Sunday, January 4, 2015

Weekly Theme: Week of January 4-10, 2015

The Theme for this Week is Disability.  Since I don't find this an easy Theme to describe, I will ask for help from Wikipedia, which includes the following statement:  "Disability is the consequence of an impairment that may be physical, cognitive, mental, sensory, emotional, developmental, or some combination of these. A disability may be present from birth, or occur during a person's lifetime".

Anybody who has followed Michael Transits, for an extended time, remember that that the basis of these Themes and Words are, respectively, the Global Jobs and Community Responsibilities, from the Michael DNA Chart.

Finally, what is my take on Disability, whether it comes as a Global Job, or a Weekly Theme?  I feel that the best way to approach it, is through compassion, knowledge, and (especially if you are in the midst of it), resourcefulness.  For example, a person who has impaired hearing, is free to learn sign language, lip reading, or both.  And a person who wishes to be compassionate and helpful to the hearing impaired, can also learn sign language. 

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