Sunday, September 4, 2016

Weekly Theme: Week of September 4-10, 2016

The Theme for this Week is Retention.  The first thing that pops up, when plugging "define retention" into Google is, "the continued possession, use, or control of something".  But what comes up next might be more telling:  "the fact of keeping something in one's memory".  Because what do we all own, and (supposedly) have full control over?  A brain, with extensive storage capabilities, known as "memory".  Now, I never actually Took an Evelyn Woods Speed Reading course, but was able to browse the "student guide" from it, once.  An important concept was, that it's not so important "how fast" you can read a book, but how fast you can read it, and retain what you read!  So retain what you learn, and return in the morning!  :-)

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