Thursday, February 18, 2016

Words for the Day: Thursday, February 18, 2016

The Words for Today (Thursday) are Strength and Empowerment. I brought up some good questions, in my "Teaser", in yesterday's Comment: "Do you Know your own Strength?" Indeed, everybody has strengths, based on their heredity, upbringing, education and, possibly most importantly, life experience. And there are tools out there, to help you to find where your personal power lies. Now, to the other question: "Do you feel Empowered?" Well, do you? This is related, but not identical to the other question. Because "personal Power" is also related to things, such as "Life Experience". This is also related to our Theme, Survival, because strong, and empowered people "tend to" survive easier and better but, in addition, tend to lead higher quality lives. (Don't ask me why, especially tonight [LOL!], but it seems to follow).

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