Tuesday, April 30, 2013
Word for the Day: Tuesday, April 30, 2013
The Word for Today (Tuesday) is Review. This is, of course, a wonderful to integrate your life. And there are so many types of review. It can be small, such as reviewing why something you said to a "significant other" backfired. And it can be big, such as Life Review, which really should take place after death because, if you don't learn from your personal history, you are likely to make the same mistakes in your next try.
Monday, April 29, 2013
Word for the Day: Monday, April 29, 2013
The Word for Today (Monday) is Experimentation. All life is an experiment. What's important is to recognize when it occurs.
Sometimes, you are in some sort of "sandbox" or "Playground", during the day, and other times, you are in a deadly serious situation, where any mistakes could create life or death. (And everything in between).
Just knowing where you "stand" in any moment may be the most important thing in the world for you.
Sometimes, you are in some sort of "sandbox" or "Playground", during the day, and other times, you are in a deadly serious situation, where any mistakes could create life or death. (And everything in between).
Just knowing where you "stand" in any moment may be the most important thing in the world for you.
Sunday, April 28, 2013
Word for the Day: Sunday, April 28, 2013
The Word for the Day (Sunday) is Recognize. I almost hinted at the in the just proor post, but I absolutely honor and recognize those who have helped me to be what I am. In fact, a posthumas shout-out to Dr. Keith MacNab, my junior Chemistry teacher, who showed me I could excel in High School, which allowed me to make the "honor role" in the Senior year: Go Drake! (Sir Francis Drake high school in San Anselmo, north of the Golden Gate Bridge from San Francisco. A shorter trip is via the Larkspur ferry terminal, where regular ferry boats (passengers only) run back and forth.
Theme for the Week: Week of 4/28 - 5/04/2013
The Word for Today (Sunday) is Integrationtion. I hereby "recognize" that I made a mistake and made the Theme the same as the Daily Word.
But integration, when it means integrating other parts of yourself into you, is a thankless task, but one that needs to be done, or you'll forever be chasing "Strands of Consciousness", just like those in the Dante Inferno section before Circle 1 where chasing banners, without ever getting closer to them.
I'm leaving the following paragrah in, because it inspired me. But I'm also putting it in as a "comment" to the post it belons to, Sunday's Word: "Unfortunately, family and friends [in some cases "frenemies"] use the past to forecast the future, ignoring what is happening in the present time. I wish people would learn how important the present is. In fact, it's your window to rippling through to the future AND TO THE PAST. Keep this in mind, folks. And remember to smell the roses, while you are at it. Thanks!"
But integration, when it means integrating other parts of yourself into you, is a thankless task, but one that needs to be done, or you'll forever be chasing "Strands of Consciousness", just like those in the Dante Inferno section before Circle 1 where chasing banners, without ever getting closer to them.
I'm leaving the following paragrah in, because it inspired me. But I'm also putting it in as a "comment" to the post it belons to, Sunday's Word: "Unfortunately, family and friends [in some cases "frenemies"] use the past to forecast the future, ignoring what is happening in the present time. I wish people would learn how important the present is. In fact, it's your window to rippling through to the future AND TO THE PAST. Keep this in mind, folks. And remember to smell the roses, while you are at it. Thanks!"
Saturday, April 27, 2013
Word for the Day: Saturday, 4/27213
The Word for Today is Resolve. This is a strange word, that means both a noun and a verb. For example, "I firmly resolve to not lose my resolve". :-)
Please note, folks, that resoltions are good for other parts of the year, than simply New Years Day.
Please note, folks, that resoltions are good for other parts of the year, than simply New Years Day.
Friday, April 26, 2013
Word for the Day: Friday, April 26, 2013
The Word for Today (Friday) is Courage. One note hear: It often takes more courage to say "NO", than it is to (literally), take part in a daredevil feat, How does it help you, in your life to, say, bungee jump, Skydiving (especially the sort where you don't want to open shutes, until actually need it. What could possibly go wrong?
Finally notice that daredevils are in high surplus, BUT I haven't (even once) encountered the word, "DareAngel"!.
Finally notice that daredevils are in high surplus, BUT I haven't (even once) encountered the word, "DareAngel"!.
Thursday, April 25, 2013
Words for the Day: Thursday, April 25, 2013
The two Words for Today (Thursday) are Strength and Empowerment. Do you know your own Strength? Do you feel emowered? These can be mighty important questions to ask yourself. And, of course, survival gets in there someday. Take a look at my Facebook page (sea7kenp) to see a more involved post on this. It's mostly public. Thanks!
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
Word for the Day: Wednesday, April 24, 2013
The Word for Today (Wednesday) was Competence. Does the fact that I skipped days make me incompetent, to provide the service of this BLOG? (Of course I don't think so, because of a mild dose of "Boobie Hatch Stress Syndrome"). But back to the topic at hand: The Peter Principle, authored by Lawrence J. Peter and Raymon Hull suggested that people get promoted, over and over, until they become mildly incompetent (meaning they might get "mediocre" performance reviews, and a lower percentage of raises, than if they work smarter). However, according to that previous book reference, they are not likely to be fired for incompetency. (That's left for the "ultra incompetent", or criminal employees).
The only problem? This doesn't seem to be correct any more. Scott Adams, creator of the Dilbert Comic Strip, as well as a short-lived Dilbert TV series, and several books, including The Dilbert Principle. Ponder the differences between these two books, and ask older people how it was in the "good old days". (Believe me, they'll know, and typically (if asked sincerely, as well as nicely), will be glad to tell you about it).
The only problem? This doesn't seem to be correct any more. Scott Adams, creator of the Dilbert Comic Strip, as well as a short-lived Dilbert TV series, and several books, including The Dilbert Principle. Ponder the differences between these two books, and ask older people how it was in the "good old days". (Believe me, they'll know, and typically (if asked sincerely, as well as nicely), will be glad to tell you about it).
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Word for the Day: Tuesday, April 23, 2013
The Word for Today (Tuesday) is Endurance. And using endurance for survival is laudable, but not easy to do, with all the "multitasking" we regularly need to do. Something that will help is Yoga, as it helps the body to be more flexible. I certainly personally recommend it!
Word for the Day: Monday, April 22, 2013
The Word for Yesterday (Monday) is Fertility. The connection of this to our Theme (Survival) is amazing. Racial survival means that we "be fruitful and multiply", thus ensuring the survival of our species. Cue the jokes, of course. (My favorite was Johnny Carson, when he was on Tonight Show, on NBC: "If men had to have babies, we'd not have a population explosion!) However, doing too much of this can actually DECREASE the survival of our planet! Think about that!
Word for the Day: Sunday, April 21, 2013
The Word for Today (Sunday) is Stability. Unlike the scenario in my prior post, stability makes for easier survival, as well as a more pleasant situation.
Weekly Theme: Week of April 21 - 27, 2013
The Theme for this Week is Survival. And sometimes, the letting go of what you think is survival may not work well, if at all. For example, there have been miraculous survivals, where a person, caught in machinary, cannot get free, and can't get anywhere. So he/she cuts off part of his/her arm, and makes it back to civilation, where an ambulance is found. That was survival, at last!
Word for the Day: Saturday, April 20, 2013
The Word for Saturday (April 20) was Release. When you are stuck, survival may be harder. So that's why divine providence provides multiple versions of Release Levers. Some are mechanical, some are digital, and some are inside your body and/or brain. But look for them anyway.
Friday, April 19, 2013
Word for the Day: Friday, April 19, 2013
The Word for Today (Friday) is Aspiration. I was just promoted to Manager a few days ago. So, "I aspire to be the best Manager I can". I turned down a higher "paycheck" [virtual, because the Higher Emotional Plane, or Angelic Realm, is a Cashless Society. But the "virtual paycheck" means it might become easier for me to travel, and the Restrictions, from the Eye Blink Universe may become relaxed, from "Maximum Personal Responsibility and Minimum Personal Gain" to something easier to live with].
Now that I'm a mangler? Man-gr? Consultant, where Consult rhymes with Insult? When I was told about this, the FIRST words out of my mouth: "Does this mean I have to shapeshift to a pudgy dog that not only talks, but insults you? Or does this mean that my hair style MUST be changed, at the local barber shop, to where there are points on either side?" :-)
One thing that WAS shared to me from the Essence Level: I was the ONLY one in my class that used Positive Pole techniques to Earn my way to Management. (It's the ONLY way you can "Be Yourself", where Cardinal and Ordinal (or, in Michael terms, Ordinal / Exalted) have the same DNA. And I HATE the Michael Term, "Exalted", because of it's connotations of "Better than those around you". I KNOW that I'm one of a handful of "Infinite Soul Scholars" (the only one where it's relatively to have the energies flow through you, using straightforward meditations and rituals). But it doesn't mean I'm better or worse than you! In fact, it makes it HARDER to relate to family and friends, because I have a tendency to overwhelm other people. I've been learning how to compensate for this, by being brief, with few words (which family and friends laugh at, because I've failed at it, in the past!!!) But the MOST important thing I've learned is to BE ON TOPIC!!! You can be banned from email lists if you violate this (and I've never had trouble in email lists! In fact, I EASILY am trusted to RUN email lists).
What makes it hard for an Infinite Soul Scholar to carry on an ordinary conversation? As a scientist, I'm WAY TOO DETAILED for the person on the other side of the conversation. And I'm not good at parties, but that's another topic, except I'll tease you that, when caught in the act of sitting on the couch in the living room, browsing a phone book, when I should be mingling, 3 good female friends THREW me to the rug, and tickled me on my feet, midriff, and underarms (all three sensitive to the touch), and threatened to refuse to invite me to any other parties, if I don't "learn how to mingle". In fact, I got a personal surprise, next party, when a number of people went in on an Antique Store purchase: A vintage Time Clock for Union Shops, in this case, a tire factory. They told me that I would be required to "Clock Out", if I went to the couch to read books, and "Clock In", when I go back to being social to others. Suffice it to say that it worked (even if I got embarrassed, in the process. I deserved to be embarrassed. Thank you and best regards, Kenneth Wayne Parker, Infinite Soul Scholar
Now that I'm a mangler? Man-gr? Consultant, where Consult rhymes with Insult? When I was told about this, the FIRST words out of my mouth: "Does this mean I have to shapeshift to a pudgy dog that not only talks, but insults you? Or does this mean that my hair style MUST be changed, at the local barber shop, to where there are points on either side?" :-)
One thing that WAS shared to me from the Essence Level: I was the ONLY one in my class that used Positive Pole techniques to Earn my way to Management. (It's the ONLY way you can "Be Yourself", where Cardinal and Ordinal (or, in Michael terms, Ordinal / Exalted) have the same DNA. And I HATE the Michael Term, "Exalted", because of it's connotations of "Better than those around you". I KNOW that I'm one of a handful of "Infinite Soul Scholars" (the only one where it's relatively to have the energies flow through you, using straightforward meditations and rituals). But it doesn't mean I'm better or worse than you! In fact, it makes it HARDER to relate to family and friends, because I have a tendency to overwhelm other people. I've been learning how to compensate for this, by being brief, with few words (which family and friends laugh at, because I've failed at it, in the past!!!) But the MOST important thing I've learned is to BE ON TOPIC!!! You can be banned from email lists if you violate this (and I've never had trouble in email lists! In fact, I EASILY am trusted to RUN email lists).
What makes it hard for an Infinite Soul Scholar to carry on an ordinary conversation? As a scientist, I'm WAY TOO DETAILED for the person on the other side of the conversation. And I'm not good at parties, but that's another topic, except I'll tease you that, when caught in the act of sitting on the couch in the living room, browsing a phone book, when I should be mingling, 3 good female friends THREW me to the rug, and tickled me on my feet, midriff, and underarms (all three sensitive to the touch), and threatened to refuse to invite me to any other parties, if I don't "learn how to mingle". In fact, I got a personal surprise, next party, when a number of people went in on an Antique Store purchase: A vintage Time Clock for Union Shops, in this case, a tire factory. They told me that I would be required to "Clock Out", if I went to the couch to read books, and "Clock In", when I go back to being social to others. Suffice it to say that it worked (even if I got embarrassed, in the process. I deserved to be embarrassed. Thank you and best regards, Kenneth Wayne Parker, Infinite Soul Scholar
Thursday, April 18, 2013
Word for the Day: Thursday, April 18, 2013
The Word for Today (Thursday) is Contrast. And a great way to get lots of contrast is to parallel shift. But just in case you're "jealous" that I am in a situation to actually do this, "be careful what you ask for -- you might not like what you get!"
For example, I recently went through huge shifts. As a result, I've ended up turned into "performance art", here in Seattle, WA. The good news is that I appear to be "loved" by some of the inhabitants of the city of Seattle. Some of them laugh with me, and/or ask questions (which I adore, because the best part of any spiritual, metaphysical, science, and/or professional talk I give, in front of a crowd, is that question and answer section).
On the other hand, Reality appears to be Topsy-Turvy , here in Seattle, where, for example, I received a "family-style intervention" at an Anarchist coffee house. Among other things, they accused me of "not respecting their boundaries". But boundaries go both directions, where an unnamed African American male frequently flipped me "the finger", and tried to "prevent me from thinking", by careful use of words that were "supposed" to make me emotional. Fortunately, the "coop leader" turned into my advocate, and I can "try again" next Wednesday. (The reason I'm surprised is what I "think of", based on media definitions, which I suspect aren't correct, but there were reports of Anarchists, being the ones who "embraced violence" at the 1999 Seattle WTO Riots, when other groups, such as ones wishing for a socialistic United States, wanting non-violence.
I didn't intend for this to get so long, but I wished to include evidence of Contrasts and Shifts. Thanks! Kenneth Parker, Seattle, WA
For example, I recently went through huge shifts. As a result, I've ended up turned into "performance art", here in Seattle, WA. The good news is that I appear to be "loved" by some of the inhabitants of the city of Seattle. Some of them laugh with me, and/or ask questions (which I adore, because the best part of any spiritual, metaphysical, science, and/or professional talk I give, in front of a crowd, is that question and answer section).
On the other hand, Reality appears to be Topsy-Turvy , here in Seattle, where, for example, I received a "family-style intervention" at an Anarchist coffee house. Among other things, they accused me of "not respecting their boundaries". But boundaries go both directions, where an unnamed African American male frequently flipped me "the finger", and tried to "prevent me from thinking", by careful use of words that were "supposed" to make me emotional. Fortunately, the "coop leader" turned into my advocate, and I can "try again" next Wednesday. (The reason I'm surprised is what I "think of", based on media definitions, which I suspect aren't correct, but there were reports of Anarchists, being the ones who "embraced violence" at the 1999 Seattle WTO Riots, when other groups, such as ones wishing for a socialistic United States, wanting non-violence.
I didn't intend for this to get so long, but I wished to include evidence of Contrasts and Shifts. Thanks! Kenneth Parker, Seattle, WA
Wednesday, April 17, 2013
Word for the Day: Wednesday, April 17, 2013
The Word for Today (Wednesday) is Adaptability. One way to manifest better is to be flexible (or adaptable). In other words, adapt to your surroundings, instead of making your surroundings adapt to you.
Tuesday, April 16, 2013
Words for the Day: Tuesday, April 16, 2013
The Words for Today (Tuesday) are Agility and Grace. We "gracefully" dodge potholes every day. Also, some use agility to get around town, because the bus service isn't very good. Hopefully, things will get better.
Monday, April 15, 2013
Word for the Day: Monday, April 15, 2013
The Word for Today (Monday) is Acceleration. Accelerated Manifestation? (This combines our Word with our Theme: See the first post from yesterday for more details).
Actually, with the direction the Universe is going these days, accelerated manifestation is absolutely occurring these days. The problem? This works both directions. So, for example, if you are absolutely sure you don't deserve money, watch out, because your manifestation skills might take over for you.
Actually, with the direction the Universe is going these days, accelerated manifestation is absolutely occurring these days. The problem? This works both directions. So, for example, if you are absolutely sure you don't deserve money, watch out, because your manifestation skills might take over for you.
Sunday, April 14, 2013
Words for the Day: Sunday, April 14, 2013
The Words for Today (Sunday) are Patience and Tolerance. In the prior post, I mentioned that it can take 21 days for changes in your life to manifest. Obviously, this takes a lot of Patience, because impatience is likely to cause one to abandon the entire change. Also, since human beings often get clumsy in spiritual changes in their lives, it's good to tolerate when things go, either wholly or partly wrong.
Weekly Theme: Week of April 14-20, 2013
The Theme for this Week is Manifestation. How do we manifest? This is actually a fairly complex topic. For example, some (for example, Maxwell Maltz) say that it takes 21 days for a new habit to begin to take hold in your life, including if it's replacing a bad one. We will go into two aspects of this in our next post.
Saturday, April 13, 2013
Word for the Day: Saturday, April 13, 2013
The Word for Today (Saturday) is Acknowledgement. Let's stay with our Theme, but turn things around in a different direction: Corporations and businesses do better, if they acknowledge their Patrons. See, if they take their customers for granted, what's to stop those customers from, simply going elsewhere?
Friday, April 12, 2013
Word for the Day: Friday, April 12, 2013
The Word for Today (Friday) is Kindness. Patronage [Theme]? Easy: Be kind to everybody, including corporations and businesses you patronize [not necessarily the same thing, as some businesses are based on different rules, than those that for corporations].
In general, I recommend you perform one random act of Kindness each day, as well as taking an aspirin, and then "call me in the morning".
In general, I recommend you perform one random act of Kindness each day, as well as taking an aspirin, and then "call me in the morning".
Thursday, April 11, 2013
Word for the Day: Thursday, April 11, 2013
The Word for Today (Thursday) is Encouragement. And Patronage is a great way to encourage corporations you believe in.
Thank you and best regards,
Kenneth Parker, Seattle, WA
-- "Life is Simple. People make it complicated".
Thank you and best regards,
Kenneth Parker, Seattle, WA
-- "Life is Simple. People make it complicated".
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Word for the Day: Wednesday, April 10, 2013
The Word for Today (Wednesday) is Thoughtfulness. To keep with our Theme, patronize businesses, who's policies come close to yours. For example, I'm an avid environmentalist. So I am absolutely in favor of companies, such as Seventh Generation who, among other things, market paper products (i.e. toilet tissues and paper towels), made from 100 percent recycled paper fibers.
Based on the prior paragraph, I consider it thoughtful to continue to patronize Seventh Generations, even when I might find, say, Kleenex on sale at a store.
See how well this all comes together?
Thank you and best regards,
Kenneth Parker, Seattle, WA
Based on the prior paragraph, I consider it thoughtful to continue to patronize Seventh Generations, even when I might find, say, Kleenex on sale at a store.
See how well this all comes together?
Thank you and best regards,
Kenneth Parker, Seattle, WA
Tuesday, April 9, 2013
Word for the Day: Tuesday, April 9, 2013
The Word for Today (Tuesday) is Support. This connects with our Theme in both directions: 1. When you are patronizing a business you like, you are supporting it. 2. When a business takes extra care to provide excellent goods and services, it is supporting its customers.
Monday, April 8, 2013
Word for the Day: Monday, April 8, 2013
The Word for Today (Monday) is Comfort. Once again, this goes well with Patronage (our Theme): When I'm choosing a business to shop or eat at, I use more than one issue, to make my decision. For example, a restaurant is known for fantastic food. Therefore, they have waiting lists, and/or require (or "highly recommend") reservations. Another restaurant is known for "better than average food, lovingly prepared", but has comfortable tables and pleasant music (which, for me, tends to Classical). I'm likely to choose the second restaurant, though I might look for special times for the first one (for example, if it is "slow" at, say, 3pm on Mondays).
Sunday, April 7, 2013
Word for the Day: Sunday, April 7, 2013
The Word for Today (Sunday) is Nourishment. This goes with our Theme, about the same way as Eggs go with Hash Browns. If you like a nourishing Restaurant, become a patron to it. Support it with your purchasing dollars.
Weekly Theme: Week of April 7-13, 2013
The Theme for this Week is Patronage. After the last two Themes, this one is a bit easier to work with. If you like something, be a patron to it. For example, if you like the music on a NPR station (like I have, in the past, when they did good classical music concerts), support it! Respond during the fundraisers, instead of ignoring them! If Congress has its way (especially through the Republican wing), there would be no federal funds for NPR, and they need support from someone.
This marks the beginning of a Michael Month, with the theme of the King Role.
This marks the beginning of a Michael Month, with the theme of the King Role.
Saturday, April 6, 2013
Word for the Day: Saturday, April 6, 2013
The Word for Today (Saturday) is Prosperity. And this ties in fantastic with our Themes, because how does it profit you, if your money comes from unethical sources? Even the police will confiscate drug money, for example.
There is a saying, "What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?" This is, of course, Mark 8:36, which proves that the best comes from ancient sources.
There is a saying, "What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul?" This is, of course, Mark 8:36, which proves that the best comes from ancient sources.
Friday, April 5, 2013
Word for the Day: Friday, April 5, 2013
The Word for Today (Friday) is Liberation. Careful use of Principles and Ethics can definitely help us to liberate ourselves from our boxes, fears and barriers to a constructive life.
Thursday, April 4, 2013
Word for the Day: Thursday, April 4, 2013
The Word for Today (Thursday) is Wisdom. If you haven't already figured this out, I always like tying these Words to our Weekly Themes: "Ethical Wisdom"? "Wise Principles"? :-)
Actually, both of those, and more. And how do we get wise? How about Life Experience? And how can we get to the point, where we might be qualified to create our own Code of Ethics? How about Life Experience?
Reading books are fine. And they can certainly be "cliffs notes", leading us to remember Life Experience from earlier lifetimes. And I'll leave you with that thought. Thank you!
Actually, both of those, and more. And how do we get wise? How about Life Experience? And how can we get to the point, where we might be qualified to create our own Code of Ethics? How about Life Experience?
Reading books are fine. And they can certainly be "cliffs notes", leading us to remember Life Experience from earlier lifetimes. And I'll leave you with that thought. Thank you!
Wednesday, April 3, 2013
Word for the Day: Wednesday, April 3, 2013
The Word for Today (Wednesday) is Impartiality. Principled impartiality? Ethical impartiality? In my opinion, it would be to report things neutrally but, at the same time, fact check, such as to avoid passing along lies from others.
Tuesday, April 2, 2013
Word for the Day: Tuesday, April 2, 2013
The Word for Today (Tuesday) is Consequence. The consequences are the way you can tell how your personal principles, or your own code of ethics, match up with secular law, as well as the attraction (or lack, there of) those you are courting.
Monday, April 1, 2013
Word for the Day: Monday, April 1, 2013
The Word for Today (Monday) is Elimination. Eliminate Principles and Ethics? Oh no, I absolutely do not believe that. However, if something comes in the way of ethical behavior, like your "friends" daring you to do something dangerous? That's what I would "just say NO to".
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