Sunday, August 30, 2020

Weekly Theme: Week of August 30 to September 5, 2020

 The Theme for this Week is Prophecy.  I am growing annoyed with Google's Definitions:  "the faculty, function, or practice of prophesying".  Seriously, folks, you don't Define a Word with a Derivative of the same Word!  So I tried "Define Prophet", getting a bunch of Religious Definitions.  But when I scrolled down to "Kid's Definition", I finally find, "a person who predicts the future".  (There definitely can be humor in looking these Words and Themes up!)  But there is an issue in this final "Definition":  Only  *One*  Future to Predict?  In the Michael Teachings (which can be Googled), there are plenty of Discussions about the Many Realities we live in.  (For example, we have a choice of what to do:  For example, a choice between two Careers, one local, but another, perhaps with a larger Salary, but several States away.  So, after an agonizing period of time, we choose one of these Careers.  Somewhere in your Psyche, the other Choice is explored).  So we need to be careful, not to Limit the usage of the word, "Prophecy".

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