Monday, December 31, 2018

Word for the Day: Monday, December 31, 2018

The Word for Today (Monday) is Innocence.  Innocence of little kids?  (Awesome Vision!)  Be Innocent to yourself, and have a Happy New Year!

Sunday, December 30, 2018

Weekly Theme: Week of December 30, 2018 to January 05, 2019

The Theme for this Week is Vision.  How good is your Vision?  Near-Sighted?  Far-Sighted?  Astigmatism?  Or do you have 20-20 Vision?  (Or, at least, 20-20 Hindsight?)   Anyway, all of this should show that Vision is not, quite as simple of a Theme as I thought it would be!

Saturday, December 29, 2018

Word for the Day: Saturday, December 29, 2018

The Word for Today (Saturday) is Authenticity.  A Union with a Certificate of Authenticity?  (Like a Lincoln Plate?)  Oh well.  If a Marriage, the Marriage Certificate has to do.  If a Country, the Constitution is the closest thing.  But how about you?  Do Human Beings get Certificates of Authenticity?  (Birth Certificate?)  But something is even more important:  For  *you*  to be Authentic to Yourself!

Friday, December 28, 2018

Word for the Day: Friday, December 28, 2018

The Word for Today (Friday) is Interpretation.  So how do you Interpret a Union?  (It depends, of course!)  But, regardless, Interpretation can make a great Career Choice, because of how important people can be, when they are fluent in more than one Language.  And then, you can know how to say  "Union"  in other languages.

Thursday, December 27, 2018

Word for the Day: Thursday, December 27, 2018

The Word for Today (Thursday) is Socialization.  Do people in Unions Socialize with each other?  (Of Course!)  How about with other Unions?  (Also sounds true).  What are the proper forms of Socialization?  For example, how about "Electronic Socialization"?  (For example, Twitter and Facebook?)  In my opinion, these are valid, especially with younger people.  But, also in my opinion, meeting "in person" is  *much*  better!

Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Word for the Day: Wednesday, December 26, 2018

The Word for Today (Wednesday) is Concentration.  Concentrated Union?  (Just add water!)  Seriously, you  *do*  get what you Concentrate on, so be selective.  And, finally, Concentration works by itself, as a form of Meditation.  (For example, I have had good results, Concentrating on my Breath).

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Word for the Day: Tuesday, December 25, 2018

The Word for Today (Tuesday) is Acceptability.  Acceptable Union?  (Hopefully!)  Of course, different people have different "definitions" of Acceptability.  For example, some didn't think "Mixed Marriages" were acceptable.  (And note:  "Mixed" depends, with some objecting to mixed race, some objecting to different religions and, of course, some objecting to same gender.  And this is only three examples).  Finally, let me wish all of you an Acceptable set of Holidays!

Monday, December 24, 2018

Word for the Day: Monday, December 24, 2018

The Word for Today (Monday) is Generosity.  A Generous Union?  (Probably the best kind!)  This Word comes, during a good time:  These Holidays are a great reminder to be Generous.  But don't stop there:  Generosity is great, year around.  And, whatever Holidays you celebrate, I wish you well!

Sunday, December 23, 2018

Word for the Day: Sunday, December 23, 2018

The Word for Today (Sunday) is Sharing.  Do you "Share your Union"?  If you are Married, you are likely to show up, together in public:  That is an example of "Sharing your Union".  And have fun, doing it!

Weekly Theme: Week of December 23-29, 2018

The Theme for this Week is Union.  Unions can be small (two people, united in Marriage) or larger (50 States, united into a Country), but it's the same idea:  Many smaller objects making a single, larger object.  So how United are you? 

Saturday, December 22, 2018

Word for the Day: Saturday, December 22, 2018

The Words for Today (Saturday) are Overview and Perspective.  Integrated Overview?  Perspective about Integration?  (Sure, for both!)  Now, if you put Overview and Perspective together, that gives you the "Big Picture View", which can definitely help an Integrated, or Balanced life.  Live Balanced!

Friday, December 21, 2018

Word for the Day: Friday, December 21, 2018

The Word for Today (Friday) is Reflection.  An Integrated Reflection?  (Sounds good, but does it make sense?  Oh my:  It does in the Sciences!  Google it:  I actually spent some Time on this!)  But also spend time, reflecting on how your Life can be more Balanced.  This seems important right now.

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Word for the Day: Thursday, December 20, 2018

The Word for Today (Thursday) is Study.  And there are many Aspects of Integration that can be studied.  Also, there are disagreements, as to what it means.  (For example, I thought, earlier in my life, that we, as a Society, were past questions, about if we should Integrate, by Race, Gender, Religion, Political Beliefs, or even by what Football Teams we follow. Seems that there are still issues!)  In other words, lots to study.

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Word for the Day: Wednesday, December 19, 2018

The Word for Today (Wednesday) is Absorption.  (Integrated Absorption?  (Say what?)  [or]  Absorbing Integration?  (Not all of these, directly go together well).  How about "Integrating Sponges"?  (Live ones, or artificial, commercialized ones?)  Oh well.  Absorption is best used, in my opinion, as a learning tool like, for example, when learning a Language.  (Look up "Immersion training").

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Word for the Day: Tuesday, December 18, 2018

The Word for Today (Tuesday) is Review.  Review of Integration?  [or]  Integrated Review?  (Both sound impressive).  But, in general, note that Review can occur on multiple levels, all the way from Reviewing if a Shopping Trip went well, to the ultimate Review of your Lifetime, after you die!  Review well.

Monday, December 17, 2018

Word for the Day: Monday, December 17, 2018

The Word for Today (Monday) is Experimentation.  Experimenting with Integration?  (When Schools were first Integrated, it seemed like an Experiment!)  Integrated Experimenting?  (Good).  And yes, putting Experimentation into your Daily life (say, by frequently trying new things) sounds like a good plan, as long as you Research what occurs, before doing anything that might turn dangerous.

Sunday, December 16, 2018

Word for the Day: Sunday, December 16, 2018

The Word for Today (Sunday) is Recognition.  Recognizing the importance of Integration?  (Yes!)  Well, I Recognize those who help me, in my Life, including some who have helped me Integrate different parts of myself.  For example, you  *can*  Integrate the Left and Right Sides of your Brain.  Balance!

Weekly Theme: Week of December 16-22, 2018

The Theme for this Week is Integration.  Hmmm...  Opposite of Segregation?  Well, Segregation is about Separation, and Integration is about Combination.  But note that some things, perhaps should be kept apart:  Vinegar and Baking Soda?  Mentos and Diet Coke?  But, of most use to us, is Integrating parts of our own Psyche.  One example, that helped me, decades ago, is Integrating the Left and Right sides of my Brain.  The process, to do this, is called Educational Kinesiology.  Enjoy!

Saturday, December 15, 2018

Word for the Day: Saturday, December 15, 2018

The Word for Today (Saturday) is Resolve.  "I Resolve to Survive".  (Yup! These go together).  Note that we're approaching New Years, where people make (and often, later break) Resolutions.  (Here's an easy one:  "I Resolve to Keep my Resolve".  And another:  "I Resolve to have fun").  But also note that Resolutions can be made, any time during the Year.

Friday, December 14, 2018

Word for the Day: Friday, December 14, 2018

The Word for Today (Friday) is Courage.  Does it take Courage to Survive?  (If it's Painful, it could!)  Courage and Survival go together in many ways, including the Courage to GIVE UP your Life, saving somebody else (say, in a Fire).  Live Courageously.

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Words for the Day: Thursday, December 13, 2018

The Words for Today (Thursday) are Strength and Empowerment.  Do you Know your own Strength?  Do you Feel Empowered?  Do these Traits help you Survive?  Do I Ask too many Questions?  Whatever you do, find time for More Fun in your Life!

Wednesday, December 12, 2018

Word for the Day: Wednesday, December 12, 2018

The Word for Today (Wednesday) is Competence.  Are you Competent to Survive?  (I Hope So!)  But let's go beyond that to, not only surviving, but to living a Fulfilling Life.  And (as I know from personal experience), your Competence will be tested, more than once, throughout your Lifetime . So be Competent.

Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Word for the Day: Tuesday, December 11, 2018

The Word for Today (Tuesday) is Endurance.  Is this important for Survival?  (In other words,  "If I Endure enough, will I survive?")  Look at it the other way:  If you  *don't*  Endure, things may occur which get in the way of Survival.  Endurance Training?  Of course Health Clubs come to mind, but don't forget Yoga.

Monday, December 10, 2018

Word for the Day: Monday, December 10, 2018

The Word for Today (Monday) is Fertility.  And yes, Fertility is important for long-term, Species Survival.  I've said this before, but please note that there are more than one kinds of Fertility.  Besides what people think of the most, you can also have a Fertile Imagination.  And, in my opinion, it is beneficial to develop and maintain that kind of Fertility.  Have fun!

Sunday, December 9, 2018

Word for the Day: Sunday, December 9, 2018

The Word for Today (Sunday) is Stability.  And yes, Survival is easier, in a Stable Environment.  But is life more fun?  Don't we Thrive on Challenges?  Think about it:  What are you more likely to Remember?  Long periods of Stability?  Or Life Challenges that you have overcome?

Weekly Theme: Week of December 9-15, 2018

The Theme for this Week is Survival.  What does Google say?  Among other things, "the state or fact of continuing to live or exist".  But is that actually enough?  How about Thriving?  How about making your Life mean something?  What do you think? 

Saturday, December 8, 2018

Word for the Day: Saturday, December 8, 2018

The Word for Today (Saturday) is Release.  Release from Manifestation?  (No!)  [or]  Manifesting Release?  (Better).  One way this can work, is when you feel "stuck" (or "trapped in a box"):  This is, where you Manifest a "Release Lever" to free yourself from this Situation.  In fact, look around:  These "Release Levers" can be hidden, in the very Situations you are seeking freedom from  Often in Plain Sight!

Friday, December 7, 2018

Word for the Day: Friday, December 7, 2018

The Word for Today (Friday) is Aspiration.  And yes, I recognize that, both yesterday's and today's Words have Medical meanings.  ("Let us Aspirate the Contrast Solution").  But that's not what I am after, when I encounter the Word, Aspiration.  More like  (a personal example),  "I Aspire to Manifest what I need, in my life, to be the best Troubleshooter I can be".  And can we Manifest Fun in our Lives?

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Word for the Day: Thursday, December 6, 2018

The Word for Today (Thursday) is Contrast.  Contrast in Manifestation?  [or]  Manifesting Contrast?  (Second makes more sense).  My take is, that Balance is important, because too little Contrast can seem Boring, yet too much Contrast can get, downright Scary!

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Word for the Day: Wednesday, December 5, 2018

The Word for Today (Wednesday) is Adaptability.  Adaptable Manifestation?  [or]  Manifesting Adaptability?  (Both have meaning, but they're not the same).  I've said this before, but I consider Adaptability and Flexibility to be highly related, if not Synonyms.  (And Rigidity would be, at least close to an Antonym).  So be Flexible, and have fun doing it.

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Words for the Day: Tuesday, December 4, 2018

The Words for Today (Tuesday) are Agility and Grace.  Gracefully Manifesting Agility?  (Why not?)  Note that Today's Words can even Contradict Yesterday's, because these Word don't directly imply "being fast".  For example,  "Walking the Labyrinth"  [Google it!]  tends to be done  *quite*  slowly.  But oh, what Grace!  And have fun.

Monday, December 3, 2018

Word for the Day: Monday, December 3, 2018

The Word for Today (Monday) is Acceleration.  Accelerated Manifestation?  Well, that's what you get when you are completely Focused on what is "supposed to" come through.  What often stands in the way are Conflicting Beliefs.  One example:  A Person wants to Manifest more Money in their life, yet also has a Belief that he/she is not worthy of that Money.  Resolve that, and things get better.

Sunday, December 2, 2018

Words for the Day: Sunday, December 2, 2018

The Words for Today (Sunday) are Patience and Tolerance.  When Manifesting, you need Patience, because the process can take longer than expected, and Tolerance because the "Results" might not be what you "thought" they would.  See, we all Manifest:  It's part of being Human.  Just be Conscious of it.

Weekly Theme: Week of December 2-8, 2018

The Theme for this Week is Manifestation.  So what does this mean?  Google says (among other things), that it means "an event, action, or object that clearly shows or embodies something".  In "Higher Consciousness Circles", it can mean (or imply), "Creating something, perhaps from thin air".  I actually like this better than what Google gave me.  So Happy Manifesting!

Saturday, December 1, 2018

Word for the Day: Saturday, December 1, 2018

The Word for Today (Saturday) is Acknowledgement.  And yes, this works in both directions, as it is equally good for Patrons to Acknowledge the Businesses and Organizations they Patronize, as it is for Organizations and Businesses to Acknowledge their Patrons.  One note:  It takes Knowledge to Acknowledge!

Friday, November 30, 2018

Word for the Day: Friday, November 30, 2018

The Word for Today (Friday) is Kindness.  A Kind Patron?  (The Best type!  [I was going to say, "The Best Kind", but that gets weird]).  Conduct Random Acts of Kindness:  They help the World go around!

Thursday, November 29, 2018

Word for the Day: Thursday, November 29, 2018

The Word for Today (Thursday) is Encouragement.  Encouraging Patronage?  (Of Course!)  Here is one caution about Encouragement:  Be careful what you Encourage, because you are likely to have to live with it, long term.  And also remember:  It takes Courage to En-Courage.

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Word for the Day: Wednesday, November 28, 2018

The Word for Today (Wednesday) is Thoughtfulness.  And this works in both directions:  Patrons being Thoughtful towards the Organizations they support.  And, likewise, Organizations being Thoughtful towards their Patrons.  And what  *is*  Thoughtfulness, but Thinking, before Speaking or Acting?  Very helpful!

Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Word for the Day: Tuesday, November 27, 2018

The Word for Today (Tuesday) is Support.  Patronage?  Support?  Definitely related.  For example, if you Support your Local Public Library, You can also be called a Patron of it.  These all go together, you know.

Monday, November 26, 2018

Word for the Day: Monday, November 26, 2018

The Word for Today (Monday) is Comfort.  And yes, I choose to Patronize businesses, that give importance to the topic of Comfort.  For example, would you rather eat at a Restaurant with comfortable chairs, or a Restaurant with uncomfortable stools to sit on?  The Food may be the same, but what am I more likely to enjoy?

Sunday, November 25, 2018

Word for the Day: Sunday, November 25, 2018

The Word for Today (Sunday) is Nourishment.  And what better place to be a Patron of, than one which, as its Business Model, provides Nourishing (and, hopefully Delicious) meals for the area it is in?  Think about it.

Weekly Theme: Week of 10/25 to 11/01/2018

The Theme for this Week is Patronage.  So what does it mean to be a Patron?  "one who gives financial or other support to a person, organization, cause, or activity"?  You hear about this, mainly in the Arts (i.e. a Patron of a Symphony Orchestra, a Public Library, or a TV Station).  But it also could be a Restaurant or Store.  Where do you spend your Time and Money?  You see?

Saturday, November 24, 2018

Word for the Day: Saturday, November 24, 2018

The Word for Today (Saturday) is Prosperity.  So  *how*,  exactly does a good-working Code of Ethics help with Personal Prosperity?  For one, it's likely to help you to  *keep*  what you Gain.  For example, if you are Convicted of Robbing a Bank, do you think the Police/Prosecuter/Judge are likely to just  "let you"  keep the Money you got?  Be Real!

Friday, November 23, 2018

Word for the Day: Friday, November 23, 2018

The Word for Today (Friday) is Liberation.  Are you in Prison?  Even figuratively?  (Family restrictions?  Financial issues?  Political Repression?  Prisons aren't always physical).  Setting up your own Code of Ethics, and keeping to them, can be a way to garner Respect from those around you, and may even lead to a well-earned Liberation down the line.

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Word for the Day: Thursday, November 22, 2018

The Word for Today (Thursday) is Wisdom.  A Wise Code of Ethics?  (Of course:  The Best Kind!)  Does Wisdom depend on what books you read?  (Trick question:  Enlightening Books can help, but Life Experience is where the most Wisdom comes).  Live Wisely!

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Word for the Day: Wednesday, November 21, 2018

The Word for Today (Wednesday) is Impartiality.  A Set of Principles that include being Impartial when practical?  [or]  An Impartial Code of Ethics?  (The First leads to the Second).  I fully agree with the fact that Impartiality is hard to find,  *ESPECIALLY*  in the News Realm.  But that shouldn't stop us from making it a direction to strive for.

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Word for the Day: Tuesday, November 20, 2018

The Word for Today (Tuesday) is Consequence.  "So, are there Consequences to having your own set of Principles, and your own Code of Ethics?"  "Of Course!"  But then, the other Shoe Drops:.  "But Consider this:  There are  *ALSO*  Consequences, to Refusing to Maintain your  *own*  set of Principles, as well as your  *own*  Code of Ethics!"  Confusing?  A Lot of  "This"  is!

Monday, November 19, 2018

Word for the Day: Monday, November 19, 2018

The Word for Today (Monday) is Elimination.  Eliminating Principles and Ethics?  (No!!!)  But we  *can*  Eliminate issues, that stand in the way of us taking control of our own Code of Ethics.  See, you are in control of your Life, because you are the only person who can  *live*  your life. If it seems otherwise, question the situation.  And Good Luck!

Sunday, November 18, 2018

Word for the Day: Sunday, November 18, 2018

The Word for Today (Sunday) is Self-Reliance.  This actually goes together with our Themes because, when all is said and done, you are in charge of your Life.  You  *can*  "borrow" aspects of someone else's Code of Ethics  (for example, that of a Church),  but that doesn't change the fact that you are in Charge.

Weekly Themes: Week of November 18-24, 2018

The Themes for this Week are Principles and Ethics.  Do you have a Set of Principles?  Do you have your own Code of Ethics?  Some organizations (i.e. Churches) suggest you shouldn't (but use theirs instead).  But, when all is said and done, you are responsible for your own Life.  Even if you accept someone else's Code of Ethics, you will still be Blamed, if something goes wrong.  (And yes, some have been known to Justify one or more Crimes that they committed, by saying something like, "God told me to do it!")

How about a Principle of Living a Balanced Life? 

Saturday, November 17, 2018

Word for the Day: Saturday, November 17, 2018

The Word for Today (Saturday) is Expansion.  Salvaging Expansion?  [or]  Expanded Salvation?  (Second one sounds better).  Keep in mind that multiple things can be Expanded.  For example, I fully recommend Expanded Intellect, as well as Expanded Spirituality.  However, be careful about Expanding the middle of your body, say, with excessive amounts of delicious food.  Balance is the answer.

Friday, November 16, 2018

Words for the Day: Friday, November 16, 2018

The Words for Today (Friday) are Trust and Faith.  Salvaging Trust can be difficult, if that Trust had been Violated.  However, we can have Faith in our own Salvation, assuming we aren't preventing it by our own Beliefs.

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Word for the Day: Thursday, November 15, 2018

The Word for Today (Thursday) is Gratitude.  And I  *most*  *definitely*  have Immense Gratitude, for everybody who helped (or is helping) me in my on-going Salvation!  Notice, by the way, that we have Thanksgiving, Two Weeks in a Row this year:  Today, Virtually, due to a  "Word",  and next Thursday, via (at least in the United States), a National Holiday.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Word for the Day: Wednesday, November 14, 2018

The Word for Today (Wednesday) is Equality. Salvaging Equality? We *do* have a Civil Rights issue in this World we are on. And some Governments don't seem to agree with the idea of Equal Opportunity. But, in the Universe, anybody can Be.

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Word for the Day: Tuesday, November 13, 2018

The Word for Today (Tuesday) is Prudence.  Salvaging Prudence?  [or]  Prudent Salvation?  (Hmmm...)  Since Prudence is based on Practicality, it can lead to a Balanced Life, where you are not in the sort of "trouble", that migh t *require*  Salvation.  In other words, prevention.

Monday, November 12, 2018

Word for the Day: Monday, November 12, 2018

The Word for Today (Monday) is Innocence.  Salvaging Innocence?  (Sure:  Would be a good outcome to a Criminal Trial).  But remember that "opposite of Guilty" is only one meaning of Innocence  --  The other meaning is found, with the following phrase:  "The Innocence of Little Children".  Be Innocent.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Word for the Day: Sunday, November 11, 2018

The Word for Today (Sunday) is Forgiveness.  "Salvaging Forgiveness"?  [or]  "Forgiving Salvation"?  (Both possible).  But, in my Opinion, Forgiveness can be a part of Personal Salvation.  What do You Think?

Weekly Themes: Week of November 11-17, 2018

The Themes for this Week are Salvage and Salvation.  "Salvage our Salvation?"  (Right!)  But there are different connotations to these two Themes:  You could Salvage a Boat, found after being lost at sea.  But has that Boat "found its Salvation"?  Because Salvation is a "more personal" Word, with a "Theological" Definition:  "deliverance from Sin".  Should be an interesting Week!

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Word for the Day: Saturday, November 10, 2018

The Word for Today (Saturday) is Authenticity.  An Authentic Addiction?  (Instead of a Dinner Plate, the "Certificate of Authenticity" is for an Addiction?  That might make a good, "Saturday Night Live" skit!)  But realize the most important thing:  The one you  *really*  need to be Authentic to, is Yourself.

Friday, November 9, 2018

Word for the Day: Friday, November 9, 2018

The Word for Today (Friday) is Interpretation.  So how  *would*  one Interpret the Topic of Addiction?  Really, how?  (I don't have the Answer here).  But, to change the subject, if you know more than one Language, you have an opportunity for a great Career, as an Interpreter.

Thursday, November 8, 2018

Word for the Day: Thursday, November 8, 2018

The Word for Today (Thursday) is Socialization.  Addictions in Social situations?  Absolutely, as people appear to like being with others, who share their Addictions.  (For example, how many Bars exist in the United States?)  But you can, also use Social "situations", to work together on Overcoming Addictions.  (For example, Alcoholics Anonymous is a popular organization).  One thing, in general, to note about Socialization:  Electronics (i.e Facebook) are fine, but In Person is, in my opinion, better.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Word for the Day: Wednesday, November 7, 2018

The Word for Today (Wednesday) is Concentration.  Concentrated Addiction?  (Just dissolve in Alcohol).  But, regardless, remember that  "You Get what you Concentrate on".  In other words, Concentrate on an Addiction, and you get  "More Addiction".  So, instead, Concentrate on ways to Overcome these Addictions.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Word for the Day: Tuesday, November 6, 2018

The Word for Today (Tuesday) is Acceptability.  Acceptable Addiction?  If talking about "Real Addictions" (which have "negative" consequences"), then that phrase doesn't fit well.  But one of the most important questions you can ask yourself is, more basic:  "Are you Acceptable to Yourself?"  The answer may surprise you.

Monday, November 5, 2018

Word for the Day: Monday, November 5, 2018

The Word for Today (Monday) is Generosity.  Now this one is tricky  (i.e. "Hey, you can have ALL of my Addictions.  No Strings Attached!"  Please don't approach it that way).  But there is no problem with being Generous with any hints you have picked up, over the years, on how to manage and/or overcome your Addictions.

Sunday, November 4, 2018

Word for the Day: Sunday, November 4, 2018

The Word for Today (Sunday) is Sharing.  Sharing your Addiction?  A number of people actually do that. But no, I'm not suggesting it.  However, Sharing ways to overcome or, at least manage Addictions can be helpful.  And, if you are affected by this, be open to ideas from others . Live a Balanced life.

Weekly Theme: Week of November 4-10, 2018

The Theme for this Week is Addiction.  Definition?  According to  the site,, it is "the repeated involvement with a substance or activity, despite the substantial harm it now causes".  Note the word, "activity", because many are addicted to activities, such as Gambling.  Also, note the part about "despite the substantial harm it now causes", because people have tried to marginalize Addiction, by saying things like, "but we *all* are Addicted to water and air".  (Note:  I left "food" out of that statement because, despite the fact that we all need food to live, some are addicted to *excessive* amounts of food).  Live a Balanced life!

Saturday, November 3, 2018

Words for the Day: Saturday, November 3, 2018

The Words for Today (Saturday) are Overview and Perspective.   These, together can make up an "Executive Summary", which is a good way to Simplify an article (or, even a book).  And how about Perspective?   ("Simple Perspective?"   Since Perspective often defines a Perspective towards a topic, approaching the topic in a "simple way" may help).  Am I helping, or making things more complicated?   :-)

Friday, November 2, 2018

Word for the Day; Friday, November 2, 2018

The Word for Today (Friday) is Reflection.  A Simple Reflection?  (As opposed to a Hall of Mirrors?)  [or]  Reflecting Simplicity?  Actually, there are two meanings for Reflection:  What you see in a mirror, or a deep form of Review.  There is a lot to be said for the second definition, because what you Reflect on, you tend to remember better.  So Reflect wisely.

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Word for the Day: Thursday, November 1, 2018

The Word for Today (Thursday) is Study.  Studying Simplification?  [or]  A Simple Study?  (Both?)  One thing to do, is to be selective of, what you Study, because our Time is limited.  And, whatever you do, have fun doing it!

Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Word for the Day: Wednesday, October 31, 2018

The Word for Today (Wednesday) is Absorption.  This may, actually be a simple way to learn a Language:  Be with people, and interact with them.  You will pick up words, meanings, and context.  It's slow, and doesn't replace the other tools, such as Review and Study  (see first comment).  One example of Absorption is cited in the saying,  "Boy, I'd love to be a Fly on the Wall in that Meeting".

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Word for the Day: Tuesday, October 30, 2018

The Word for Today (Tuesday) is Review.  A Simple Review?  [or]  Reviewing Simplicity?  (Yeah, I could see either one of these).  And Reviews don't  *have*  to be complicated:  It could be, as simple as Reviewing your Shopping List, to see if you missed anything.  And it  "goes up"  from there:  Reviewing your Day, Week, Month, Year, or even Lifetime so far.

Monday, October 29, 2018

Word for the Day: Monday, October 29, 2018

The Word for Today (Monday) is Experimentation.  Experimenting with Simplicity?  [or]  Simple Experiments?  (Once again, both work, but they are not the same).  Don't be afraid to Experiment with your Life.  Experiments either work or don't.  But hopefully, we learn from them either way.

Sunday, October 28, 2018

Word for the Day: Sunday, October 28, 2018

The Word for Today (Sunday) is Recognition.  Simple Recognition?  [or]  Recognizing Simplicity?  (Both work, but in different ways).  But note that it's always good to Recognize those, who help your life work well.  And have some Simple Fun this week!

Weekly Theme: Week of 10/28 to 11/03/2018

The Theme for this Week is Simplification.  Simplification?  Make less complex?  (Pretty "simple" definition).  Unlike some of our Themes, this might make for a more pleasant week.  But, like everything else, it depends on you, because you are in charge of your life!

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Word for the Day: Saturday, October 27, 2018

The Word for Today (Saturday) is Resolve.  Sacrificing your Resolve?  [or]  Resolve to Sacrifice?  (Without Context, neither of these make much sense:  Almost like,  "I Resolve to keep my Resolve"!)  One thing in general to note about Resolutions:  They DON'T have to be made, during the  "New Year"  period.

Friday, October 26, 2018

Word for the Day: Friday, October 26, 2018

The Word for Today (Friday) is Courage.  Sacrificing Courage?  [or]  The Courage to Sacrifice?  (I like the second one better).  Courage is  *not*  the absence of Fear, but a way to Process that Fear.  And don't forget one thing, that often takes a Great deal of Courage:  Saying NO!

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Words for the Day: Thursday, October 25, 2018

The Words for Today (Thursday) are Strength and Empowerment.  Sacrifice these traits?  (Please NO!)  But if we  *are*  in a position, where Sacrifice of something is needed, doing it from a position of Strength helps a great deal.  Do you know your own Strength?  Do you feel Empowered?  These are, both good questions to ask yourself.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Word for the Day: Wednesday, October 24, 2018

The Word for Today (Wednesday) is Competence.  Sacrificing Competence?  (Please no!)  [or]  Competent to Sacrifice?  (Including knowing when that might be appropriate).  But the most important question to ask yourself?  "Are you Competent to be yourself?"

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Word for the Day: Tuesday, October 23, 2018

The Word for Today (Tuesday) is Endurance.  Enduring Sacrifice?  [or]  Sacrificing Endurance?  (Both sound interesting).  Building Endurance?  Of course, Health Clubs (or Gyms) can help.  However, one step that's often overlooked, is the practice of Yoga.  Think about it.

Monday, October 22, 2018

Word for the Day: Monday, October 22, 2018

The Word for Today (Monday) is Fertility.  A Fertile Sacrifice?  (Actually sounds intriguing).  [or]  Sacrificing Fertility?  (Some do this, to concentrate on, say, career).  But be careful what  *kind*  of Fertility you Sacrifice.  For example, make sure you keep your Fertile Imagination, so that your life goes better.  And have fun.

Sunday, October 21, 2018

Word for the Day: Sunday, October 21, 2018

The Word for Today (Sunday) is Stability.  (And I do  *not*  recommend that you go, out of your way to Sacrifice Stability).  But, if some form of Sacrifice is forced upon you, a Generally Stable Environment might make things easier to handle.

Weekly Theme: Week of October 21-27, 2018

The Theme for this Week is Sacrifice.  I looked this up on Google, initially getting, only Religious meanings (i.e.  an Animal Sacrifice).  But, looking further, I found "an act of giving up something valued for the sake of something else regarded as more important or worthy".  (For example, some people make Sacrifices for Lent [which occurs before Easter in the Christian Religion]).  I can think of, at least two things  *not*  to Sacrifice:  Your Sense of Humor, and periods of Having Fun. 

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Word for the Day: Saturday, October 20, 2018

The Word for Today (Saturday) is Release.  Release from Prophecy itself?  (Please, no!)  But Release from actions, that might stand in the way of getting the clear Messages that make up Prophecy, yes!  Also, if you feel stuck, look around you, and you  *might*  find something in your environment that can help free you.

Friday, October 19, 2018

Word for the Day: Friday, October 19, 2018

The Word for Today (Friday) is Aspiration.  Aspire to be the best Prophet around?  (Why not?)  But even better than that, is to Aspire to be the Very Best  *YOU*  that you can!  Also, Aspire to have fun in the process.

Thursday, October 18, 2018

Word for the Day: Thursday, October 18, 2018

The Word for Today (Thursday) is Contrast.  Contrasting Prophecies?  (I Googled this, with mixed results).  One thing, in general that I've said before:  The amount of Contrast needs to be in Balance, because too little can seem Boring, yet too much can get, downright Scary!

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Word for the Day: Wednesday, October 17, 2018

The Word for Today (Wednesday) is Adaptability.  An Adaptable Prophet?  (Probably the best kind...)  So what is Adaptability, if not Flexibility?  It's the ability to  "Roll with the Punches".  Now I've said this before:  The Flexible Person Adapts to his/her Surroundings.  The Inflexible Person asks his/her Surroundings to Adapt to  *him/her*!

Tuesday, October 16, 2018

Words for the Day: Tuesday, October 16, 2018

The Words for Today (Tuesday) are Agility and Grace.  A Graceful Prophecy about Agility?  (There:  I did it!)  But how  *do*  you Develop, and Maintain these two Traits?  Besides the usual techniques  (i.e. Yoga),  I suggest that you Google  "Walking the Labyrinth".  And have fun!

Monday, October 15, 2018

Word for the Day: Monday, October 15, 2018

The Word for Today (Monday) is Acceleration.  Accelerated Prophecy?  [or]  Prophecies about Acceleration?  I can think of, at least  *one*  Prophecy about Acceleration:  Excessive Acceleration of a Motor Vehicle can result in a Speeding Ticket.  But go ahead, with Intellectual and Spiritual Acceleration.

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Words for the Day: Sunday, October 14, 2018

The Words for Today (Sunday) are Patience and Tolerance.  And, due to the Fluidity of Time, it could  *take*  Patience and Tolerance to attempt to Predict "the Future".  But, whatever you do, have fun doing it!

Weekly Theme: Week of October 14-20, 2018

The Theme for this Week is Prophesy.  So what is Prophecy, but "a Prediction"?  (And yes, that's what Google says).  "The Wikipedia Article" on it even brings up a former Theme, Revelation, as well as tossing in Biblical references.  In this Article, people who give Prophecies are referred to as Prophets.  Now, one thing that complicates Prophecies is the fluidity of Time, where (according to the Multiple World Interpretation of Quantum Physics, among others), Time may have multiple, distinct versions of the Future.  How about a Prophecy that we have fun?

Saturday, October 13, 2018

Word for the Day: Saturday, October 13, 2018

The Word for Today (Saturday) is Acknowledgement.  Before I tie this to the Theme, let me remind you, that it takes Knowledge to AcKnowledge!  And how  *do*  you Acknowledge Disability?  By getting into the "Engineering" of the Disability  (i.e. How does it challenge a person?)  And  *then*  (but not before),  you can get to a "cure".

Friday, October 12, 2018

Word for the Day: Friday, October 12, 2018

The Word for Today (Friday) is Kindness.   So how do you be Kind to the Disabled?  First, treat them like People!  Because they are, like all of us, a part of the whole!  Simple as that!

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Word for the Day: Thursday, October 11, 2018

The Word for Today (Thursday) is Encouragement.  Encouraging Disabilities?  (No).  But encouraging People,  *with*  Disabilities to live Fulfilling Lives?  (Yes!)  And note, that a Little Encouragement goes a long way.

Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Word for the Day: Wednesday, October 10, 2018

The Word for Today (Wednesday) is Thoughtfulness.  So how do you be Thoughtful to people, challenged by Disabilities?  Frequently, by how you talk about the subject.  For example, people don't always appreciate lines like, "Poor You: How can you possibly live with such a Condition?"  Thoughtful?  Thinking before you Speak and/or Act?  Often, a great step to take!

Tuesday, October 9, 2018

Word for the Day: Tuesday, October 9, 2018

The Word for Today (Tuesday) is Support.  We all need Support at times in our Lives.  And  *have*  it, too:  Just look at the Topic of  "Support Groups"  in the Michael Teachings.  And this goes even more, if you are Challenged by one, or more Disabilities.  But one thing to think about:  Even then, you are, likely  *part*  of the Support Structure of other people.

Monday, October 8, 2018

Word for the Day: Monday, October 8, 2018

The Word for Today (Monday) is Comfort.  We all seek Comfort, in our day-to-day lives.  And this, of course includes people, challenged by one or more Disabilities.  And those who make efforts to Provide this sort of Comfort are to be Applauded.  When I provide a Restaurant Review, it can include notice, about how comfortable the Chairs are.  Because if I am fidgeting in a Restaurant chair, I am less likely to enjoy the food!

Sunday, October 7, 2018

Word for the Day: Sunday, October 7, 2018

The Word for Today (Sunday) is Nourishment.  And how better, to cheer up a person, challenged with a Disability, than a Nourishing  (and hopefully Delicious)  meal?  Think about it!

Weekly Theme: Week of October 7-13, 2018

The Theme for this Week is Disability.  So what is Disability, anyway?  According to Google, it is "a physical or mental condition that limits a person's movements, senses, or activities".  And why would this be a Weekly Theme, in the Michael Transits?  I guess it takes "all Kinds of Situations" to make up our Days and Weeks.  And remember one more thing:  Some people actually Overcome Disabilities, and consider that experience to make them Stronger. 

Saturday, October 6, 2018

Word for the Day: Saturday, October 6, 2018

The Word for Today (Saturday) is Prosperity.  A Prosperous Diplomat?  (It  *is*  a Lucrative Career Path).  But why not?  Don't Periods of Peace tend to be more Prosperous than Periods of War?  And how better to Prevent War than Diplomacy?

Friday, October 5, 2018

Word for the Day: Friday, October 5, 2018

The Word for Today (Friday) is Liberation.  Liberation  *from*  Diplomacy?  (Please, No!)  But Liberation from what stands in the  *way*  of Diplomacy, as well as what occurs  *without*  Diplomacy?  Yes!  Liberate yourself!

Thursday, October 4, 2018

Word for the Day: Thursday, October 4, 2018

The Word for Today (Thursday) is Wisdom.  A Wise Diplomat?  (Undoubtedly, the Best Kind!)  So how  *does*  one Develop, and Maintain this Wisdom?  Long, often Hard Life Experience, of Course!

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Word for the Day: Wednesday, October 3, 2018

The Word for Today (Wednesday) is Impartiality.  An Impartial Diplomat?  (Well, that''s the Idea:  The Diplomat, to be effective, needs to understand All Parties and preferably, not take sides).  But keep in mind, that Impartiality is not easy to attain, especially in the News Business!

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Word for the Day: Tuesday, October 2, 2018

The Word for Today (Tuesday) is Consequence.  Are there Consequences to Diplomacy?  (Of Course!)  But a better question might be, about the nature and severity of the Consequences, that occur when Diplomacy is  *not*  followed?  If those Consequences include War, that's about as Severe as you can get!

Monday, October 1, 2018

Word for the Day: Monday, October 1, 2018

The Word for Today (Monday) is Elimination.  Eliminating Diplomacy?  (NO!!!)  But Elimination of, what gets in the Way of Diplomacy  (i.e. Rudeness and Impoliteness)  is another thing, and to be Encouraged.  Be good.

Sunday, September 30, 2018

Word for the Day: Sunday, September 30, 2018

The Word for Today (Sunday) is Self-Reliance.  A Self-Reliant Diplomat?  (Likely an important trait!)  But remember that, as important Self-Reliance is, that we are  *not*  alone:  Help is always available.

Weekly Theme: Week of 9/30 to 10/06/2018

The Theme for this Week is Diplomacy.  According to Google, this is about "managing International Relations", but I especially like the second definition, "the art of dealing with people in a sensitive and effective way", because it is a trait that we *all* can use.  So does that mean that we *all* can become Diplomats?  Why not? 

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Word for the Day: Saturday, September 29, 2018

The Word for Today (Saturday) is Expansion.  Expanded Communication?  (Sure).  Is Expansion  (in general)  good?  It depends:  Spiritual, or Intellectual Expansion can be Awesome.  But Expansion around the "middle" of the Body, due to Delicious Food, can be a problem.  Have fun, but be careful!

Friday, September 28, 2018

Words for the Day: Friday, September 28, 2018

The Words for Today (Friday) are Trust and Faith.  Do you Trust your ability to Communicate?  Do you have Faith that you will be Heard?  That's as simple as these things can be!

Thursday, September 27, 2018

Word for the Day: Thursday, September 27, 2018

The Word for Today (Thursday) is Gratitude.  Let's have a Dialogue about this:  Gratitude helps the World go around.  I am always Grateful about those, who help me in my life.  Finally, notice that Gratitude always comes on Thursday, the same Day of the Week that the Holiday Thanksgiving comes on.  So what are You Grateful for?

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Word for the Day: Wednesday, September 26, 2018

The Word for Today (Wednesday) is Equality.  And Communication is best, when approached from an Equal standpoint  --  or between two Equals.  And this  *especially*  includes Intercourse, where both people must equally agree.  And don't forget:  Equal Opportunity for All!

Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Word for the Day: Tuesday, September 25, 2018

The Word for Today (Tuesday) is Prudence.  And a Context of One of this Week's Themes can, if Inappropriately Approached, cause Lasting Consequences.  So, a Practical Assessment of what you intend to accomplish,  *Either*  by  Dialogue or Intercourse  (or both)  would be Appropriate.  Just be Careful!

Monday, September 24, 2018

Word for the Day: Monday, September 24, 2018

The Word for Today (Monday) is Innocence.  Innocent Dialogue?  [Why not?]  Innocent Intercourse?  [Perhaps a bit more Complex:   One key, here, is Mutual Respect, as well as Respect for the word, "No"].  But remember that Communication is what is behind both of these. 

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Word for the Day: Sunday, September 23, 2018

The Word for Today (Sunday) is Forgiveness.  Asking Forgiveness for Communicating with another?  We might as well ask Forgiveness for  FAILING  to Communicate.  Just be Appropriate in the  FORM  of that Communication.  Thank you.

Weekly Themes: Week of September 23-29, 2018

The Themes for this Week are Intercourse and Dialogue.  At first blush, these seem quite different, until you look closer at the word, Intercourse:  Especially when it has a different Adjective then people normally expect:  "Social Intercourse", when Googled, is simply defined as, "Communication between individuals".  What is Dialogue, if not the same thing?  Even Sexual Intercourse can be considered a "form of communication", which often (though not always) includes Dialogue at the same time.  So Communicate Away!

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Word for the Day: Saturday, September 22, 2018

The Word for Today (Saturday) is Authenticity.  Authentic Humor?  (i.e.  The Joke comes with a "Certificate of Authenticity", like what you get from the Franklin Mint).  But an even  *more*  important Question could be:  Are YOU Authentic?  And, Especially:  Are you Authentic to Yourself?

Friday, September 21, 2018

Word for the Day: Friday, September 21, 2018

The Word for Today (Friday) is Interpretation.  So how  *do* you Interpret Humor?  (An English-Humor / Humor-English Dictionary?)  Because if Humor isn't correctly Interpreted, it might not come across as Humor at all.  Or, even worse, it might come across as Inappropriate or, even Cruel.  Careful.

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Word for the Day: Thursaday, September 20, 2018

The Word for Today (Thursday) is Socialization.  Socialized Humor?  (Have you ever attended a Stand-Up Comic Nightclub?)  One comment about Socialization in General:  These Word and Themes have been around a  *LONG*  time.  Back then, I am sure we didn't have Facebook or, even Telephones or email, meaning that Socialization tended to be In Person.  No reason we can't Socialize in Person now!

Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Word for the Day: Wednesday, September 19, 2018

The Word for Today is Concentration.  Concentrated Humor?  (Just drop it in Water...)  But often, the best Humor is what occurs, as I go through my day.  Sometimes, somebody, by being very Serious, can unintentionally get Humorous.  I used to watch Fox News that way but it got too Tedious and Boring.  But whatever News Source you Watch,  Be sure to do your own Fact Checking.

Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Word for the Day: Tuesday, September 18, 2018

The Word for Today (Tuesday) is Acceptability.  Acceptable Humor?  (I can give you an example, in my opinion, of "Unacceptable Humor":  Kicking someone in the Shin, laughing, and then saying something like, "What's wrong?  You don't have a Sense of Humor?)  But there is something even  *more*  Important than Acceptable Humor:  Are you Acceptable to Yourself?

Monday, September 17, 2018

Word for the Day: Monday, September 17, 2018

The Word for Today (Monday) is Generosity.  Generous Humor?  (Why not?)  Generosity, by itself, is an extremely useful trait, which can make people popular.  Also, in my opinion, it helps the World go around!

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Word for the Day: Sunday, September 16, 2018

The Word for Today (Sunday) is Sharing.  And what good is a Sense of Humor, if it is not Shared?  Seriously!  Need I say more?

Weekly Theme: Week of September 16-22, 2018

The Theme for this Week is Humor.  And what better thing to have, than a Good Sense of Humor?  So, that said, what  *is*  Humor?  According to Google, it is "the quality of being amusing or comic, especially as expressed in literature or speech".  And what better way, of spending a week, but with this Theme? 

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Words for the Day: Saturday, September 15, 2018

The Words for Today (Saturday) are Overview and Perspective.  Both of these are useful to a Vocation (or informal task) of Mediation, because it is important to have the Big Picture view, as well as Background Information, on the Parties to the Mediation.  But keep in mind, that the Big Picture is useful to living, in general.

Friday, September 14, 2018

Word for the Day: Friday, September 14, 2018

The Word for Today (Friday) is Reflection.  Mediate a Reflection?  (LOL!)  [or]  Reflecting on Mediation?  One concept I learned, years ago, was that people I encounter, often Reflect things I need to look at, in myself.  So, in a way, perhaps I  *am*  Mediating a Reflection.  One thing to keep in mind:  Reflect on Having Fun.  Okay?

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Word for the Day: Thursday, September 13, 2018

The Word for Today (Thursday) is Study.  Studying up to be a Mediator?  (It  *is*  a useful Career Choice).  But whatever you do, be selective what you Study, since there are so many Topics out there.  How about this?  Study how to Have Fun!

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Word for the Day: Wednesday, September 12, 2018

The Word for Today (Wednesday) is Absorption.  Mediation of Absorption?  [or]  Absorbing all Mediators?  (LOL!)  Usually, when I think of Absorption, it is in an Academic Setting, as a method of learning.  Why not learn about becoming a Mediator in this way?  (Though I usually think of Absorption, in connection with learning Languages).  Anyway, have fun Absorbing.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Word for the Day: Tuesday, September 11, 2018

The Word for Today (Tuesday) is Review.  There are Many Kinds of Review:  Review of how a Shopping Trip went;  Review of how your Day went;  Review of how your Lifetime went  (Life Review);  Performance Review?  (i.e. How well your "Global Job" of Mediation is going)?  Yes, there are Lots of "Flavors" of Review.  And all of them can be important!

Monday, September 10, 2018

Word for the Day: Monday: September 10, 2018

The Word for Today (Monday) is Experimentation.  Mediating Experiments  (say, in a Chemistry Class)?  [or]  Experimental Mediation?  (Like, for example, attempting to Mediate a Dispute between a Cat and a Dog?)  One thing to be sure of:  The Results may not match what you first intended.  But that's why we Experiment.

Sunday, September 9, 2018

Word for the Day: Sunday, September 9, 2018

The Word for Today (Sunday) is Recognition.  I hereby Recognize Mediation as an Important, as well as Awesome Career Path, highly needed in today's World.  It's also important in Domestic settings.

Weekly Theme: Week of September 9-15, 2018

The Theme for this Week is Mediation.  According to Google, Mediation is "intervention in a dispute in order to resolve it".  This skill comes up frequently in World Affairs, and can be an awesome career path.  However, it is also used, informally, in family settings.  This can be very important!

Saturday, September 8, 2018

Word for the Day: Saturday, September 8, 2018

The Word for Today (Saturday) is Resolve.  Cooperate Resolutions?  [or]  Resolve to Cooperate?  (Both!)  The Resolution can, actually be something like learning when to Cooperate, and with Whom.  As stated, earlier in the week, Cooperation may not always be what it appears, as sometimes Capitulation can look like Cooperation.  But remember that it takes Two to Cooperate.

Friday, September 7, 2018

Word for the Day: Friday, September 7, 2018

The Word for Today (Friday) is Courage.  "The Courage to Cooperate"?  Does Cooperation require Courage?  Sometimes:  Depends on who you are planning on Cooperating with.  If an "unpopular" person, cooperation might "look bad" to some.  But remember that your Life doesn't depend on what others think.

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Words for the Day: Thursday, September 6, 2018

The Words for Today (Thursday) are Strength and Empowerment.  Do you have the Strength to Cooperate, without surrender?  Do you feel Empowered to Advocate for yourself  (and those close to you),  when you Cooperate?  These are both quite important, for your own well-being, and show up on the News!  Yes, these Words and Themes affect our Mass Reality, also.

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Word for the Day: Wednesday, September 5, 2018

The Word for Today (Wednesday) is Competence.  Are you Competent to Cooperate effectively?  This is a "Loaded Question", because it takes two to cooperate.  For example, a one-sided Capitulation can be called "cooperation", by the victor of the Competitive circumstance that occurred earlier.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Word for the Day: Tuesday, September 4, 2018

The Word for Today (Tuesday) is Endurance.  Cooperative Endurance?  Why not?  Isn't it easier to  "endure"  difficult events with a good friend?  And even developing, and maintaining Endurance can be easier in groups:  Why not go to the Health Club together?  Why not attend Yoga Classes together?  And, finally, why  *not*  have fun together?

Monday, September 3, 2018

Word for the Day: Monday, September 3, 2018

The Word for Today (Monday) is Fertility.  Cooperative Fertility?  Yes:  This is the best way, as anything else would, likely turn into a crime.

Sunday, September 2, 2018

Word for the Day: Sunday, September 2, 2018

The Word for Today (Sunday) is Stability. Stable Cooperation?  [or]  Cooperative Stability?  (Hmmm...)  I  *will*  grant, that Cooperation may be easier, in a Stable Environment.  However, I contend that Cooperation might be  *much*  more Important, in unstable, chaotic environments!

Weekly Theme: Week of September 2-8, 2018

The Theme for this Week is Cooperation.  So what is Cooperation?  According to Google, it is "the process of working together to the same end".  It has a well-known "opposite", Competition.  And, folks, doesn't it feel better to Cooperate, than Compete? 

Saturday, September 1, 2018

Word for the Day: Saturday, September 1, 2018

The Word for Today (Saturday) is Release.   Finally, Release from earlier this Week!   :-)   When you feel stuck, look around, in your Reality:  You may find something that looks suspiciously like a Lever.   It may be the Release Lever, placed there to allow you Release from what's around you.   Good luck!

Friday, August 31, 2018

Word for the Day: Friday, August 31, 2018

The Word for Today (Friday) is Aspiration.  Like yesterday, this Word has multiple Connotations, some medical.  (But this brings up the fat that we  *do*  need to take care of our Circulatory system.  Our Hearts and Lungs will thank us).  But I Aspire to be the best that I can be. And that, in my opinion,is the best context for this Word.

Thursday, August 30, 2018

Word for the Day: Thursday, August 30, 2018

The Word for Today (Thursday) is Contrast.  Okay folks:  I will admit that "Circulatory Contrast" has medical contexts to it  (Contrast Solution, for example).  So, in a way, the Theme and Word "go together" today.  But I don't think that's the spirit of Today's Word, which is to live a Balanced Life:  Because too little Contrast can get Boring, yet too much Contrast can get Scary.

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Word for the Day: Wednesday, August 29, 2018

The Word for Today (Wednesday) is Adaptability.  Adaptable Circulation?  Why not?  Flexibility helps in other arenas.  And, in general, it  *does*  help to be Adaptable (or Flexible).  Go for it!

Tuesday, August 28, 2018

Words for the Day: Tuesday, August 28, 2018

The Words for Today (Tuesday) are Agility and Grace.  Accelerating yesterday, and being Graceful today?  Why not?  And what does Agile Circulation mean?  The answers to these, and other questions, are out there somewhere.  (As you can see, I like asking questions!)

Monday, August 27, 2018

Word for the Day: Monday, August 27, 2018

The Word for Today (Monday) is Acceleration.  Accelerated Circulation?  Well, if you are circulating your Blood, in order to compete in a foot race, that applies.  Or returning a Library Book early, so it can Circulate quicker to other people.  But watch out, when Circulating Cars on our Freeways, because excessive Acceleration can get you a Speeding Ticket.

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Words for the Day: Sunday, August 26, 2018

The Words for Today (Sunday) are Patience and Tolerance.  Does Circulation require Patience?  I guess it depends on what you're Circulating  (or waiting for the Circulation to occur).  For example, if you are on a Waiting List for a Library Book, it might take time for the Book to get to you.  But it could be worth it.  But have Tolerance, just in case the Book turns out to something, other than you anticipated!

Weekly Theme: Week of 8/26 to 9/01/2018

The Theme for this Week is Circulation.  So what does Circulation mean?  According to Google, one meaning is "movement to and fro or around something, especially that of fluid in a closed system".  And note that it describes multiple actions.  For example, your Blood Circulates through your Body.  Library Books Circulate through a County, City, or Town.  And it's not always positive as, for example, communicable diseases can "Circulate" between people.  So Circulate well, folks!

Saturday, August 25, 2018

Word for the Day: Saturday, August 25, 2018

The Word for Today (Saturday) is Acknowledgement.  Acknowledging Celebrations?  [or]  Celebrating Acknowledgement?  (Some of these go together better than others).  But I  *will*  say that I heartily Acknowledge those who help me, through my Lifetime.

Friday, August 24, 2018

Word for the Day: Friday, August 24, 2018

The Word for Today (Friday) is Kindness.  This works in Two Directions:  It is good to be Kind when you Celebrate.  [and]  Kindness is something to Celebrate.  Suggestion:  Random, unexpected acts of Kindness.

Thursday, August 23, 2018

Word for the Day: Thursday, August 23, 2018

The Word for Today (Thursday) is Encouragement.  When is it good to Celebrate Encouragement?  When what you are Encouraging is something you want, long term.  So be Selective.  And remember:  It takes Courage to EnCourage!

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Word for the Day: Wednesday, August 22, 2018

The Word for Today (Wednesday) is Thoughtfulness.  I take this in a different direction today, as I suggest that we be Thoughtful, about  *how*  we Celebrate.  As an example, when College Sports Teams win, the resulting Celebrations often include Injuries and Property Damage.  Just a little Thought, before acting can decrease the probability of the Celebration getting out of hand.  In this case, less is more!

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Word for the Day: Tueday, August 21, 2018

The Word for Today (Tuesday) is Support.  I may sound like a Broken Record this week, but a well-oiled Support Group is something to Celebrate.  But there are two parts to Support:  Why not be part of the Support Groups of others?  (And you, most likely, already are!)

Monday, August 20, 2018

Word for the Day: Monday, August 20, 2018

The Word for Today (Monday) is Comfort.  And  *THAT*  is something to Celebrate, wherever you find it!  Need I say more?

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Word for the Day: Sunday, August 19, 2018

The Word for Today (Sunday) is Nourishment.  And what better thing to Celebrate, than a Nourishing (and hopefully Delicious) meal?  And have fun!

Weekly Theme: Week of August 19-25, 2018

The Theme for this Week is Celebration.  Celebration?  You mean, "the action of marking one's pleasure at an important event or occasion"?  Okay.  So what Events or Occasions qualify?  Let's ask it this way:  What Events or Occasions give you Pleasure?  But then, many don't need much of a reason to Celebrate:  They just do it!  And why not? 

Saturday, August 18, 2018

Word for the Day: Saturday, August 18, 2018

The Word for Today (Saturday) is Prosperity.  Revelation of Prosperity?  Why not?  If you get, "Surprisingly Prosperous", are you going to Reject it?  You Shouldn't!

Friday, August 17, 2018

Word for the Day: Friday, August 17, 2018

The Word for Today (Friday) is Liberation.  Liberation from the process of Revelation itself?  (Please No!)  But Liberation from, what stands in the Way of Revelation is what we are talking about.  Think about it.

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Word for the Day: Thursday, August 16, 2018

The Word for Today (Thursday) is Wisdom.  Yesterday, there was a bit of trouble with "Impartial Revelations", because they "should" be Impartial, yet Impartiality is a difficult Trait to develop and maintain.  But today, all we need are "Wise Revelations", which should be a bit easier to understand.  But are they easier to Get?

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Word for the Day: Wednesday, August 15, 2018

The Word for Today (Wednesday) is Impartiality.  An Impartial Revelation?  (Fascinating idea!)  So how hard is it to  *be*  Impartial, anyway?  Harder than you may think.  Note how hard it is to  *find*  Impartiality, especially where we look for it first:  The News?  Partial as you can get!

Tuesday, August 14, 2018

Word for the Day: Tuesday, August 14, 2018

The Word for Today (Tuesday) is Consequence.  Revelation of Consequences?  [or]  The Consequences of Revelation?  (Wow!)  So  *do*  Revelations have Consequences?  Yes of course.  But refusing to entertain the topic of Revelation itself, can have Consequences also, and perhaps more severe.  Pay Attention.

Monday, August 13, 2018

Word for the Day: Monday, August 13, 2018

The Word for Today (Monday) is Elimination.  Eliminate all Revelations?  (Please, No!!!)  But Elimination of things in your life, that might stand in your way, to receiving Revelations?  Things like Self-Doubt and issues of Worthiness?  I am all for that.  Good luck!

Sunday, August 12, 2018

Word for the Day: Sunday, August 12, 2018

The Word for Today (Sunday) is Self-Reliance.  A Self-Reliant Revelation?  [or]  Revelations about Self-Reliance?  (Both?)  How to be Self-Reliant would be a good Fact to make known.  Another good fact would be, that "We are Not Alone".

Weekly Theme: Week of August 12-18, 2018

The Theme for this Week is Revelation.  Revelation?  Oh, you mean a "surprising and previously unknown fact"?  Okay, so how do you Get these facts?  By "divine or supernatural disclosure"?  I'll go with that.

Word for the Day: Saturday, August 11, 2018

The Word for Yesterday (Saturday) was Expansion.  Expanded Philosophy?  [or]  Philosophy of Expansion?  (Both?)  Note that there are pros and cons to Expansion.  For example, I am all for Intellectual or Spiritual Expansion.  But there can be side effects, to Physical Expansion (say, around the Middle), due to lots of Delicious Food.

Friday, August 10, 2018

Words for the Day: Friday, August 10, 2018

The Words for Today (Friday) are Trust and Faith.  Do you Trust your Philosophy?  Now, if it includes Faith in the Universe, it is Worth of Trust.  But keep in mind, that Faith should not be Blind.

Thursday, August 9, 2018

Word for the Day: Thursday, August 9, 2018

The Word for Today (Thursday) is Gratitude.  Now  *THIS*  is a Philosophy that I Love:  Giving Gratitude to everybody, who helps me to be who I am!  Incidentally, this Word always occurs on a Thursday  (every seven weeks).  Do you know what else always occurs on a Thursday?  The US Thanksgiving Holiday!  Coincidence?  I Don't Think So!

Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Word for the Day: Wednesday, August 8, 2018

The Word for Today (Wednesday) is Equality.  An "Equal Philosophy"?  [or]  A "Philosophy of Equality"?  (Hmmm...)  A comment on the second one:  As long as Equality means Equal Opportunity, I'm on board.  But when people use the term "Equality", to mean Forced Conformity, they lose me.

Tuesday, August 7, 2018

Word for the Day: Tuesday, August 7, 2018

The Word for Today (Tuesday) is Prudence.  Philosophy of Prudence?  (Why not?  Being Prudent, simply means being Practical!)  But don't go overboard, and be labeled a Prude.

Monday, August 6, 2018

Word for the Day: Monday, August 6, 2018

The Word for Today (Monday) is Innocence.  An Innocent Philosophy?  [or]  A Philosophy of Innocence?  (Better than a Philosophy of being Guilty!)  So, if you had a choice, what sort of Philosophy would  *you*  employ for this life?  Feel free to comment.

Sunday, August 5, 2018

Word for the Day: Sunday, August 5, 2018

The Word for Today (Sunday( is Forgiveness.  "Forgive me my Philosophy?"  Maybe.  But one could also "ask Forgiveness" for not bothering to even  *have*  a Philosophy of Life.  Think about that!

Weekly Theme:: Week of August 5-11, 2018

The Theme for this Week is Philosophy.  So what  *is*  Philosophy, besides a Degree you can get in College?  According to Google, it is "the study of the fundamental nature of knowledge, reality, and existence, especially when considered as an academic discipline".  Yes, something that can take up your College years!  But also, that can be a big part of your Life. 

Saturday, August 4, 2018

Word for the Day: Saturday, August 4, 2018

The Word for Today (Saturday) is Authenticity.  An Authentic Education?  (As opposed to a Counterfeit Education?)  What do you expect?  To get a "Certificate of Authenticity" for the Education you Receive?  (This isn't one of those Plates you get from the Franklin Mint, you know).  Good luck!

Friday, August 3, 2018

Word for the Day: Friday, August 3, 2018

The Word for Today (Friday) is Interpretation.  This is important:  The ability to translate one Language to Another, that becoming an Interpreter is a well sought out Career.  And any form of Education that can help, is quite welcome.

Thursday, August 2, 2018

Word for the Day: Thursday, August 2, 2018

The Word for Today (Thursday) is Socialization.  Are we Social, in Academic Situations?  Quite often:  In fact, Socializing can help people to study.  Good luck!

Wednesday, August 1, 2018

Word for the Day: Wednesday, August 1, 2018

The Word for Today (Wednesday) is Concentration.  Concentrated Education?  (Just add Water!)  Seriously, there  *are*  teaching techniques, especially for Languages, including "Immersion Training", that can Certainly "Seem" Concentrated.  On a slightly different topic,  "Concentrating in Class"  is a great Study Technique.

Tuesday, July 31, 2018

Word for the Day: Tuesday, July 31, 2018

The Word for Today (Tuesday) is Acceptability.  Acceptable Education?  In my opinion, that which would be classified as "Propaganda" would be less likely to qualify as Acceptable, at least by those who have to live with the concepts, through their lifetime.  One idea:  Find out what the Students  *want*  to Learn.

Monday, July 30, 2018

Word for the Day: Monday, July 30, 2018

The Word for Today (Monday) is Generosity.  So how does Generosity fit in, in an Academic Environment?  Sometimes it fits well, but often, things get more complex, especially in classes where Grade Competition gets into the picture, like my High School Chemistry Class, where helping a Classmate almost got me into a fight!  Yes, complexities can occur anywhere.

Sunday, July 29, 2018

Word for the Day: Sunday, July 29, 2018

The Word for Today (Sunday) is Sharing.  And, this time, these all go together, because both Educating and Teaching  (almost the same),  are forms of Sharing.  Finally, in my opinion, we are all Students, as well as Teachers, as we go through Life.

Weekly Themes: Week of 07/29 - 08/04/2018

The Themes for this Week are Education and Teaching.  I can hear it now:  "I'm a Teacher, and I'm going to Educate you!"  (Perhaps with the addition, "whether you like it or not!")  One thing I learned, early in my life, is that *all* life is an Education, and everyone around me, is a potential Teacher.  Not much more to say here.

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Words for the Day: Saturday, July 28, 2018

The Words for Today (Saturday) are Overview and Perspective.  In my opinion, getting the Big Picture View of a Topic, helps a Great Deal, in Retention of that Topic.  By the way, as a Manager (Consultant), I can appreciate the other term for this:  The Executive Summary.

Friday, July 27, 2018

Word for the Day: Friday, July 27, 2018

The Word for Today (Friday) is Reflection.  Anything from a "Deep Review" to the "copy of yourself", staring from a Gadget, frequently on a Wall.  But there is one thing I heard a long time ago:  We are all Mirrors for each other.

Thursday, July 26, 2018

Word for the Day: Thursday, July 26, 2018

The Word for Today (Thursday) is Study.  Careful Study is, of course, Crucial to Retaining a Topic.  That said, be Selective about "what Topics" to Study, as we all have, only "So Much Time", to "divvy up", among the Countless Topics, out there!

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Word for the Day: Wednesday: July 25, 2018

The Word for Today (Wednesday) is Absorption.  Do you Retain what you Absorb?  (It depends).  Keep what you need, and Discard the rest.  But do it responsibly.

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Word for the Day: Tuesday, July 24, 2018

The Word for Today (Tuesday) is Review.  Review is "going over" something, which could be a Lecture or Book Chapter, in an Academic situation.  [or]  "Going over" a Shopping List, to make sure you didn't miss something,  *before*  you exit the Store.  [or]  "Going over" the Day or Week, that you just lived through.  (For example, I get good results, reviewing my day, just before going to bed).  Good luck!

Monday, July 23, 2018

Word for the Day: Monday, July 23, 2018

The Word for Today (Monday) is Experimentation.  Does running Experiments, on a Topic help you to Retain knowledge about that Topic?  In my experience, Yes, especially when this occurred, in a Academic Environment, such as in my Chemistry Classes.  Because what else was occurring in those Classes?  Book reading and Lectures.  Now, of course, things will be different in Everyday Life, but you get the Picture.

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Word for the Day: Sunday, July 22, 2018

The Word for Today (Sunday) is Recognition.  Retention of Recognition?  [or]  Recognition of Retention?  (Sounds the same, but perhaps not).  No matter what, I Recognize all, who have helped me to be who I am.

Weekly Theme: Week of July 22-28, 2018

The Theme for this Week is Retention.  Retention?  According to Google, it means "the continued possession, use, or control of something".  It could be anything, from a Medical Condition (i.e. "Fluid Retention"), to something people go, out of the way to learn (i.e. Wealth Retention).  So be Selective, folks! 

Saturday, July 21, 2018

Word for the Day: Saturday, July 21, 2018

The Word for Today (Saturday) is Resolve.   "I Resolve to Preserve my Resolve".   :-)   One comment:   Resolutions are not, just for New Years:  You can  (and are Encouraged to)  make them all year long.

Friday, July 20, 2018

Word for the Day: Friday, July 20, 2018

The Word for Today (Friday) is Courage.  The Courage to Preserve?  [or]  Preserving our Courage?  (Both of these could result in good stories, though likely different).  A good question to ask yourself:  "Do you have the Courage to be yourself, even in the face of what is in the News?"  The answer is important.

Thursday, July 19, 2018

Words for the Day: Thursday, July 19, 2018

The Words for Today (Thursday) are Strength and Empowerment.  Are you Empowered, to Preserve your Strength?  I'm not sure, that there is much more to add to that, except don't forget Yoga!

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

Word for the Day: Wednesday, July 18, 2018

The Word for Today (Wednesday) is Competence.  Competent to Preserve?  [or]  Preserving Competence?  (Second sounds, a bit better).  But a better question to ask:  "Are you Competent to Be Yourself?"  The answer might surprise you!

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Word for the Day: Tuesday, July 17, 2018

The Word for Today (Tuesday) is Endurance.  Enduring Preservation?  [or]  Preserving Endurance?  (Hmmm...)  The Second One brings up a good question:  How  *do*  people Develop and Maintain (or Preserve) their Endurance?  There is, at Health Clubs, something called "Endurance Training.  In addition, I will suggest one more idea:  Yoga.  Good luck!

Monday, July 16, 2018

Word for the Day: Monday, July 16, 2018

The Word for Today (Monday) is Fertility.  And yes, Fertility can help Preserve a Species.  But don''t forget that Fertility has multiple connotations including, for example, "a Fertile Imagination".

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Word for the Day: Sunday, July 15, 2018

The Word for Today (Sunday) is Stability.  So are we Preserving Stability?  [or]  Stabilizing Preserves?  (LOL!)  But I  *will*  say that a Stable Environment throws fewer obstacles, in the way of preserving "things", than Chaotic Environments.

Weekly Theme: Week of July 15-21, 2018

The Theme for this Week is Preservation.  Preserve?  Oh, you mean to "maintain (something) in its original or existing state"?  Okay.  Do note, however, that items being Preserved already exist  --  you are not creating anything new.  So how will this Theme work with this week's Words?  We will see! 

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Word for the Day: Saturday, July 14, 2018

The Word for Today (Saturday) is Release.  So if you feel Stuck, in a "situation", look around you.  Somewhere, there may be a "Release Lever", to help you free yourself from this situation.  How's that for Analysis?

Friday, July 13, 2018

Word for the Day: Friday, July 13, 2018

The Word for Today (Friday) is Aspiration.  Analyzing Aspiration?  [or]  Aspiring to Analyze?  (Hmmm...)  Well, if we  *do*  Analyze Aspiration, we find several meanings, some medical.  But the one I like the best, is used in the following way:  "I Aspire to be the best, that I possibly can".  In addition, I suggest that you Aspire to have fun.

Thursday, July 12, 2018

Word for the Day: Thursday, July 12, 2018

The Word for Today (Thursday) is Contrast.  Analyzing Contrast?  [or]  Contrast in Analysis?  (Not sure).  But, yesterday, I suggested that there might be something, in your life, called a "Contrast Knob".  (These used to be available on old-style Television Sets).  And why would you need to look for something like this?  Because too little Contrast can seem Boring, yet too much Contrast can get, downright Scary!

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Word for the Day: Wednesday, July 11, 2018

The Word for Today (Wednesday) is Adaptability.  So how would you Analyze Adaptability.  Well, it's like Flexibility, but more in one direction than another:  Flexibility helps you to Adapt, but the reverse isn't so sure.  In fact, one thing I've said before applies here:  "Flexible people Adapt to their Surroundings.  Inflexible people ask their Surroundings to Adapt to them!"  See how this works?

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Words for the Day: Tuesday, July 10, 2018

The Words for Today (Tuesday) are Agility and Grace.  Graceful Analysis of Agility?  (Yes, some of these go together better than others).  So how  *does*  one develop, and maintain Graceful Agility?  Yoga, of course comes to mind. Also, Google  "Walking a Labyrinth".

Monday, July 9, 2018

Word for the Day: Monday, July 9, 2018

The Word for Today (Monday) is Acceleration. Analyzing Acceleration?  [or]  Accelerated Analysis?  (Hmmm...  There's a Company named "Accelerated Analysis").  In my opinion, Acceleration can be great, especially when Accelerating your Intellect or Spirituality.  However, be careful when Accelerating a Motor Vehicle, lest you attract the attention of Law Enforcement.

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Words for the Day: Sunday, July 8, 2018

The Words for Today (Sunday) are Patience and Tolerance.  Both of these Words make sense, since Effective Analysis often takes a fair amount of Patience.  Also, the Results of the Analysis may require Tolerance, especially if it doesn't match your original thoughts on the subject.  But, in my opinion, these are always good traits.

Weekly Theme: Week of July 8-14, 2018

The Theme for this Week is Analysis.  So what is Analysis?  According to Google, it includes "Detailed Examination".  So what gets Analyzed?  Lots of things, from microbes to human beings, from subatomic particles to Galaxies, and everything in-between.  Also stated (i.e. by Wikipedia), Analysis breaks down "complex topics" into smaller pieces, to make them easier to understand.  So what are you going to Analyze this week? 

Saturday, July 7, 2018

Word for the Day: Saturday, July 7, 2018

The Word for Today (Saturday) is Acknowledgement.  This relates to our Theme in Two Directions:  Yes, acknowledge any Archives (or Libraries) that you attend.  But, in the other direction, Libraries need to Acknowledge people who support them.  And remember, it takes Knowledge to Acknowledge!

Friday, July 6, 2018

Word for the Day: Friday, July 6, 2018

The Word for Today (Friday) is Kindness.  And being Kind to others, whether in a Public Library (Archive), or simply Any Place you happen to be.  And don't forget to perform Random Kind Acts, every so often!

Thursday, July 5, 2018

Word for the Day: Thursday, July 5, 2018

The Word for Today (Thursday) is Encouragement.  Encourage your Local Archives!  (And look no farther than your Public Libraries).  And how to Encourage, besides with Donations?  A Kind Word, here and there, when they are helping you to find something, or directing you to the Comfortable Seating (from last Monday).  Please note:  It takes Courage to EnCourage.

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Word for the Day: Wednesday, July 4, 2018

The Word for Today (Wednesday) is Thoughtfulness.  When at your Local Archives  (Public Library),  be Thoughtful of those, also there.  For example, don't talk loudly, or play your "cellphone music" without headphones.  And note, that Being Thoughtful isn't too complex:  Simply Think, before you Speak and/or Act.

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Word for the Day: Tuesday, July 3, 2018

The Word for Today (Tuesday) is Support.  "Support your Local Archives!"  (How?  Your Local, Public Library?)  That said, we all need Support Groups.  Look for yours, and don't be afraid to join the Support Groups of your Family and Friends.  And, above all, Have Fun!

Monday, July 2, 2018

Word for the Day: Monday, July 2, 2018

The Word for Today (Monday) is Comfort.  Are Archives Comfortable?  Well, if the Archive in question is your local Public Library, it depends on how they arrange their Reading Rooms.  Things that affect Comfort include the type of Chairs they offer, whether their HVAC  (Heat Ventilation Air Conditioning)  is configured well, and what sort of lighting they offer.  But note that these are questions you can ask of any type of business, where you enter, and are likely to sit down.  Be comfortable.

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Word for the Day: Sunday, July 1, 2018

The Word for Today (Sunday) is Nourishment.  Are Archives Nourishing?  (Of Course, if you are a Termite).  But they, actually can be, to your Mind.  So go to your Local Public Library, take out some books, and read them!

Weekly Theme: Week of July 1-7, 2018

The Theme for this Week is Archives.  In the past, I have likened Archives, with Public Libraries.  Whereas these are similar (even to the San Francisco Public Library, having "Archives", in their Basement Level), there are differences, including ones, pointed out by a Women's Research Website.  According to this site, Libraries "collect and provide access to published materials in order to keep people informed, promote scholarship and provide entertainment",  whereas Archives "collect and provide access to unpublished materials in order to ensure government accountability and to preserve institutional and cultural memory".   In other words, it may be fairly easy for an "ordinary person" to look up Books in a Library, whereas it may be anywhere from difficult, to perhaps even illegal for an "ordinary person" to find material in, say, a Government Archive. 

Please note, that there are other meanings to the word Archive, such as preserving your own data, whether computerized or not. 

Saturday, June 30, 2018

Word for the Day: Saturday, June 30, 2018

The Word for Today (Saturday) is Prosperity.  So can we, really, have a Strategy to become Prosperous?  Actually, yes:  It includes long-term planning  (i.e. voluntarily setting aside certain amounts each month for savings and/or investment),  as well as avoiding certain well-known "mistakes"  (i.e. getting lots of credit cards, and spending more than you can afford).  Good luck!

Friday, June 29, 2018

Word for the Day: Friday, June 29, 2018

The Word for Today (Friday) is Liberation.  Suppose you were "Stuck", or "In a Box"?  Wouldn't you want a Strategy of Liberation; to Free yourself?  And what sorts of Boxes, do we Stick ourselves in?  Many of them.  Good luck!

Thursday, June 28, 2018

Word for the Day: Thursday, June 28, 2018

The Word for Today (Thursday) is Wisdom.  Strategy of Wisdom?  [or]  A Wise Strategy?  (Finally, both versions work well!)  Okay, so What  *would*  be a Good Strategy, for Developing and Maintaining Wisdom?  Spoiler Alert:  It includes Life Experience!

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Word for the Day: Wednesday, June 27, 2018

The Word for Today (Wednesday) is Impartiality.  Is it even  *Possible*  to have an "Impartial Strategy", since you will be part of that Strategy?  Impartiality is an important topic on its own since, for example, the place where we look for it the most -- the News, is one place we are quite unlikely to find it!

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Word for the Day: Tuesday, June 26, 2018

The Word for Today (Tuesday) is Consequence.  Are there Consequences to having a Strategy of Life?  (Of Course!)  But let me suggest, that  *Refusing*  to make your own Strategy of Life, is likely to have, even more, dire Consequences.  Because Refusing to have a Strategy  *is*  a form of Strategy, just an Ignorant one that, in effect, sells yourself Short.  Be Careful!

Monday, June 25, 2018

Word for the Day: Monday, June 25, 2018

The Word for Today (Monday) is Elimination.  Eliminate Strategy?  (Please No!)  But Eliminating, what stands, between you, and your Strategy of Life makes sense.  And Eliminate things, that stand in the way of you, Having Fun!

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Word for the Day: Sunday, June 24, 2018

The Word for Today (Sunday) is Self-Reliance.  And what a Strategy that makes:  Living, even when others might not be able to help you.  But don't go overboard, and forget that there *are* others in the World.

Weekly Theme: Week of June 24-30, 2018

The Theme for this Week is Strategy.  So what is a Strategy?  "Plan of Action"?  "Policy"?  Do you have a Strategy for your Life?  (It might be a good idea!)  One usage of this word to keep in mind:  "Strategic Planning". 

Saturday, June 23, 2018

Word for the Day: Saturday, June 23, 2018

The Word for Today (Saturday) is Expansion.  Is it Useful to Expand?  It Depends.  If it is Intellectual, or Spiritual Expansion you are looking for, I Encourage it.  But watch out for other types of "Expansion", such as what occurs around the middle of a Human (or Animal) Body, if too many Delicious Items are Ingested.  Balance is the Key.

Friday, June 22, 2018

Word for the Day: Friday, June 22, 2018

The Words for Today (Friday) are Trust and Faith.  Who do you Trust?  The Government?  (Think Richard Nixon).  Corporations?  (Think Enron).  Religions?  (Think Catholic Child Abuse).  But how about Trusting the Universe?  And don't forget:  Faith should not be Blind.

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Word for the Day: Thursday, June 21, 2018

The Word for Today (Thursday) is Gratitude.  Now  *THIS*  Word is so Useful, that it has a Holiday based on it:  Thanksgiving  (which, like Gratitude, always falls on a Thursday).  So what are  *you*  Thankful for?

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Word for the Day: Wednesday, June 20, 2018

The Word for Today (Wednesday) is Equality.  So how Useful is Equality?  If it means "Equal Opportunity", Very!  But if it's corrupted to mean "Forced Conformity", Not so Much.  Equal Opportunity for All!

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Word for the Day: Tuesday, June 19, 2018

The Word for Today (Tuesday) is Prudence.  So how Useful is Prudence?  Since it's original purpose is Practicality, Very!  But only if you don't "Go Overboard" and "Turn Yourself into a Prude"!

Monday, June 18, 2018

Word for the Day: Monday: June 18, 2018

The Word for Today (Monday) is Innocence.  Is it Useful to be Innocent?  Ask anybody, being detained in our County Jails, waiting for their Court Hearings.  But do pay attention to the Innocence of Children.

Sunday, June 17, 2018

Word for the Day: Sunday, June 17, 2018

The Word for Today (Sunday) is Forgiveness.  Asking Forgiveness for being Useful?  (Probably not!)  [but]  Asking Forgiveness for Getting in the Way, when you Intended to be Useful?  (That was me, as a kid).  Will these Words work well with this Theme?  We shall see!

Weekly Theme: Week of June 17-23, 2018

The Theme for this Week is Usefulness.  Useful?  "Full of Use"?  When I tried "being Useful" as a child, I often "got in the way".  I'm sure there are better approaches than that!

Saturday, June 16, 2018

Word for the Day: Saturday, June 16, 2018

The Word for Today (Saturday) is Authenticity.  An Authentic Economy?  (As opposed to a Counterfeit Economy?)  Okay, here's the drill:  Be Authentic to yourself, and you don't need to worry (at least too much) about Economies, Practical or otherwise.

Friday, June 15, 2018

Word for the Day: Friday, June 15, 2018

The Word for Today (Friday) is Interpretation.  So how  *would*  one Interpret an Economy?  Practical?  But don't underestimate Interpretation:  If you know more, than one Language, it can be a great Career.

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Word for the Day: Thursday, June 14, 2018

The Word for Today (Thursday) is Socialization.  A Practical, Socialized Economy?  (Once again, the Day doesn't "Play Nice" with the Week).  So I will, simply Encourage you to "Be Social" today, and In Person if possible (rather than only "On Facebook").

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

Word for the Day: Wednesday, June 13, 2018

The Word for Today (Wednesday) is Concentration.  "A Concentrated Economy"?  (Just add water).  "Practical Concentration"?  (As opposed to Impractical Concentration?)  As you can see, some days don't seem to play well with their weekly themes.  Probably the best thing to do, is to Concentrate on what you need in your life.

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Word for the Day: Tuesday, June 12, 2018.

The Word for Today (Tuesday) is Acceptability.  So what sort of Economy,  *would*  be Acceptable?  What comes to mind, would be one, that treats everyone fairly, whether they create goods, provide services, or accept help from others.

Monday, June 11, 2018

Word for the Day: Monday, June 11, 2018

The Word for Today (Monday) is Generosity.  Generous Economy?  Yes!  And I see no reason, that it can't be Practical also.  Need I say more?

Sunday, June 10, 2018

Word for the Day: Sunday, June 10, 2018

The Word for Today (Sunday) is Sharing.  And, I guess, if you run a Practical Economy, you would want to Share it with the World too.

Weekly Themes: Week of June 10-16, 2018

The Themes for this Week are Economy and Practicality.  Economic Practicality?  [or]  A Practical Economy?  (Hmmm...)  However, a Practical Economy sounds better than an Impractical Economy.  We'll just see, how these go with this Week's Words.

Saturday, June 9, 2018

Words for the Day: Saturday, June 9, 2018

The Words for Today (Saturday) are Overview and Perspective.  And understanding the Organizations that you work with, makes sense, as that helps you to provide the needed services, *when* they are needed.  Note that Perspective is Always Useful.

Friday, June 8, 2018

Word for the Day: Friday, June 8, 2018

The Word for Today (Friday) is Reflection.  Organization of Reflections?  (Might make a good, fiction book).  [or]  Reflecting Organizations?  (Not sure what this would mean).  Ah, I think I have it:  I Reflect, on the Organizations that Help me, through my life.  See, Reflection, besides being what occurs with a Mirror, can also indicate a deep form of Review.

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Word for the Day: Thursday, June 7, 2018

The Word for Today (Thursday) is Study.  Organization for Study?  (It's called a School!)  [or]  Studying an Organization?  (How about Studying an Organization for Study?)  Well, there's plenty out there to Study, giving us good reasons to be Selective.  Personally?  I like to Study Myself!

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Word for the Day: Wednesday, June 6, 2018

The Word for Today (Wednesday) is Absorption.  "Absorbing" an Organization?  Well, what occurs, when one Corporation purchases another?  (And I know, from the point of view, of working, twice, for Corporations, that "were" taken over).  Now, I am, certainly not suggesting that *you* Absorb an Organization.  But Absorption works in other ways also like, for example, in Academic situations where, among other examples, you can "absorb" knowledge in other Languages.

Tuesday, June 5, 2018

Word for the Day: Tuesday, June 5, 2018

The Word for Today (Tuesday) is Review.  So, how  *would*  one "Review an Organization"?  (Somebody has to!)  If you know how to Review your own Life, it helps:  Short term Review  (i.e. Reviewing a Shopping List, to ensure you didn't miss something), "medium term" (i.e. Nightly, or Weekly Review of what's going on in your life), all the way to that "long-term Review" that occurs, at the end of your Lifetime.  And, once you Ace that, Reviewing what happens in larger Organizations won't seem so difficult.

Monday, June 4, 2018

Word for the Day: Monday, June 4, 2018

The Word for Today (Monday) is Experimentation.   Often, it isn't clear how to approach the Public, with your Organization, so some experiments are in order.  Some of these are effective, and some, less so.  But one thing occurs at all times:  We Learn!  Our Successes and Failures make up our Experience level, which grows, as we proceed in our life.  And don't forget to have fun.

Sunday, June 3, 2018

Word for the Day: Sunday, June 3, 2018

The Word for Today (Sunday) is Recognition.  And Recognizing the Organizations that help you, is a great idea.

Weekly Theme: Week of June 3-9, 2018

The Theme for this Week is Organization.  So what does Google have to say about Organization?  "an organized body of people..."   (Oh boy:  My English Teachers told me not to use the Root of a word in the Definition).   How about "define Organize"?   "arrange into a structured whole".  (That's better).  Anyway, we have Organizations all over the place:  Governments, Corporations, Non-Profits.  How we interface with them will determine how harmonious this Week goes.

Saturday, June 2, 2018

Word for the Day: Saturday, June 2, 2018

The Word for Today (Saturday) is Resolve.  Resolving to Protect?  [or]  Protecting our Resolve?  (This time, I see possibilities for both).  One thing to remember, by the way:  Resolutions can be made, any time of the Year, not just at the New Year.  (And one, not to forget:  Resolve to Have Fun!)

Friday, June 1, 2018

Word for the Day: Friday, June 1, 2018

The Word for Today (Friday) is Courage.  Protecting your Courage?  [or]  The Courage to Protect?  (I like the second one better).  But one thing to keep in mind, when your are living your Life, is that the best form of Courage, is the Courage to Say "No!"

Thursday, May 31, 2018

Words for the Day: Thursday, May 31, 2018

The Words for Today (Thursday) are Strength and Empowerment.  "Are you Empowered to Protect your Strength?"  (LOL!)  Seriously, today's Words are a breath of Fresh Air after, say, Tuesday.  Make good use of them!

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

Word for the Day: Wednesday, May 30, 2018

The Word for Today (Wednesday) is Competence.  Protecting Competence?  [or]  Competent to Protect?  (Both?)  One question to ask:  Are you Competent to  *be*  Yourself?  (Suggestion: Look at yourself in a mirror when asking this).

Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Word for the Day: Tuesday, May 29, 2018

The Word for Today (Tuesday) is Endurance.  Enduring Protection?  [or]  Protecting Endurance?  (Oh well...)  But the second one makes a point:  What  *do*  people do, to develop or maintain  [Protect]  Endurance?  A lot of them join Health Clubs.  But many people overlook one, good step:  Yoga.

Monday, May 28, 2018

Word for the Day: Monday, May 28, 2018

The Word for Today (Monday) is Fertility.  Now Fertility is Protection of a Species, and so, quite necessary.  But I contend, that other "types" of Fertility, such as a Fertile Imagination, is also Protection, in this case, of your Intellect.  But never forget to have fun!

Sunday, May 27, 2018

Word for the Day: Sunday, May 27, 2018

The Word for Today (Sunday) is Stability.  And, obviously, Protecting oneself, is easier, in a Stable Environment.  Good luck!

Weekly Theme: Week of 5/27 - 6/02/2018

The Theme for this Week is Protection.  "Protect"?  According to Google, this means to "keep [someone or something] safe from harm or injury".  So how do we "Protect" ourselves?  One way that makes a lot of sense, is to develop, and maintain a strong Self-Confidence, which will, practically by itself, inspire you to develop survival skills, related to, whatever was reported to be a problem.  So be Confident!

Saturday, May 26, 2018

Word for the Day: Saturday, May 26, 2018

The Word for Today (Saturday) is Release.  Release from  *Being*  a Husband  (or Wife)?  (Please, no!)  But, how about Release from Barriers, mainly Communication-Related, that keep Family Units from Relating, in a Functional Manner?  That, I like a lot . In fact, any time you feel "Stuck", look around in the Scenery around you:  You may find something, that "Looks or Feels" like a "Release Lever".  Don't be afraid to pull it!  And have fun!

Friday, May 25, 2018

Word for the Day: Friday, May 25, 2018

The Word for Today (Friday) is Aspiration.  Aspire to be the best Husband (or the best Wife) possible?  Actually, let's expand on this:  Why not Aspire to be your Personal Best, no matter how you interpret it?

Thursday, May 24, 2018

Word for the Day: Thursday, May 24, 2018

The Word for Today (Thursday) is Contrast.  Both Farms, and Families can include many varieties of Contrast.  In fact, all of life is made up of Contrasts.  For Contrast is an important part of a balanced life.  But keep in mind:  Too little Contrast can seem Boring, yet too much Contrast can get scary.

Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Word for the Day: Wednesday, May 23, 2018

The Word for Today (Wednesday) is Adaptability.  Adaptable Husbands?  (as well as Adaptable Wives?  And note that these Words and Themes don't always go together easily).  Adaptability is also known as Flexibility.  And how do you tell the Flexible person from the Inflexible person?  The Flexible person adapts to his/her surroundings.  But the Inflexible person asks his/her surroundings to adapt to him/her!

Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Words for the Day: Tuesday, May 22, 2018

The Words for Today (Tuesday) are Agility and Grace.  Agile and Graceful Husbands?  (I'm sure Wives are, also!)  But we don't have to be in a Family  (or on a Farm),  to experiment with these Words, for these are Traits that Anyone can develop and/or maintain:  Besides joining a Health Club, Yoga is another route to consider.

Monday, May 21, 2018

Word for the Day: Monday, May 21, 2018

The Word for Today (Monday) is Acceleration.  "Accelerated Husbandry"?  (Maybe)  [or]  "Husbands Accelerating"?  (Be Careful:  Speeding Tickets may be in your Future!)  Anyway, Accelerate Carefully!

Sunday, May 20, 2018

Words for the Day: Sunday, May 20, 2018

The Words for Today (Sunday) are Patience and Tolerance.  And yes, I firmly believe that, being a Husband (or practicing Animal Husbandry) would work, much better, if Patient.  And the Results of either, can be variable enough, that Tolerance is helpful.

Weekly Theme: Week of May 20-26, 2018

The Theme for this Week is Husbandry.  "Husbandry", not "Wifery"?  Well, that exists also:  In fact, there are Wikipedia Articles for, both Animal Husbandry and Spiritual Wifery!   But one thing connects the Theme for this Week, with last week's Theme:  Applicability to Farming.  But note that, there is also an "Archaic Meaning" for Husbandry:  "Care of a Household".  Next, we will see, how this works, with the Words for this Week. 

Saturday, May 19, 2018

Word for the Day: Saturday, May 19, 2018

The Word for Today (Saturday) is Acknowledgement.  Acknowledging Cultivation?  [or]  Cultivating Acknowledgement?  (Well, Cultivation  *is*  something to Acknowledge, in my opinion).  One thing to keep in mind, by the way:  It takes Knowledge to Acknowledge.

Friday, May 18, 2018

Word for the Day: Friday, May 18, 2018

The Word for Today (Friday) is Kindness.  What an Awesome thing to Cultivate, as Kindness helps the World go around!  How can you help?  Commit to, at least one Kind Act a day.

Thursday, May 17, 2018

Word for the Day: Thursday, May 17, 2018

The Word for Today (Thursday) is Encouragement.  Encouraging Cultivation?  [or]  Cultivating Encouragement?  (The First might get you Food).  But remember:  It takes Courage to Encourage.  Use it Wisely!

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

Word for the Day: Wednesday, May 16, 2018

The Word for Today (Wednesday) is Thoughtfulness.  Thoughtful Cultivation?  [or]  Cultivating Thoughtfulness?  (Actually, both make sense).  Note that Thoughtfulness is, actually quite simple:  Simply Think, before you Speak and/or Act.  You will find, that your life goes smoother.

Tuesday, May 15, 2018

Word for the Day: Tuesday, May 15, 2018

The Word for Today (Tuesday) is Support.  Supporting Cultivation?  [or]  Cultivating Support?  (Perhaps a bit of both).  In general, remember that Support works in, at least two directions:  You Provide Support to others, and then you Get Support  *from*  others.  Think about it!

Monday, May 14, 2018

Word for the Day: Monday, May 14, 2018

The Word for Today (Monday) is Comfort.  Cultivating Comfort?  [or]  Comfortably Cultivating?  (Different, even though they sound similar).  In my opinion, Comfort is a good place  *not*  to cut corners:  Pay a little extra for a more comfortable chair, sofa or bed.  Also, I often make decisions on which Restaurants to return to, by how comfortable their chairs and/or benches are.  So, if you are in business, keep that in mind!

Sunday, May 13, 2018

Word for the Day: Sunday, May 13, 2018

The Word for Today (Sunday) is Nourishment.  Now, many things can be Cultivated, such as new Life Skills, but don't forget to include a Nourishing Meal, every so often.

Weekly Theme: Week of May 13-19, 2018

The Theme for this Week is Cultivation.  So what does it mean to Cultivate?  According to Google, there are two, main meanings:  Prepare land for Gardening.  [or]  Acquire or develop a quality or skill.  While both Meanings have bearing (for example, I know that some of my Readers are Farmers), the second one has wider bearing on this Week.  For example, what Skills are you developing these days?  This would be a great week to take a step in that direction. 

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Word for the Day: Saturday, May 12, 2018

The Word for Today (Saturday) is Prosperity.  "The Choice to be Prosperous"?  Why not?  How you live your life  *absolutely*  has an effect on the details, of how Prosperous you are.  Examples:  Do you save money each month, or purchase lots of items with Credit Cards?  Do you repair items  (i.e. appliances, computers)  that break?  Or replace them?  See, living a Balanced Life helps out in many ways,  *including*  Prosperity.

Friday, May 11, 2018

Word for the Day: Friday, May 11, 2018

The Word for Today (Friday) is Liberation.  Liberation FROM Choice?  (Please, No!)  But a Clear Choice, to Liberate yourself from things, that stand in the way of a Balanced Life can be wonderful.  Also, Choose to Have Fun!

Thursday, May 10, 2018

Word for the Day: Thursday, May 10, 2018

The Word for Today (Thursday) is Wisdom.  A Choice to be Wise?  [or]  A Wise Choice?  (Actually, both are important).  So how do you Develop, and Maintain Wisdom?  Some people, when asked, suggest certain books, and possibly Weekend Workshops  (often favoring their own, of course!)  To an extent, I agree, but find something else even  *more*  important:  Life Experience.  For example, is a child more likely to learn to not play with Stove Burners, because his/her Parents tell him/her not to?  Or, is he/she more likely to develop a healthy respect for the Stove, after a burn, from touching it at the wrong time?  Think about it!

Wednesday, May 9, 2018

Word for the Day: Wednesday, May 9, 2018

The Word for Today (Wednesday) is Impartiality.  An Impartial Choice?  [or]  A Choice to be Impartial?  (These aren't the same!)  Note that Impartiality is often sought out, especially in our News.  It is seldom, if ever found,  *especially*  in our News!  But please don't stop looking for it.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Word for the Day: Tuesday, May 8, 2018

The Word for Today (Tuesday) is Consequence.  So, is there a Consequence to Choice?  (Of Course!)  However, a  *Better*  *Question*:  Are there Consequences, for  *Refusing*  to Make Choices?  (Yes, Quite Serious Ones!)  See, Refusing to Make Choices, is a Choice, All Its Own!

Monday, May 7, 2018

Word for the Day: Monday, May 7, 2018

The Word for Today (Monday) is Elimination.  Elimination of all Choice?  (Please, No!)  Elimination of, what stands in the way of Choice?  (Closer).  Choosing to Eliminate Clutter in your life? Now, we are getting warm. Actions, like this can lead you towards a Balanced Life.

Sunday, May 6, 2018

Word for the Day: Sunday, May 6, 2018

The Word for Today (Sunday) is Self-Reliance.  A "Choice" to be Self-Reliant?  Actually, not a bad Choice to make.  But don't go overboard, and forget how Interdependent we are, on each other.  For example, when we Help Others, we generally, in some way Help Ourselves.

Weekly Theme: Week of May 6-12, 2018

The Theme for this Week is Choice.  Now  *this*  is definitely an Empowering Theme:  Who does  *not*  want to make Choices?  And something wonderful is occurring, in many cases:  When you Choose "something",  someone "upstairs" (Soul, Essence, Guardian Angels, Guides)  "wishes" to know, how the "Choice not Made" went!  So our Lives are, more Multidimensional than we think!

Saturday, May 5, 2018

Word for the Day: Saturday, May 5, 2018

The Word for Today (Saturday) is Expansion.  Expansive Transformation?  If it's Spiritual, or even Intellectual Expansion, I'll vote for it.  But it it's "Expansion around the Middle of the Body, normally caused by lots of Delicious Food", I just call that, a "Transition to Avoid".

Friday, May 4, 2018

Words for the Day: Friday, May 4, 2018

The Words for Today (Friday) are Trust and Faith.  Trust your Transitions, and have Faith in your Transformations?  (Why not?)  But be Selective, especially with "ordinary Human Beings" because, in many of those cases, Trust should be Earned, and Faith better not be Blind.

Thursday, May 3, 2018

Word for the Day: Thursday, May 3, 2018

The Word for Today (Thursday) is Gratitude.  Now Gratitude is an Awesome, Transformative Power, closely related to Love, and capable of helping the "World go Around".  Notice one "Synchronicity" about this:  The Word, Gratitude always comes on a Thursday.  The Thanksgiving Holiday *also* always falls on a Thursday.  Fancy that!

Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Word for the Day: Wednesday, May 2, 2018

The Word for Today (Wednesday) is Equality.  An "Equal Transition"?  (Well, if you aren't changing content, it might seem such).  How about "Transforming into an Equal"?  (Now that's a bit confusing.  But I have, during my Computer Career, had a number of "Lateral Moves", which were, neither Promotions nor Demotions).  Maybe that's what this Combination of Theme and Word is "supposed to" mean.

Tuesday, May 1, 2018

Word for the Day: Tuesday, May 1, 2018

The Word for Today (Tuesday) is Prudence.  Transform into a Prude?  (That would be going Overboard!)  Prudence, in my opinion is, basically, about Practicality.  And it doesn't seem "Practical" to be a Prude!  Balance.

Monday, April 30, 2018

Word for the Day: Monday, April 30, 2018

The Word for Today (Monday) is Innocence.  A Transition from Guilt to Innocence?  That's one thing our Court Appeal Processes are about!  But don't forget the other Connotation of Innocence:  "The Innocence of Little Children".

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Word for the Day: Sunday, April 29, 2018

The Word for Today (Sunday) is Forgiveness. Asking Forgiveness for my Transitions? Transforming into someone who can be Forgiven? The answers may be quite surprising!

Weekly Themes: Week of 04/29 to 05/05/2018

The Themes for this Week are Transition and Transformation.  Both of these mean Change, but in different ways.  You have a Transition From something To something else.  But you Transform Into something.  It's subtle, but can you see the difference?  Anyway, Transform well.

Saturday, April 28, 2018

Word for the Day: Saturday, April 28, 2018

The Word for Today (Saturday) is Authenticity.  An Authentic Project?  (As opposed to a Fake one?  What do you expect:  A "Certificate of Authenticity" for your Project, just like you might get for a Dinner Plate from the Franklin Mint?)  Probably, the best thing to do, at this point, is to forget the Project, and simply, be Authentic unto Yourself!

Friday, April 27, 2018

Word for the Day: Friday, April 27, 2018

The Word for Today (Friday) is Interpretation.  So how do you Interpret a Project?  [And, also]  Can you make a Project out of Interpretation?  (Yes!!!)  And keep in mind, that, more than "just" a Project, Interpretation can become an Awesome Career Choice.

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Word for the Day: Thursday, April 26, 2018

The Word for Today (Thursday) is Socialization.  A Socialized Project?  (Wow!)    That said, it's good to Socialize, and even Better to Socialize in Person.   But Facebook Socialization is good, in a crunch.   :-)

Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Word for the Day: Wednesday, April 25, 2018

The Word for Today (Wednesday) is Concentration. "You Complete what you Concentrate on". That is true, whether the Project in question "precipitated from the Sky", or was Self-Initiated. Concentrate well!

Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Word for the Day: Tuesday, April 24, 2018

The Word for Today (Tuesday) is Acceptability. Are you Acceptable to yourself? Do you consider yourself to be Acceptable to those, around you? Are the Projects you work on, acceptable to those, who might come into contact? What does it mean to be Acceptable, anyway? Suitable? Agreeable? See, doesn't sound so bad!

Monday, April 23, 2018

Word for the Day: Monday, April 23, 2018

The Word for Today (Monday) is Generosity. Generosity helps the World go around. And if you are working on a project (whether precipitated from "somewhere", or originated by you, yourself), keep the topic of Generosity, in the Specs. Because the success, or failure of your Project depends, at least partly on the people around you, and you look better, if Generous.

Sunday, April 22, 2018

Word for the Day: Sunday, April 22, 2018

The Word for Today (Sunday) is Sharing. And, no matter how your Project began, isn't it Human Nature to want to Share it with others? There may, even be benefit to that, as unexpected help can result. Share and Share alike!

Weekly Themes: Week of April 22-28, 2018

The Themes for this Week are Precipitation and Initiation.  Like three weeks ago, we are back to Projects.  But here, we determine if the Project ¨dropped out of the sky¨ (like rain or snow does), or if it is, voluntarily started.  The Google Definition of Precipitating includes the word, ¨unexpectedly¨, suggesting that your new Project might not have, even been what you wished to work on!  So why not ¨Initiate" some Projects of your own?

Saturday, April 21, 2018

Words for the Day: Saturday, April 21, 2018

The Words for Today (Saturday) are Overview and Perspective. A great way to Discover the meaning of a Topic is to get the Big Picture View, or Overview of it. In an Essay, this is often a few paragraphs, near the beginning, labeled the "Executive Summary". This can change your Perspective (or attitude) towards the topic at hand.

Friday, April 20, 2018

Word for the Day: Friday, April 20, 2018

The Word for Today (Friday) is Reflection. Reflecting on a Discovery? [or] Discovering a Reflection? (Close, but these aren't the same). Remember that there are two, main meanings of Reflection: A Process, a bit deeper than Review, or what you see in a Mirror. And don't only look in a Mirror, but also in the "Virtual Mirrors", which people around you can be.

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Word for the Day: Thursday, April 19, 2018

The Word for Today (Thursday) is Study.   Discovering a "Study"  (One Definition:  "a room used or designed for reading, writing, or academic work")?   [or]   Studying your Discovery?   (That fits, better, the Spirit of these Words and Themes).   Remember that, based on the "finite time", in a "physical day", you need to be Selective in what you choose to Study!

Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Word for the Day: Wednesday, April 18, 2018

The Word for Today (Tuesday) is Absorption. Discovering that you were Absorbed? (I hope not!) Discovery through Absorption? (Yes, using the tenet: "Keep you Eyes and Ears Open and your Mouth Shut!") I don't always "Announce myself", when entering a Room, unless requested. In the "Michael Teachings" [Google it!], there is "Observation Mode", which is used often.

Tuesday, April 17, 2018

Word for the Day: Tuesday, April 17, 2018

The Word for Today (Tuesday) is Review. Reviewing our Discoveries? [or] Review as *part* of the Discovery process? (In my opinion, both occur). But *do* see the importance of Review in your Life, especially a Review of each Day, which is best performed, shortly before going to bed at night.

Monday, April 16, 2018

Word for the Day: Monday, April 16, 2018

The Word for Today (Monday) is Experimentation. So how does Experimentation connect with Discovery? After you get through the Theory of your Discovery, you want to see if you "got it right". Some people liken Experimentation with Trial and Error, which *can* be correct, but not always. If you have a pretty good idea of what you are looking at, you will design the Experiment, so that you have a good chance of getting it right the first (or second) time. Have fun!

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Word for the Day: Sunday, April 15, 2018

The Word for Today (Sunday) is Recognition. Recognize what you Discover? This actually is a great idea. Try it!

Weekly Theme: Week of April 15-21, 2018

The Theme for this Week is Discovery.  So what does it mean "to Discover"?  According to Google, it means to "find (something or someone) unexpectedly or in the course of a search".  So what "unexpected items" are you (we) going to Discover  *this*  week?  If nothing else, I don't expect Boring!