Sunday, February 12, 2017

Weekly Theme: Week of February 12-18, 2017

The Theme for this Week is Vision.  How good is your Vision?  20/20?  Nearsighted?  Farsighted?  Astigmatism?  This can be an interesting topic, but I don't think it's what is looked for here.  What we've discussed so far, is only the first definition I get from Google:  The second is, "an experience of seeing someone or something in a dream or trance, or as a supernatural apparition".  In effect, this might be discussing some sort of "inner vision".  Obviously, you may wish to be selective, who you describe "Inner Visions" to, especially if you use certain terminology.  For example, if you tell the "wrong person" that you "regularly see hallucinations", you may find yourself in some sort of "Mental Institution"!  But people in the past, found their way into books, such as the Bible, by discussing "Religious Visions".  Go figure!

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