Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Word for the day for Tuesday, September 30, 2008
This is an interesting word! After yesterday, how much is this country expected to Endure, having to do with our financial meltdown?
Personally, I've had to endure all sorts of things. Flexibility and a sense of humor obviously help.
This day has a Warrior influence, by the way.
Monday, September 29, 2008
Word for the Day for Monday, September 29, 2008
There is an obvious meaning, having to do with whether sex organs are in good, working order.
However, there can be a fertility of ideas also. In other words, creativity.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Word for the Day for Sunday, September 28, 2008
Hey folks, guess what we do NOT have right now? (At least, having to do with the financial condition of our country).
Weekly Theme for week of September 27 - October 4, 2008
My take on this word is being connected to home and family. (I am single, and so have missed parts of this).
An alternative definition has to do with Domestic animals, as opposed to Wild animals. I guess there could be wild people, too.
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Word for the Day for Saturday, September 27, 2008
After a week of hard work (see my Political BLOG for details), I have to take time to release and let go of my agitation. Relax, in other words. (I'm sure there are other meanings of Release, but I like that one best, at least at this time).
Friday, September 26, 2008
Lesson in Soul Age: Obama hit the Debate out of the Ballpark...
I believe we have a functional definition of the difference between
Young Soul [McCain] and Mature Soul [Obama].
McCain harped on Republican talking points, and how we have to cut
taxes for corporations. Obama stressed the need to help the Middle
Class; the poor soul on Main Street that is struggling to make ends
McCain harps on how Obama will not admit that the Surge in Iraq worked.
Obama stressed that we need to deploy our military intelligently, and
take good care of our soldiers.
Obama stresses the need for us to cooperate, as he lays the olive
branch out for McCain to embrace. McCain flails out, repeatedly
attacking Obama in every which way he can.
Need I go on? Is there any question about the contrast between these
two candidates for President?
Best regards,
Ken Parker
Word for the day for Friday, September 26, 2008
We aspire to be the best that we can.
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Word for the Day for Thursday, September 25, 2008
There is a lot of contrast in the world these days. Take our Election. Please! :-)
As I point out on my Political BLOG, you can easily tell the difference between the two Presidential candidates at this time. There is a lot of contrast between them.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Word for the day for Wednesday, September 24, 2008
The ability to change is good, adapting to your surroundings being a sign of a flexible person.
Watch out! Other people might want you to adapt to them.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Word for the Day for Tuesday, September 23, 2008
The funny thing is that these two words relate to each other. According to http://wordnet.princeton.edu, agility means, "The Gracefulness of a person or animal that is quick and nimble".
Of course, when I put Grace into the same web site, I got nine different definitions! I like the one that goes with "Graceful", which I learned to develop by learning how to walk very slowly, without falling down. (It can be harder than you think!)
Monday, September 22, 2008
Word for the Day for Monday, September 22, 2008
Accelerate? Yes, there are times when we need to speed up, and times when we need to slow down. The trick is to figure out which is appropriate in each situation.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Word for the Day for Sunday, September 21, 2008
Patience is pretty self-explanatory, usually noticed mainly by its absence, mainly when you are having trouble moving your car at a green light.
Tolerance is interesting, because people often mistaken it for Acceptance. However, explore both words separately and you can see the contrasts.
Weekly Theme for week of September 21-27, 2008
This term seems pretty much self-explanatory, but remember that there is more to health than our body. For example, we can be emotionally healthy also.
Please note that, beginning with this post, announcements like this will be both on this BLOG, as well as my new Michael Transits Email List. (However, discussion will vary between this BLOG and the list. The BLOG has its comments, and the email list has its discussion threads. If there is something earth-shattering in one, I'll post it to the other.
Saturday, September 20, 2008
Word for the Day for Saturday, September 20, 2008
Let's acknowledge what works, and replace what doesn't.
By the way, I can tell you that everything's going to be all right. I had a dream last night where I was deposited into Iraq. Not what the media tells you, but the real Iraq. What did I find? Opposing armies that look at each other and say, "You're just another human being. I can't fight you!"
You don't have to believe a word I tell you, but I suggest you watch the media: It will slowly start to figure this out.
We already saw this yesterday with the collapse of the US Financial markets. The Democrats and Republicans are being forced to cooperate with each other and to fix some basic problems. Why is "Short selling" a company illegal now? I'm a computer troubleshooter. Somebody crashed the Wall Street computers, by shorting a profitable company and becoming infinitely wealthy. Divide 1 by 0 and you get infinity! If they paid this one person, they would have had to pay him more than than our 9 trillion national debt!
By the way, for more on our political situation, please check out my new Green Libertarian Party BLOG.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Word for the Day for Friday, September 19
This one speaks for itself. We need lots of kindness in this world.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Word for the Day for Thursday, September 18, 2008
Yes, go out and do something you want to do. I fully encourage you to do it.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Word for the Day for Wednesday, September 17, 2008
I believe that this is an important word. If more people were thoughtful, I believe we would have fewer wars, and people would get along better.
Thoughtful? Full of thought? One use of this is to think before you speak. Another is to look carefully at any situation you are in and see where you can improve it.
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Word for the Day for Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Who supports you? Who do you support? (I hope you included yourself).
Monday, September 15, 2008
Word for the Day for Monday, September 15, 2008
Do you feel comfortable? What does that mean? Temperature? Humidity? But then, what does it mean to say, "I'm comfortable around this person on the right, but that one over there gives me the jitters"? So comfort exists on many different levels. In fact, one weekend seminar I went to (forgot who put it on) was primarily about our "comfort zone", how we define it, and how beneficial it often is to venture outside of it.
Bringing this back to the Michael teachings, I wonder how comfort and growth correlate with each other? Do you have to leave comfort to grow? Sometimes? Often?
Personally, I like to keep a comfortable "base of operations", which is my Apartment at this moment. And then use that as a basis to branch out to less comfortable adventures.
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Word for the Day for Sunday, September 14, 2008
We all need to be nourished. We'd die if we didn't eat. But this isn't only about food. How about the smiles you get when you are cheerful in your conversations?
I recommend people take another look at "Transactional Analysis". This is because of the frustration I see, at least in the news, regarding how hard it is to carry on a civil conversation.
I've read the books (I recommend Eric Berne's original ones). I also like the Wikipedia perspective.
Weekly Theme for week of September 14 - 20, 2008
Yes, it's good to serve your neighbor. It is also good to allow yourself to be served.
This one is pretty intuitive.
By the way, it's also the beginning of a Michael Month, but I have not yet come up with good names for them yet. There will be seven months of seven weeks to a year. 343 days. (Yup, does not correspond with our current calendar of 365 or 366 days. But there is a reality out there that I am tuning into and I mean to get more insight as I go on).
This is the start of a new Michael Year: Beauty.
The prior Michael year was devoted to love, which we've shown, sort of, in the news. Some heroism, some booboos, lots inbetween.
There are actually two words to describe this year: The other one is Energy. We all need energy to exist. I'm told these come together somehow, but I have not completely figured it out yet.
Can you help? What correspondences do you see between energy and beauty? And how do you think this will work out in everyday life?
I encourage comments.
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Word for the Day for Saturday, September 13, 2008
So what does it mean to be prosperous? Lots of money? Then why do so many who have lots of money feel empty inside?
I feel that there is more to the subject of Prosperity than just lots of money. How about "Spiritual Prosperity"?
The answer, I believe, is "all of the above", or a balanced life.
Friday, September 12, 2008
The Word for the Day for Friday, September 12, 2008
Liberation is usually thought of in terms such as prisons or a totalitarian government. But there are other things that also imprison us, such as our beliefs. How do we limit ourselves? Yes, several ways. But we can liberate ourselves from our limitations.
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Word for the Day for Thursday, September 11, 2008
My take on this is that true wisdom requires lots of experience. Not necessarily the kind of experience that the Republicans are talking about when they claim Obama is not ready to be President. (I remember how hard it was to get a job, because they wanted someone with "experience", but how would you get experience without the job?) What I'm talking about is general "life experience".
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Word for the Day for Wednesday, September 10, 2008
This is a difficult one, as it is often not easy to be impartial, as we all have opinions. However, news networks and newspapers often claim impartiality. Judges are "supposed" to be impartial, but that can also be difficult.
As I look closer at the definition for Impartiality, it appears that all that is required is the ability to seriously consider all sides of the issue at hand.
What do you think? Are there times when you get tripped up this?
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Word for the Day for Tuesday, September 9, 2008
I remember a game show many years ago called "Truth or Consequences". There was quite a bit of "truth" in that game show, as there are quite a few consequences that occur when somebody tries to put themselves out as other than they are. The biggest one is how they have to remember "the story" that they were telling to each person so that they don't stumble. You see it in the news, where people try to create a new life after committing a crime. They often slip up, and, thus, "pay the Consequences" for their poor choices.
Monday, September 8, 2008
The Word for the Day for Monday, September 8, 2008
Once again, this word can be interpreted in many ways, even to the functioning of the Human Digestive Tract!
However, I look for anything in my life that is wasteful and unproductive. When I eliminate those aspects of my life, there is room to add new and possibly exciting projects.
Word for the Day for Sunday, September 7, 2008
The word for "today" is Self-Reliance.
It is interesting, as this has been the main message from the Republican Party, "Bootstraps" and all.
It is a good trait to develop, as there will always be times when others are not around to help.
(I've followed this trait much of my life, even being afraid to ask for help. There is a balance that I've needed to find).
Weekly Theme for week of September 7 - 13, 2008
Be honest: How many projects have you started, but not completed? (My own answer: I've lost count!)
I will say this, however: I feel extremely good, when I do finish a project.
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Word for the Day for Saturday, September 6, 2008
Now this is quite an interesting word! For it can go both ways. For example, if you eat excessively, while not exercising, you might expand, but in a way you might not like!
The context of Expansion I prefer, however, is Spiritual Expansion. Or, more generally, "Expanding my horizons", where I'm paying attention to more of the world I live in.
Once again, try this on and let me know what your insights are.
Friday, September 5, 2008
Word for the Day for Friday, September 5, 2008
The main message I wish to convey about Trust is that it must be earned! People in positions of authority have been known to "demand" trust. This frequently happens with authoritarian governments. What they frequently get is definitely not true trust! (Instead, it is often a wary and careful obedience, coupled with an often healthy paranoia).
Earning trust is often a slow and tedious process, especially if you had a history in the past of violating trust. (And, when a certain level of trust had been earned, even a single episode of violating it will throw it right back out the window.
Now to Faith. In a personal growth group, it was put out as an Acronym: "Father And I Together Here". Try it on for size. (Though it hasn't completely fit for me, I haven't thrown it out yet either).
The one thing to be careful of is blind faith, which is often quite naive. I believe that true faith is answered by communication.
(Yes, in this one, I'm not even trying to give a "final" answer, but opening it up for discussion).
Thursday, September 4, 2008
Word for the Day for Thursday, September 4, 2008
It is very interesting that this word comes on a Thursday, as that is also the day of the week that Thanksgiving comes on.
Gratitude is a very strong force -- to Give Thanks. Who are you thankful for?
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Word for the Day for Wednesday, September 3, 2008
The definitions for Equality are themselves "not created equally"!
I am convinced that it does not mean "homogeneous". Instead, I believe it means "equal opportunity". What we do with our opportunity is, of course, completely up to us. And then, the real diversity can be seen.
So what am I talking about here? "Equal diversity"? Think about it and we can discuss.
(And that brings up a reminder: Comments are encouraged. They are moderated, mainly due to the huge SPLOG [Spam BLOG] problem). Anything that is respectful and on-topic will be allowed through, even if it completely disagrees with me. (I learn a lot from discussions like that).
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Word for the Day for Tuesday, September 2, 2008
It is, of course, always good to keep Prudence in mind, especially right before speaking.
I actually found a most wonderful discussion of Prudence via a Google search. The part I liked best is that "Prudence isn't for wimps". In other words, the "easy way out", such as not even getting up in the morning, is often not prudent at all!
Monday, September 1, 2008
Word for the Day for Monday, September 1, 2008
The obvious meaning for most might be "opposite of Guilty". But I would like to stress more the context, "The Innocence of Children". Somebody who has not been "subverted", for instance.
The exciting thing is that, when a person cleans up after their past, they can reclaim some of this feeling of innocence.
I believe that I stopped Hurricane Gustav
I believe that our collective emotions have a strong effect on the weather. Look it up.
Gustav Mahler was one of my past lives. He decided to be one of my aspects, allowing me to explore Classical Music. He is my Energy or Beauty aspect. But Gustav Mahler lives on of course. It seems that he was irked about something, causing him to start spinning around in one way or another, becoming non-physical, as an energy being. When you see a Tornado, you might wonder if somebody got so much in a tizzy with emotions such as anger or hatred, that they escalated to a life form that isn't even physical.
Anyway, when I figured out my connection with this hurricane, I promptly got into an altered state where I was shouting out to the storm itself, "Gustav, Calm Down!", repeatedly.
Eventually, things calmed down in my body (which had a digestive churning going on), and I felt a special calm feeling.
Let's look at the news and see if Gustav starts winding down.