Thursday, October 5, 2017

Word for the Day: Thursday, October 5, 2017

The Word for Today (Thursday) is Study. So are you Mediating, between Two Fields of Study? [or] Are you Studying the topic of Mediation itself? (I'll leave these two, to your imagination!) Now, on Study itself, be selective! Since it takes time and effort to, actually "Learn" a Field of Study, you typically don't have a lot of time, to "try out" a bunch of Topics (unless you are Retired, and have enough Resources, to not have to work). And even if you *do* have a lot of Resources, you are likely to get overwhelmed, if you try to study too much, in too little time. (I know: I tried, in Community College, to take two Classes at once, and had to drop out of one of them). And another "hint", that you are studying too much, is if you stop having fun. Word to the wise.

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