Friday, July 23, 2010

Words for the Day: Friday, July 23, 2010

There are Two Words for Today: Trust and Faith.

I've stated this before, but wish to expand on it: Trust must be earned, and Faith should not be blind. Yes, there are institutions that try to demand that you trust them, as well as have faith in them. For example, churches and governments. Both of these can be corrupt, however, even leading people to their deaths. An example of a government like that: Pol Pot in Cambodia. An example of a "religion" [cult] like that: Jonestown.

Here's what has worked for me: Find my real higher self. It is often described as the "still, small voice" within. For me, it is so still and small that I don't actually "hear" it, but just "know" it happened, and, when I, myself am still, understand it. What drowns it out most is the "usual" internal "bicker" about what occurred in the past, as well as what's in store for the future. But what I've found is that it's gentle, kind, and doesn't mislead me (though I sometimes think it is, before I understand the "why", behind an experience I was led into). It is also consistent. (The "counterfeit" voices, often much louder, can bounce you all over the place).

Good luck in all of this!

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