Thursday, February 28, 2019
Word for the Day: Thursday, February 28, 2019
The Word for Today (Thursday) is Wisdom. Wise Conservation? (The Best Kind!) People often ask how they Develop and Increase Wisdom. Often, certain books, as well as "Weekend Classes" are brought up. Don't underestimate the importance of Life Experience, however. For example, if you actually experienced something, it's *much* more important, than just Reading about it!
Wednesday, February 27, 2019
Word for the Day: Wednesday, February 27, 2019
The Word for Today (Wednesday) is Impartiality. Impartial Conservation? [or] Conservation of Impartiality? (Hmmm... Not sure this goes together well). How hard is it to be Impartial, anyway? In my opinion, *quite* hard, because we all have Opinions on, just about every topic out there, including Conservation. But don't let that stop you!
Tuesday, February 26, 2019
Word for the Day: Tuesday, February 26, 2019
The Word for Today (Tuesday) is Consequence. So would there be Consequences for Conservation? (Of Course!) But I submit that the Consequences for the *Lack* of Conservation, are WAY more Severe, and Longer Lasting. Waste not. Want not.
Monday, February 25, 2019
Word for the Day Monday, February 25, 2019
The Word for Today (Monday) is Elimination. Eliminating Conservation? (Please NO!) But Eliminating wasteful behavior, that stands IN THE WAY of Conservation is Quite Good! And, in the case of your Utilities, as well as Gasoline for an Automobile, you save money.
Sunday, February 24, 2019
Word for the Day: Sunday, February 24, 2019
The Word for Today (Sunday) is Self-Reliance. The way this Word fits in with our Theme, in my opinion, is the fact that we *can* do a lot ourselves. For example, don't waste water by blowing your nose, tossing it in the toilet, and flushing it. (That's what Waste Baskets are made for). And this isn't the only example: Use your Imagination!
Weekly Theme: Week of 2/24 to 3/02/2019
The Theme for this Week is Conservation. Conservation? You mean the "prevention of wasteful use of a resource"? Okay. So why is this such a difficult topic in Political Circles? But you know what? If we, individually Conserve, it often saves us Money, especially on our Utility Bills.
Saturday, February 23, 2019
Word for the Day: Saturday, February 23, 2019
The Word for Today (Saturday) is Expansion. So when is Expansion Welcome? In my opinion, when it is Spiritual, or even Intellectual Expansion, it's *very* Welcome. But if it's expansion of the "Middle" of your Body, usually caused by Lots of Delicious Food, not so Welcome. Just be Selective.
Friday, February 22, 2019
Words for the Day: Friday, February 22, 2019
The Words for Today (Friday) are Trust and Faith. In general, both of these Words are Welcome, unless you go too far. For example, especially when "ordinary people" are concerned, Trust must be Earned. And Faith should not be Blind. Also, it depends on what you are discussing. For example, I fully Trust the Universe, and have Faith in All That Is.
Thursday, February 21, 2019
Word for the Day: Thursday, February 21, 2019
The Word for Today (Thursday) is Gratitude. A Grateful Welcome? [or] Welcoming Gratitude? (Both?) Gratitude, in my Opinion, is one of the *most* Powerful Emotions we have, and such, is Quite Welcome. So what are *you* Grateful for, Today?
Wednesday, February 20, 2019
Word for the Day: Wednesday, February 20, 2019
The Word for Today (Wednesday) is Equality. So when is Equality actually Welcome? My take on this, is when we are discussing "Equal Opportunity for All". But Watch Out! There is something, also presented as a "form" of Equality, where everybody in a "situation" must "Conform". This could include School Uniforms, Corporate Dress Codes, or even "customs", such as (in some countries), Standing for the National Anthem of your Country. This, especially if enforced, I do *not* Welcome!
Tuesday, February 19, 2019
Word for the Day: Tuesday, February 19, 2019
The Word for Today (Tuesday) is Prudence. A Prudent Welcome? [or] Welcoming Prudence? (Both appear to work). This Word is often misunderstood, including being sometimes mistaken for Prude. However, when actually looking at Prudence, its main ingredient is Practicality.
Monday, February 18, 2019
Word for the Day: Monday, February 18, 2019
The Word for Today (Monday) is Innocence. And yes, an Innocent Verdict would be a *lot* more Welcome than a Guilty one (at least, if you are the one on Trial). But what I also find Welcome, is the Innocence of Little Children.
Sunday, February 17, 2019
Word for the Day: Sunday, February 17, 2019
The Word for Today (Sunday) is Forgiveness. "Forgive me for the quality of my Welcome"? Hopefully, we are beyond, being offended by something that "small". But, if we turn this around, actual Forgiveness, where it *is* appropriate, can be *very* Welcome. Often, these Themes and Words work better in one Direction than the other.
Weekly Theme: Week of February 17-23, 2019
The Theme for this Week is Welcome. "Thank you". "You're Welcome". How many times have you participated in this (or related) Exchange? I was, specifically taught this, as a Child. And there are multiple "layers" to "Welcome". For example, you can welcome somebody into your home, but only for one day (and then, never see him/her again, in your life). On the other hand, you can Welcome somebody "into your Life", even to the point where he/she might, even become a Spouse. And, of course, there's everywhere in-between. But here's an idea: Welcome Fun into your Life!
Saturday, February 16, 2019
Word for the Day: Saturday, February 16, 2019
The Word for Today (Saturday) is Authenticity. Authentic Partnership? (As opposed to a Counterfeit one?) So do Partnerships have "Certificates of Authenticity"? And some do: Marriages have Marriage Licences. There are multiple versions of papers for Corporations. I assume that a "Partnership Company" has one also. But there's an even *more* important question to ask yourself: Are you Authentic to Yourself?
Friday, February 15, 2019
Word for the Day: Friday, February 15, 2019
The Word for Today (Friday) is Interpretation. Partnership of Interpreters? [or] Interpreting Partnerships? (Both?) I kind of like the idea of a small company, where people learn to be Interpreters, and then make a Career of it. Good luck!
Thursday, February 14, 2019
Word for the Day: Thursday, February 14, 2019
The Word for Today (Thursday) is Socialization. And if anything, Partnerships often like to Socialize, both internally and externally. And also note that members of a Partnership (whether Relationship oriented [i.e. Marriage] or Business oriented [including, for our purposes, co-workers in a Corporation]) operate separately also, with their own set of Friends. Anyway, have fun!
Wednesday, February 13, 2019
Word for the Day: Wednesday, February 13, 2019
The Word for Today (Wednesday) is Concentration. Concentrated Partnerships? (Add Water?) Actually, in my opinion, the way this Word works with our Theme, is if we Concentrate on making the Partnership work well. Things like good Communication, and treating each other with Respect go a long way. Try it.
Tuesday, February 12, 2019
Word for the Day: Tuesday, February 12, 2019
The Word for Today (Tuesday) is Acceptability. Acceptable Partnerships? Actually, it depends on what that Partnership is used for. For example, the majority of marriages (or "Strong Relationships", if no wedding occurred) are, at least Innocuous, and often Beneficial (like, for example, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, which has helped in multiple causes). But one example Marriage lacks Acceptability (in my opinion), Bonnie and Clyde, a Criminal Partnership. Be careful.
Monday, February 11, 2019
Word for the Day: Monday, February 11, 2019
The Word for Today (Monday) is Generosity. Generous Partnerships? (The best kind!) What should always be possible is Generosity, between the Members of the Partnership. (Otherwise, it might not be sustainable). However, Generosity of the Partnership to the "outside world", clearly depends on the Partnership itself. Using a Marriage as an Example, some couples tend to keep to themselves, yet others reach out a lot. It all works.
Sunday, February 10, 2019
Word for the Day: Sunday, February 10, 2019
The Word for Today (Sunday) is Sharing. Sharing a Partnership? (Obviously, it depends on the *type* of Partnership: Marriage, yes. Criminal organization, likely not!) But you know what they say: "Share and Share Alike!"
Weekly Theme: Week of February 10-16, 2019
The Theme for this Week is Partnership. "Ship of Partners"? (As opposed to a "ship in the water"?) So what are Partners? According to Google, "a pair of people engaged together in the same activity". "Activity"? Anything from a Relationship (including, but not limited to Marriage), to a Business (where "Partner" can be officially used). And I was hoping I could take a Partnership out on a Lake! :-)
Saturday, February 9, 2019
Words for the Day: Saturday, February 9, 2019
The Words for Today (Saturday) are Overview and Perspective. Together, these help provide a "Big Picture View" of whatever topic they are associated with, and are important parts of both Guidance and Mentorship. When reading an Essay, you often find something at the beginning, that is called an "Executive Summary". That's another use of Today's Words.
Friday, February 8, 2019
Word for the Day: Friday, February 8, 2019
The Word for Today (Friday) is Reflection. This Word is related to Tuesday's Word, "Review", but deeper, and something Mentors can help give Guidance on. But this is a Multi-Faceted Word, because a Mirror Reflects. So do the People around you. Learn both Definitions, because I believe both Apply in the Context of our Words and Themes.
Thursday, February 7, 2019
Word for the Day: Thursday, February 7, 2019
The Word for Today (Thursday) is Study. Now this works Perfectly with our Themes, as your Mentors are providing Guidance on whatever you are Studying. But lets go past that, to suggest being selective on what topics you Study, because it's possible to burn yourself out, otherwise. And find something Awesome!
Wednesday, February 6, 2019
Word for the Day: Wednesday, February 6, 2019
The Word for Today (Wednesday) is Absorption. It would be great, if we could, just take a "Pill" at Bedtime, go to Sleep, and learn "Stuff". It may not work that way, but I *have* had Dream Classes in the past, and believe that others experience this too. But back to our Word, we "absorb" quite a bit from our "environment". Conversations at other tables in Restaurants, the things that occur, while you walk down the sidewalk, and of course, all those Commercials that blast at you, while you wait for your Show to come back on the air. Become aware of it!
Tuesday, February 5, 2019
Word for the Day: Tuesday, February 5, 2019
The Word for Today (Tuesday) is Review. A common function of Mentors, giving Guidance, is to aid in Review, of whatever Topic is being Studied. But Review goes *far* beyond Academic Contexts as (to give just two examples), you can easily do a Short Review of a Shopping Trip (to avoid the need to return to the Store in question). Or, you can do a Full Life Review, where your life is examined, often as if you were viewing it in a Movie Theater. In other words, an All-Purpose Word.
Monday, February 4, 2019
Word for the Day: Monday, February 4, 2019
The Word for Today (Monday) is Experimentation. And yes, in my High School Chemistry Class, there were multiple people (including me), providing Guidance to fellow students, about Lab Experiments. But keep in mind, that Life is made up of *many* experiments, including how best to approach surprises, that Life feeds us, almost daily. And Mentors are frequently welcome, when people are confused by these surprises.
Sunday, February 3, 2019
Word for the Day: Sunday, February 3, 2019
The Word for Today (Sunday) is Recognition. And I *do* Recognize those who have Mentored me, and provided Guidance through this Lifetime. Recognition is a good Service to provide.
Weekly Themes: Week of February 2-9, 2019
The Themes for this Week are Guidance and Mentor. These go together, for example: "A Mentor gives Guidance". Together, they make up an individual version of Teaching, which helps people who might have trouble in Classroom Settings. And don't be afraid to participate in either side of this.
Saturday, February 2, 2019
Word for the Day: Saturday, February 2, 2019
The Word for Today (Saturday) is Resolve. "I Resolve to Keep my Resolve, even in Domestic Situations". (Oh well). But one thing to remember, is that Resolutions can be made any time, not just at the New Years.
Friday, February 1, 2019
Word for the Day: Friday, February 1, 2019
The Word for Today (Friday) is Courage. Courage in Domestic Situations? We've seen multiple examples of this in our News! Staying with the more common situations, the Courage is, often to be Yourself, instead of what other members of the family "Think" you "should" be. Also to communicate, even when what is being said isn't what others "want" to hear. But (and this will you through all of these Words and Themes): Be Honest with yourself!
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