Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Word for the Day: Wednesday, February 17, 2016

The Word for Today (Wednesday) is Competence. And let's hope that this, third try, meets the criteria, "Third Time's a Charm". Competence, Schlompetence! :-D

People DO need "competence skills", to survive, especially on a planet, as treacherous as this one. What other planet would have people, trying to cut down Tropical Rain Forests, just for "Short Term Financial Gain", without ANY regard for what our Children, Grand Children, and Great Grand Children might encounter. (And don't these idiots know that, removing several square miles of Vegetation, causes a BUNCH more Global Warming, than mere burning of "Fossile Fuels". Because all that Vegetation is WHAT TURNS CARBON DIOXIDE INTO OXYGEN!!!) In other words, stupider than a Box of Hair. Because, even if they become a Billionaire, is THAT going to help them be comfortable, on a Dead Planet?

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