Sunday, June 19, 2016

Weekly Theme: Week of June 19-25, 2016

The Theme for this Week is Choice.  People are "Choice-making beings", whether they think they are or not.  Even when we "think" there is "only one choice", there are more than that.  Some of them may "seem invisible", but they're there.  They can be as simple as "doing nothing", turning yourself in to some authority or another, or possibly facing "abrasive relationship changes", if you refuse a direct order.

Instead of, "There is no choice", it might be better to state something like, "Even though there are choices, one is markedly clearer than the others, due to severe consequences".  For example, most "normal people" would say, "I pick up an item in a store, and pay the proper price, before leaving the store with it".  But the other "choices" might possibly trigger a criminal record, violence or both.

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