Sunday, November 5, 2017

Weekly Theme: Week of November 5-11, 2017

The Theme for this Week is Prophecy.  According to Google, this means, quite simply, "a Prediction". Now, making predictions is a dicey concept, due to the Multiple Worlds View of (at least a subset of) Quantum Physics.  This Concept, making up the Multiverse (which can be Googled), suggests that there can be multiple Versions of Events.  So, if you are attempting to "be a Prophet", by "predicting the Future", which Future are you attempting to Predict?  In my opinion, where Prophecy can be valid, is is in giving Warnings.  For example, a "prediction" can be made that, if we keep "shoveling" Hydrocarbons into the Atmosphere, coastal flooding "is likely", as the Ocean level rises, due to the melting of Polar Ice.  *BUT* remember, that this is a warning, because we can change our ways.

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