Sunday, April 30, 2017

Weekly Theme: Week of 4/30 to 5/06/2017

The Theme for this Week is Location.  "Where are you located?"  That seems a simple, focused question, answerable in only one manner:  For example, if I were asked this, I could answer,"I'm located in Carrboro, North Carolina, in the United States of America".  But this can be said in multiple ways:  For example, the GPS Coordinates for Carrboro are 35°55′14″N 79°5′2″W.  An Astronomer might "muddy the waters", by discussing the changing "Location" of our Solar System in the Cosmos, as our Milky Way Galaxy moves around!

One question this Theme brings up:  How happy are you, about your current Location?  Do you like where you live?  And there are multiple reasons one might like, or dislike where they live:  Climate, crime rate, how friendly the other residents are, and transportation issues make up only some of the questions that might be asked.  Politics and the state of the schools are two other possible reasons to like, or dislike a location.  Where are *you* located?  Do you like it there?

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