Sunday, April 28, 2013

Theme for the Week: Week of 4/28 - 5/04/2013

The Word for Today (Sunday) is Integrationtion.  I hereby "recognize" that I made a mistake and made the Theme the same as the Daily Word. 

But integration, when it means integrating other parts of yourself into you, is a thankless task, but one that needs to be done, or you'll forever be chasing "Strands of Consciousness", just like those in the Dante Inferno section before Circle 1 where chasing banners, without ever getting closer to them.

I'm leaving the following paragrah in, because it inspired me.  But I'm also putting it in as a "comment" to the post it belons to, Sunday's Word:  "Unfortunately, family and friends [in some cases "frenemies"] use the past to forecast the future, ignoring what is happening in the present time.  I wish people would learn how important the present is.  In fact, it's your window to rippling through to the future AND TO THE PAST.  Keep this in mind, folks.  And remember to smell the roses, while you are at it.  Thanks!"

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