The Word for Today (Wednesday) is Absorption.
This is an introvert, rather than extrovert trait (though Extroverts can be outgoing, even while showing excellent listening skills). In the Michael teachings, it is a Scholar (Role in Essence) trait, though any of the seven Roles can absorb.
To do this the best, think like a sponge.
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Word for the Day: Tuesday, March 30, 2010
The Word for Today (Tuesday) is Review.
Review is scalable. For example, take Dream review. If done right away, it is relatively easy: Just write the narrative in your Journal. Or sit at a desk and dictate into a microphone (as seen on the movie, Avatar). But it can also be a huge task, as in Life Review after death.
Review is scalable. For example, take Dream review. If done right away, it is relatively easy: Just write the narrative in your Journal. Or sit at a desk and dictate into a microphone (as seen on the movie, Avatar). But it can also be a huge task, as in Life Review after death.
Monday, March 29, 2010
Word for the Day: Monday, March 29, 2010
The Word for Today (Monday) is Experimentation.
Remember those Science classes in school? Weren't the lab experiments fun? Well, this question is likely to have more than one answer! (I liked Science classes, but not everybody else agreed).
I consider life itself to be an experiment, which adds a level of fun, even to the less than pleasant experiences.
Remember those Science classes in school? Weren't the lab experiments fun? Well, this question is likely to have more than one answer! (I liked Science classes, but not everybody else agreed).
I consider life itself to be an experiment, which adds a level of fun, even to the less than pleasant experiences.
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Word for the Day: Sunday, March 28, 2010
The Word for Today (Sunday) is Recognition.
Recognition can actually be embarassing at times, when you think you've recognized somebody else, yet they don't know you, and deny the connection. (And, at times, what a person is recognizing is an inner connection from an earlier reality, rather than a physical connection).
Recognition can actually be embarassing at times, when you think you've recognized somebody else, yet they don't know you, and deny the connection. (And, at times, what a person is recognizing is an inner connection from an earlier reality, rather than a physical connection).
Weekly Theme: Week of 3/28 - 4/03/2010
The Theme for this Week is Mediation.
This is a neutral attribute, as it needs to be impartial enough to consider both sides of a situation or dispute.
This is a neutral attribute, as it needs to be impartial enough to consider both sides of a situation or dispute.
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Word for the Day: Saturday, March 27, 2010
The Word for Today is Resolve.
Obviously, it's not New Year's right now, but that's no reason to shirk doing Resolutions. They work well, when followed up on.
Obviously, it's not New Year's right now, but that's no reason to shirk doing Resolutions. They work well, when followed up on.
Friday, March 26, 2010
Word for the Day: Friday, March 26, 2010
The Word for Today (Friday) is Courage.
Is it courage, or is it foolhardiness? This is often a question, based on an incident. Which of those actually felt fear? My take is Courage, who tends to act constructively, based on the wisdom that comes with encountering the situation before. (And the term, foolhardiness, is typically applied, when the outcome was not good).
Is it courage, or is it foolhardiness? This is often a question, based on an incident. Which of those actually felt fear? My take is Courage, who tends to act constructively, based on the wisdom that comes with encountering the situation before. (And the term, foolhardiness, is typically applied, when the outcome was not good).
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Words for the Day: Thursday, March 25, 2010
The Words for Today are Strength and Empowerment.
How do you feel?
How do you feel?
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Word for the Day: Wednesday, March 24, 2010
The Word for Today (Wednesday) is Competence.
Remember the Peter Principle? "Companies have incompetent people, because they only stop promoting after you've passed your level of Competence".
Well, due to our economy, we should have highly competent people in our companies, since companies cut way back on promoting from within. (So why do we still have incompetent people in companies?)
Remember the Peter Principle? "Companies have incompetent people, because they only stop promoting after you've passed your level of Competence".
Well, due to our economy, we should have highly competent people in our companies, since companies cut way back on promoting from within. (So why do we still have incompetent people in companies?)
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Word for the Day: Tuesday, March 23, 2010
The Word for Today (Tuesday) is Endurance.
This is an important trait, easily developed via Hatha Yoga. It also goes well with this Thursday's words, Endurance and Strength, both helping develop those traits, and developed by those traits.
This is an important trait, easily developed via Hatha Yoga. It also goes well with this Thursday's words, Endurance and Strength, both helping develop those traits, and developed by those traits.
Monday, March 22, 2010
Word for the Day: Monday, March 22, 2010
The Word for Today is Fertility.
This word also works well with our weekly theme, as it takes two to be fertile with child. But creativity can be fertile, too. And people can cooperate there, also.
This word also works well with our weekly theme, as it takes two to be fertile with child. But creativity can be fertile, too. And people can cooperate there, also.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Word for the Day: Sunday, March 21, 2010
The Word for Today is Stability.
One thing interesting to me is how much this goes with our Theme as, for example, friendships based on Cooperation tend to be more Stable than ones based on Competition (which can be short-lived).
One thing interesting to me is how much this goes with our Theme as, for example, friendships based on Cooperation tend to be more Stable than ones based on Competition (which can be short-lived).
Weekly Theme: Week of March 21 to 27, 2010
The Theme for this Week is Cooperation.
If we were to have more Cooperation in this world, I believe we would not need wars, as they come across as the end result of competition, with each side trying to destroy the other side.
If we were to have more Cooperation in this world, I believe we would not need wars, as they come across as the end result of competition, with each side trying to destroy the other side.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Word for the Day: Saturday, March 20, 2010
The Word for Today (Saturday) is Release.
It is hard to grow up on Planet Earth without getting stuck in some way or another. Whether it is family issues, money issues, or, for some, legal issues that might include bars in front of the room you are in, people get stuck. So, finding that "release lever" is important. Good luck on that!
It is hard to grow up on Planet Earth without getting stuck in some way or another. Whether it is family issues, money issues, or, for some, legal issues that might include bars in front of the room you are in, people get stuck. So, finding that "release lever" is important. Good luck on that!
Friday, March 19, 2010
Word for the Day: Friday, March 19, 2010
The Word for Today (Friday) is Aspiration.
There is cooperation and there is competition. People usually consider competition to be between two people or organizations. But it is possible for one person to compete to be the best he/she can be. Replace Compete with Aspire.
There is cooperation and there is competition. People usually consider competition to be between two people or organizations. But it is possible for one person to compete to be the best he/she can be. Replace Compete with Aspire.
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Word for the Day: Thursday, March 18, 2010
The Word for Today (Thursday) is Contrast.
Life is an exercise in contrasts, both pleasant and not so much. Look for the beauty, and remember that, when stuck in the less pleasant experiences.
Also, search for your own, personal contrast knob, allowing, at least a limited control over how intense these contrasts are. (I found my own knob, suggesting others can, also).
Life is an exercise in contrasts, both pleasant and not so much. Look for the beauty, and remember that, when stuck in the less pleasant experiences.
Also, search for your own, personal contrast knob, allowing, at least a limited control over how intense these contrasts are. (I found my own knob, suggesting others can, also).
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Word for the Day: Wednesday, March 17, 2010
The Word for Today (Wednesday) is Adaptability.
The funny thing: Yesterday's words (Agility and Grace) help one to be flexible enough to be Adaptable. (And I do like to combine these words).
The funny thing: Yesterday's words (Agility and Grace) help one to be flexible enough to be Adaptable. (And I do like to combine these words).
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Words for the Day: Tuesday, March 16, 2010
The Words for Today (Tuesday) are Agility and Grace.
Smooth, unhurried and with no sudden moves. It was through learning to walk slowly that I learned to be graceful in my movements. And through gracefulness, comes agility.
Smooth, unhurried and with no sudden moves. It was through learning to walk slowly that I learned to be graceful in my movements. And through gracefulness, comes agility.
Monday, March 15, 2010
Word for the Day: Monday, March 15, 2010
The Word for Today (Monday) is Acceleration.
Certainly, acceleration is often a good thing (except when already above the speed limit on an Interstate highway). But, even spiritually, it's wise to not accelerate too fast, such as to avoid visits to your local mental institution.
Accelerate safely, please!
Certainly, acceleration is often a good thing (except when already above the speed limit on an Interstate highway). But, even spiritually, it's wise to not accelerate too fast, such as to avoid visits to your local mental institution.
Accelerate safely, please!
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Words for the Day: Sunday, March 14, 2010
The Two Words for Today (Sunday) are Patience and Tolerance.
First off, Patience is great, as it is the opposite of a popular Michael Teachings Chief Feature.
As well, Tolerance is wonderful, because it is a pre-curser to a popular Michael Goal.
Try practicing them both.
First off, Patience is great, as it is the opposite of a popular Michael Teachings Chief Feature.
As well, Tolerance is wonderful, because it is a pre-curser to a popular Michael Goal.
Try practicing them both.
Weekly Theme: Week of March 14-20, 2010
The Theme for this Week is Circulation.
How does a person effectively circulate? Our blood certainly does. Library books certainly do. The world wants to know!
How does a person effectively circulate? Our blood certainly does. Library books certainly do. The world wants to know!
Saturday, March 13, 2010
Word for the Day: Saturday, March 13, 2010
The Word for Today (Saturday) is Acknowledgment.
I fully and completely acknowledge everyone who has ever helped me in my growth this lifetime. And I fully and completely encourage [last Thursday's word] you to do the same. See how simple this can be?
I fully and completely acknowledge everyone who has ever helped me in my growth this lifetime. And I fully and completely encourage [last Thursday's word] you to do the same. See how simple this can be?
Friday, March 12, 2010
Word for the Day: Friday, March 12, 2010
The Word for Today is Kindness.
It feels good to be kind. Why not, folks?
It feels good to be kind. Why not, folks?
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Word for the Day: Thursday, March 11, 2010
The Word for Today (Thursday) is Encouragement.
Charge from me: "I fully and completely Encourage you [yes, YOU] to be yourself!"
Charge from me: "I fully and completely Encourage you [yes, YOU] to be yourself!"
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Word for the Day: Wednesday, March 10, 2010
The Word for Today (Wednesday) is Thoughtfulness.
An example word of a part of it: "It would have been thoughtful of me to have put this up earlier in the day".
Also, it is good to be "full of thought", but brains are not meant to be "over-filled". ;-)
An example word of a part of it: "It would have been thoughtful of me to have put this up earlier in the day".
Also, it is good to be "full of thought", but brains are not meant to be "over-filled". ;-)
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Word for the Day: Tuesday, March 9, 2010
The Word for Today is Support.
It's a good idea to find your Support Circle and use it. Also, know that you are likely part of other people's support circles. Don't shirk that duty.
It's a good idea to find your Support Circle and use it. Also, know that you are likely part of other people's support circles. Don't shirk that duty.
Word for the Day: Monday, March 8, 2010
The Word for Yesterday [ahem] was Comfort.
Yesterday was so "comfortable", that I forgot to update my BLOG [or Facebook status, for that matter]. Oh well...
Yesterday was so "comfortable", that I forgot to update my BLOG [or Facebook status, for that matter]. Oh well...
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Word for the Day: Sunday, March 7, 2010
The Word for Today is Nourishment.
And I can use some of that right now! Thank you very much!
And I can use some of that right now! Thank you very much!
Weekly Theme: Week of March 7-13, 2010
The Theme for this week is Celebration.
If you are alive right now, that is cause for celebration! Champaign, of course. We have been in rough waters lately, folks! I hope you all will recover quickly.
So here's to 2010 and on!
If you are alive right now, that is cause for celebration! Champaign, of course. We have been in rough waters lately, folks! I hope you all will recover quickly.
So here's to 2010 and on!
Saturday, March 6, 2010
Word for the Day: Saturday, March 6, 2010
The Word for Today is Prosperity.
Who is prosperous these days? Really? There's "paper prosperity", where it "seems" that a stock or home will "go way up". But does that sort of prosperity pay the bills?
The Earth itself is generous. Trees often have fruit, some of which can even fall on you [ouch? Yes, at times]. That fruit can be tasty and nutritious, or bitter and dangerous.
Once again, the question, What does prosperity really mean? If you thought you were prosperous, because of some stock options or some such, but then, the company itself folded, where are you now? If somebody told you, "pssst... if you vote NO on that healthcare bill, I can make you prosperous", would you vote your consciounce? Or your pocket book? I think the Republicans have pretty much made it rather clear where they stand on that issue.
So where do we get prosperity? Money doesn't grow on trees, but fruit does.
Take Iceland, for example. I guess that the People of Iceland don't feel so prosperous, when they can't get any money out of their ATM machines.
So what?
Who is prosperous these days? Really? There's "paper prosperity", where it "seems" that a stock or home will "go way up". But does that sort of prosperity pay the bills?
The Earth itself is generous. Trees often have fruit, some of which can even fall on you [ouch? Yes, at times]. That fruit can be tasty and nutritious, or bitter and dangerous.
Once again, the question, What does prosperity really mean? If you thought you were prosperous, because of some stock options or some such, but then, the company itself folded, where are you now? If somebody told you, "pssst... if you vote NO on that healthcare bill, I can make you prosperous", would you vote your consciounce? Or your pocket book? I think the Republicans have pretty much made it rather clear where they stand on that issue.
So where do we get prosperity? Money doesn't grow on trees, but fruit does.
Take Iceland, for example. I guess that the People of Iceland don't feel so prosperous, when they can't get any money out of their ATM machines.
So what?
Friday, March 5, 2010
Word for the Day: Friday, March 5, 2010
The Word for Today is Liberation.
Boy, have I had self-made Prisons to "liberate myself from", these days. Get out of one, and another one's there, like peeling an onion.
Please tell me I'm not the ONLY one who has had this problem! Comments, anyone?
Boy, have I had self-made Prisons to "liberate myself from", these days. Get out of one, and another one's there, like peeling an onion.
Please tell me I'm not the ONLY one who has had this problem! Comments, anyone?
Catch-up number 2, 2/28 - 3/4/2010
Final catch-up from the DSL outage:
Sunday (2/28) was Self-Reliance (Ouch! We need each other!) Monday (3/1) was Elimination (as long as it wasn't IMPORTANT to you). Tuesday (3/2) was Consequence (as opposed to Truth?) Wednesday (3/3) was Impartiality (easiest for Scholars, I think...) Finally, Thursday (3/4) was Wisdom (which comes from Life Experience, not generally Book Reading).
Good luck with all that!
Sunday (2/28) was Self-Reliance (Ouch! We need each other!) Monday (3/1) was Elimination (as long as it wasn't IMPORTANT to you). Tuesday (3/2) was Consequence (as opposed to Truth?) Wednesday (3/3) was Impartiality (easiest for Scholars, I think...) Finally, Thursday (3/4) was Wisdom (which comes from Life Experience, not generally Book Reading).
Good luck with all that!
Weekly Theme, week of 2/28 to 3/6/2010
The Theme for this Week is Revelation.
This is, of course, the realm of the Channeler, as well as the Prophets in the bible.
Careful, however, as you can easily get hurt here, especially if you let your day-to-day life go south for the winter.
This is, of course, the realm of the Channeler, as well as the Prophets in the bible.
Careful, however, as you can easily get hurt here, especially if you let your day-to-day life go south for the winter.
Word catchup, part 1, 2/24 to 2/27/2010
Hello folks, had an extended DSL outage.
Wednesday, 2/24 was Equality. Thursday the 25th was Gratitude, something to keep in mind, even when NOT the word. Friday, the 26th was two words, Trust and Faith. Finally, Saturday, the 27th was Expansion (which shouldn't be via getting fat).
A little more and I'll be caught up.
Wednesday, 2/24 was Equality. Thursday the 25th was Gratitude, something to keep in mind, even when NOT the word. Friday, the 26th was two words, Trust and Faith. Finally, Saturday, the 27th was Expansion (which shouldn't be via getting fat).
A little more and I'll be caught up.
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