Sunday, February 15, 2015

Weekly Themes: Week of February 15-21, 2015

The Themes for this Week are Principles and Ethics.  The way I define Principle is like a "personal truth", or a "code".  So, to put them together, I'd say I have my own Code of Ethics.  And some people, that I shared this with, suggested, "You're not qualified to do it yourself.  You're supposed to use [some sort of combination of country law, and things in, say, the Bible] instead".  The problem, is that, even if you do use something from outside yourself, you still have the responsibility, in case something doesn't work out correctly.  For example, some laws conflict with each other, such as, on the one hand, laws against Perjury (or lying), yet on the other hand, there are laws against giving away secrets, which might include state secrets, and/or confidential information from a client.

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