bus, and getting to work at the office.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Words for the Day for Saturday, November 29, 2008

The Words for today are Overview and Perspective.

Once again, I have two prior occurrences for these words: First, 98 days ago and, second, 49 days ago.

Let's see what I can say different. Google doesn't like defining Overview. I had to trick it a bit, but found another site for definitions. Besides what I'd come up with myself (Executive Summary), we see an obsolete definition used by Shakespeare, "an Inspection or Overlooking".

Now Perspective is a bit easier, since Google doesn't mind defining it. Actually, Wikipedia did a pretty good job, regarding visual perspective. They call "Optical Illusions" "Forced Perspective", for example. Let's see what they say about M.C. Escher? Talk about unusual perspectives! (By the way, (see prior paragraph) did a pretty good job with Perspective also).

Friday, November 28, 2008

Word for the Day for Friday, November 28, 2008

The Word for Today is Reflection.

Goodness gracious me, but I'm now going to have to work even harder on these words. Because "the last time around", seven weeks ago, also has its own "prior version of this word", which occurred even seven weeks before that.

But am I going to let myself rest on these "double-laurels"? Absolutely not!

At the very least, I'm going to check out some of the web definitions for Reflection. Two I like are Contemplation and Observation. (So the Neutral Michael Mode can now be called "Reflection Mode"?)

Finally, another distinct meaning for Reflection is the obvious one that occurs with a mirror.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

Word for the Day for Thursday, November 27, 2008

The Word for Today is Study.

Last time, I suggested discrimination in what you study.

This time, I note that Wordnet has lots to say on this subject, including pointing out that it is valid as both a noun (i.e. field of Study, or a room for Study) and a verb (i.e. to Study).

Once again, what do you think?

Word for the Day for Wednesday, November 26, 2008

The Word for Yesterday was Absorption.

This fits the Michael neutral spot, Assimilation, as Wordnet points out multiple times.

I still haven't figured this one out, one reason I procrastinated it to death.

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Word for the day for Tuesday, November 25, 2008

The Word for Today is Review.

I think I did well last time. But always onward.

On the web, Wordnet has some ideas on this word, including (as a verb), critique or reexamine, or (as a noun), inspection or followup.

It is always important to review.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Word for the Day for Monday, November 24, 2008

The Word for Today is Experimentation.

The simplest phrase I can think of for this word is, "to try it out", where "it" is what you are attempting to figure out. Now last time I encountered this word, I got personal. This time, I take a look at what Wikipedia says about this. In particular, they have a variation of what I put above, "to try out", leaving the word, "it," out of the picture.

Where I take issue with this article is where they attempt to define a valid verses invalid experiment. (See how they belittle "field experiments", for example). The issue appears to be whether an experiment produces "concrete results". (What is a concrete result?) When experimenting with your own consciousness (which I do all the time, as I describe elsewhere), it is hard to come up with a result that another person would be able to perceive, let alone accept.

This should not stop your consciousness experiments (for example, dream recall with a Journal).

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Word for the Day for Sunday, November 23, 2008

The Word for Today is Recognition.

I actually went somewhere with this word last time through.

What I'd like to bring up today is a special type of recognition called Deja Vu, where you recognize something you might not expect to recognize. For me, it was Seattle, back in 1983. This recognition then told me that, in a prominent Parallel reality, I'd visited as a child during the 1962 Seattle Worlds Fair.

What kinds of unusual recognitions do you have?

Weekly Theme for week of November 23-29, 2008

The Theme for this Week is Discovery.

The web doesn't help much with this word, as many of the definitions include the word itself (i.e. "the art of discovering something").

The problem these days is that people often lead lives regimented by the television, which shows "same old, same old".

One place for new discoveries is consciousness itself. For example, learn to recall your dreams (suggestion: journal right by your bed) and see what they can teach you.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Word for the Day for Saturday, November 22, 2008

The Word for Today is Resolve.

Last time, I went for positive and negative uses of this word.

This time, I resolve to honor WordNet for how useful they have been with so many of my recent words.

Like, for instance, my ability to reach a conclusion in this post.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Word for the Day for Friday, November 21, 2008

The Word for Today is Courage.

Actually, I think I did a pretty good job last time, hitting the movies. But I always strive to improve.

I like what Yahoo Answers said, regarding standing up for yourself. When you do, you will even find, sometimes, that the "boogyman adversary" had nothing more than smoke and bluster and wouldn't have been able to hurt you anyway. For instance, a person who I believe wanted to mug me socked me hard in my right upper arm. I stood there calmly, telling him that his behavior is unacceptable. It turned out that one of the witnesses was an undercover cop, which made the experience "delicious". The cop asked me if I wanted to press charges. I declined, but asked if the police officer could help prevent the person from repeating his behavior. He said, "My pleasure. Come this way, please [to the perp]". I found out, later, that he was on drugs and had warrants out for his arrest. But my calm demeaner kept the incident from escalating.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Words for the Day for Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Words for today are Strength and Empowerment.

I just scratched the surface last time through. Let's go deeper tonight.

So how do you define Strength without using the word "strong"? Durability? Resolve? Mind over matter? Now let's take on "Empowerment". Assertion of personal power. (Yes, Power is in Empowerment). This time, I'm using Google language links, but not providing them to you, because I want you to come out and say what these words mean to you.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Word for the Day for Wednesday, November 19, 2008

The Word for Today is Competence.

Who is competent these days? As before, perhaps not me, at least in submitting these "words" on time. Oh well. I have another chance coming on Wednesday, January 7, 2009. (Figure it out...)

Anybody remember a 1968 book titled, "The Peter Principal"? That the reason our corporations are run so badly is that nobody in their core group is in a position of competence? (There may be some exceptions -- where people demanded a demotion back to competence, and made it stick. These were covered in the book, if I remember correctly, along with how much pressure was against them doing so).

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Word for the Day for Tuesday, November 18, 2008

The Word for Today is Endurance.

Last time around, we were in the midst of a "complete financial meltdown". I guess you could say we were enduring it!

The funny thing: We gave them $700 Billion to buy up "toxic home loans", but it seems that our Treasury Secretary, Henry Paulson diverted this to direct stock purchases of certain banks, who then turned around and gave Stock dividends, gave bonuses to top executives and started in to purchase other banks. Oh well -- easy come, easy go??? (And, it seems, about time for another post in my political BLOG).

Back to endurance, WordNet throws survival in with it.

Word for the Day for Monday, November 17, 2008

A "little birdy" told me that I missed a day. How careless of me!

The word for "today" [really yesterday] is [was] Fertility.

A "while ago", we also encountered this word, where I took into account the literal and the virtual (fertility of ideas).

When I go to the web for help, I get more about physical fertility (fecundity, anyone?), or how the soil can be fertile for seeds (which even includes a "negative pole" word, rankness).

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Word for the Day for Sunday, November 16, 2008

The Word for Today is Stability.

The last time around, I defined this purely by its absence in our country.

What does it mean to be stable? Good job, owning a home and a good marriage? (Well, one out of three [job] is not bad, I guess).

One of the Michael attributes is "the Nine Needs". One of those needs is Security. I guess somebody with that need might be looking for Stability. (However, my biggest need is Adventure, which doesn't care about it quite so much).

Weekly Theme for November 16-22, 2008

The Theme for this Week is Location.

Be honest: Do you really know where you are? Emotionally? Intellectually? Spiritually?

Location is quite important. Even physical location!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Word for the Day for Saturday, November 15, 2008

The Word for Today is Release.

Seven weeks ago, I equated Release with letting go. There are, of course, many definitions, including releasing a latch, releasing a prisoner, and even releasing a stream of profanities! :-)

I'll leave it to you which definition you prefer.

Word for the Day for Friday, November 14, 2008

The Word for Today is Aspiration.

I almost didn't even deal with this word last time. Let's see: Ambition. A dream to follow. And then, there are the medical definitions! :-)

I aspire to get these words for the day out on time!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Word for the Day for Thursday, November 13, 2008

The Word for Today is Contrast.

I used Politics to make my point last time around. But that is not the only place where you see contrasts in the world, of course.

Look for your own contrasts today.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Word for the Day for Wednesday, November 12, 2008

The Word for Today is Adaptability.

Last time, I took in the basics of this word. Let's delve a bit deeper this time.

The ultimate in adapting is a lizard called the Chameleon, who can even look like his/her surroundings. From the linked story, that is only the beginning of their adaptability.

I've been reading and hearing about a human form of Chameleon called the Ninja. (Note: The linked article may not be the best, but it was one of the funnier ones). I've met a few of these people. Even sat down and talked for a while. Really quite gentle people who will do everything in their power to avoid harming a bystander, even if it requires them getting hurt themselves.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Word for the Day for Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Once again, there are two Words today, Agility and Grace.

49 days ago, I put the two words together (seeing Agility defined with Graceful).

There are, at least, other meanings for Grace, including some that some religious sects argue about: "Grace or Works? Works or Grace? Both?" (Note about this link: I haven't read all the way through, so my regrets if it gets too weird!)

Once again, I welcome your comments.

Word for the Day for Monday, November 10, 2008

The Word for Today is Acceleration.

Last time, I took a surface look at the word. This time, it got quite profound, as I contended with a Triple Artisan transit.

In fact, it has a bit to do with the fact that the weekly theme, Sunday and Monday (this one) are behind. However, I do not excuse myself in the slightest!

So my "life acceleration" yesterday? Zero to 1000 MPH in about a minute or so? Like they say in the car commercials: "Closed track and professional drivers. Do not attempt".

Word for the Day for Sunday, November 9, 2008

The Word for Today is actually two of them: Patience and Tolerance.

Once again, this is not my first time down this path. Last time, I began the definitions. Let's continue this time.

I began with Patience, based on its absence. Today, I wish to state how fantastic my life has been, due to the fact that I developed Patience early in my life and kept it. Since I can be "naturally speedy", patience is a great way to compensate, deliberately slowing down for the other person I am with.

Last time, I mentioned how Tolerance is often mistaken for Acceptance. But it is a step in the direction of Acceptance. If you can honestly tolerate people who are completely different than you are, that lowers the friction that otherwise occurs.

To be continued in seven weeks.

Monday, November 10, 2008

Weekly Theme for the week of November 9-13, 2008

The Weekly theme is both Composition and Imagination.

It is important that we nurture these traits, especially in children.

When people think of Composition, they often think of the hard parts, such as a "composer" creating a Symphony or an Opera. However, we are always composing the details of what we wish to accomplish in the day ahead in our life, as well as composing our side of a conversation with a fellow human being. One way to make this form of composition more real is to keep a Journal or a Diary. This has fed the biggest breakthroughs in my life.

Imagination is even more fun, as we use it all the time. Unfortunately, it is sometimes used in a way that is less than useful, such as imagining the worst things that could go wrong in our lives. Now I have learned, quite the hard way, that that does not work well! One easy way to tie into Imagination is to follow your Intuition when it shows up. I've learned the hard way what happens when I ignore my intuition: My life stops working! Simple as that! And then it starts back in when I reconnect to my Intuition!

Have a great week!

Saturday, November 8, 2008

Word for the Day for Saturday, November 8, 2008

The Word for Today is Acknowledgment.

Last time around, I shared a dream. It is apropos because it includes a link to another, political BLOG of mine that just got an update.

Right now, I wish to acknowledge everything the world has given me so far this life. Thank you.

Friday, November 7, 2008

Word for the Day for Friday, November 7, 2008

The Word for Today is Kindness.

This word is often treated as an abstract concept, but I beg to differ, as it can be quite active, as in a kind act.

For example, how much of yourself are you willing to put forth, in an act of kindness? I can obviously not answer for anybody else, but, in the Michael tradition, I spent a significant portion of my earlier life struggling with an Obstacle [also called Chief Feature] called "Self Destruction". (Yes, it is a very good one to overcome). But, overcoming an Obstacle still leaves the Positive Pole of it, which, in the case of Self Destruction is Sacrifice, in my case, being willing and able to sacrifice a body to save another person. (Fortunately, people are rarely asked to go this far. But how about sacrificing some of your sleep if you hear a car accident right outside your house?)

Once again, I invite discussion.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Word for the Day for Thursday, November 6, 2008

The Word for Today is Encouragement.

I must have been in a hurry last time, for this is actually an important concept.

I asked for some help with this, getting three definitions for Encouragement, one of them circular ("The feeling of being encouraged"). However, I firmly believe that we can all not only use approval and support at times, but also hope and support.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Word for the Day for Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Word for Today is Thoughtfulness.

Seven weeks ago, we discussed how thoughtfulness could enable people to get along with each other better. Last night, the United States elected a good example of this: Barack Obama has demonstrated this throughout his presidential campaign, as well as for years before.

Be thoughtful today!

Word for the Day for Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Word for Today is Support.

The Michael teachings discuss "Support Groups", where we find (sometimes out of the woodwork) people unexpectedly offering their support, as well as (also sometimes unexpectedly) find opportunities to support other people, perhaps ones we did not know previously.

Think foundation: You need a good foundation to support anything, for example, a house. Are you building good foundations in your life?

Anyway, I am almost caught up!

Word for the Day for Monday, November 3, 2008

The Word for Today is Comfort.

Last time around, we were pretty comprehensive with how I usually think of this word.

My issue today (yes, Wednesday, November 5th, two days late) is that I am lacking a comfortable "base of operations", using coffee houses with "WiFi" to do my Internet, and going an entire day (yesterday) without it. Sorry, did not feel comfortable to me. :-)