Thursday, April 18, 2013

Word for the Day: Thursday, April 18, 2013

The Word for Today (Thursday) is Contrast.  And a great way to get lots of contrast is to parallel shift.  But just in case you're "jealous" that I am in a situation to actually do this, "be careful what you ask for -- you might not like what you get!"

For example, I recently went through huge shifts.  As a result, I've ended up turned into "performance art", here in Seattle, WA.  The good news is that I appear to be "loved" by some of the inhabitants of the city of Seattle.  Some of them laugh with me, and/or ask questions (which I adore, because the best part of any spiritual, metaphysical, science, and/or professional talk I give, in front of a crowd, is that question and answer section).

On the other hand, Reality appears to be Topsy-Turvy , here in Seattle, where, for example, I received a "family-style intervention" at an Anarchist coffee house.  Among other things, they accused me of "not respecting their boundaries".  But boundaries go both directions, where an unnamed African American male frequently flipped me "the finger", and tried to "prevent me from thinking", by careful use of words that were "supposed" to make me emotional.  Fortunately, the "coop leader" turned into my advocate, and I can "try again" next Wednesday.  (The reason I'm surprised is what I "think of", based on media definitions, which I suspect aren't correct, but there were reports of Anarchists, being the ones who "embraced violence" at the 1999 Seattle WTO Riots, when other groups, such as ones wishing for a socialistic United States, wanting non-violence.

I didn't intend for this to get so long, but I wished to include evidence of Contrasts and Shifts.  Thanks!  Kenneth Parker, Seattle, WA

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