Sunday, August 25, 2013

Weekly Theme: Week of August 25-31, 2013

The Theme for this Week is Choice.  I learned a lot about choice from an author named Jane Roberts. In one of her Seth books, titled "The Nature of Personal Reality", there are two chapters, both of which begin, "Which You? Which World". The first one gives you general information about how choices create universes (teaser:  Often, especially when the choice is emotionally intense, once you've made your "choice", somewhere, upstairs (whether "that" is called "higher self", your "guardian angel", or "essence"), something and/or someone wants to know how the "other choice" worked out.  One example, which could be emotionally challenging:  You're offered a promotion at work, but you have to move, say, from New York to Chicago.  However, your "significant other" can't stand Chicago, and suggests that the "relationship is off" if you move.  But you really want that promotion.  Both sides of this issue will be explored).

I mentioned the first chapter.  The next one has exercises, where you can learn how to consciously make choices.  I highly recommend the book.  Thank you!

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