Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Word for the Day: Wednesday, May 26, 2010

The Word for Today (Wednesday) is Concentrate.

What do you concentrate on? Constructive action, or "doom and gloom"? I have found, first hand, that actual concentration on a task makes it easier to accomplish it. But, on the other hand, concentrating on why something will not work makes it difficult (or even impossible) to make headway on it. One game, found in the world in human relationships, is "Why don't you?", with the response, "Yes, but...", where "but" is followed by all the reasons the suggestion won't work. (I put a link on the word, "game" back there, to an article about a book by Eric Byrne, called "Games People Play").

Suggestion? Concentrate on the tasks you wish to accomplish.

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